Hello....Tatyana.Dalam e-mail ini akan aku jawab beberapa pertanyaan k terjemahan - Hello....Tatyana.Dalam e-mail ini akan aku jawab beberapa pertanyaan k Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Hello....Tatyana.Dalam e-mail ini a


Dalam e-mail ini akan aku jawab beberapa pertanyaan kamu. Mungkin sebagian telah aku sampaikan ke kamu. Oke .... Tatyana sebenarnya saya senang menerima email dari kamu, ada perasaan gelisah ketika menunggu balasan email dari kamu. seperti yang telah aku sampaikan aku tinggal di Ibdonesia, di kota Cirebon Jawa barat, mungkin kamu telah mengecek di internet komputer kamu. Tatyana aku seorang muslim, aku lahir tanggal 26 september 1986. Mengenai type wanita yang aku suka.,,,aku suka wanita keibuan yang baik dan penuh perhatian. Melihat photo kamu di email.,aku jujur merasa tertarik .....,.melihat seorang wanita Samara. Rusia yang cantik, aku jadi berpikir apakah lelaki disana tidak ada yang tertarik ke kamu Tatyana atau kamu tidak tertarik kepada lelaki disana,,,,,,;? Tatyana aku merasa beruntung bisa ,megenal kamu walaupun hanya melalui internet.
Maaf ...apakah kanu pernah punya boyfriends..? Bisakah sedikit kamu ceritakan, bagaimana kamu menjalani bersama pacar kanu.,,,?
untuk aku Jika betul-betul
mencintai wanita,
Aku harus berupaya
sangat mengerti tentangnya,
mendengar setiap pikirannya,
melihat setiap impiannya, dan menyediakan sayap baginya
ketika dia ingin terbang.
Seperti judul film yang kau lihat aku sedang menjalani sebuah "Mission Impossible". Kita tidak mau kecewa,... ataupun film "beauty and the beast".
Wanita secantik kamu tidak layak untuk kecewa. Aku tak bisa membanggakan diri ini dihadapan kamu.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Hello .... Tatyana.In this e-mail will I answer a few questions for you. Maybe some have I pass on to you. Okay .... Tatyana I actually love to receive email from you, there is a feeling of restless while waiting for a reply email from you. as I have said and I live in Ibdonesia, in the town of Cirebon in West Java, maybe you have been checking on the internet your computer. Tatyana I'm a muslim, I was born on september 26, 1986. Regarding the type of women I like.,,, I like the woman's motherhood is good and attentive. See a photo you email, I honestly felt interested. ....,. see a woman Samara. Russia is gorgeous, I'm so think whether males there no one attracted to you or you are not interested in Tatyana told the man there,,,,,,;? Tatyana I felt lucky to get megenal you, though only through the internet. Sorry ... whether kanu never had boyfriends? Can you tell me a little bit, how do you live together with girlfriend kanu.,,,?for me if the exactlove the ladies,I must strivevery understanding about it,hear his thoughts,see each of her dreams, and provides him a wingWhen she wants to fly.As the title of the film you see I was undergoing a "Mission Impossible". We don't want to let down, ... or the movie "beauty and the beast".Women as beautiful as you are not worthy to be disappointed. I cannot boast about it before you.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Hello .... Tatyana. In this e-mail will I answer some of your questions. May partly have I to say to you. Okay .... Tatyana actually I am happy to receive emails from you, there is an uneasy feeling when waiting for a reply e-mail from you. as I have to say I live in Ibdonesia, in the city of Cirebon, West Java, you may have to check your computer on the internet. Tatyana I am a Muslim, I was born on 26 September 1986. Regarding the type of woman that I love. ,,, I like the maternal nice and attentive. View photos of you in an email. I honestly feel interested .....,. Saw a woman Samara. Russia beautiful, I had to wonder whether the man there, no one is interested to offer Tatyana or you are not attracted to men there ,,,,,,;? Tatyana I feel lucky to be, megenal you even if only through the Internet. I'm sorry ... did kanu never had boyfriends ..? Can you tell me a little bit, how do you live with a girlfriend kanu. ,,,? To me if really love women, I must strive very understanding about it, hear every thought, see every dream, and provide her wings when she wants to fly. As the title of the movie that you see I'm undergoing a "Mission Impossible". We do not want to be disappointed, ... or the movie "beauty and the beast". The woman as pretty as you do not deserve to be disappointed. I can not boast of this in front of you.

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