English task
Hay, guys
My name efi wulandari. I was born in the district purworejo, sub pituruh, Ngampel village on July twelve thousand headed se, nine hundred and ninety-six. My fourth child of three brothers, my sister first and second male is the third sister and I are women. I was reticent figure, jovial, often laugh that I think is funny, many people find me weird, because my personality is different but I am a serious person if given the responsibility. It was my nature now that comes from the past, I have read fanfic hobby, read a book, listen to music, watch movies and Korean dramas, volyy, badminton, my religion is Islam, my blood type is O. Now I lecture in UNS majors science of history. Achievement I have is our scout camp and I followed my group get 2 champion at that time I became chairman. volleyball is my hobby from SD to date, During my sporting contest, namely volleyball, long jump, discus, triple jump champion 4 I always get the maximum level of the district and certainly at the district level, sometimes I feel sad, if I was not working hard enough or another reason. But when my school exams get 2 champion in the class, but usually rank menadaptkan 4/5. I have also been a director of the classes play an extraordinary experience. I am getting the first formal education in kindergarten Dharma Siwi Ngampel when I was five years of age. I am currently in kindergarten is very quiet, rarely talk is very different from my friends who others..I home from school with four of my friends name yeni, Saroh and priests. Once home we always play together. The interesting thing from my kindergarten was when we were playing in front of the class, suddenly there are crazy people who go to school area with screaming loudly once our fears and our teachers to guide us to go to class, a lot of friends who were crying in fear , Another interesting thing that always remembered in my memory after I graduated from kindergarten, I continue my studies at the State Primary School Ngampel, by the time I was six years of age in the year two thousand two. During my elementary school, I always played with my friends, when SD my friends many men, fishing is our hobby, playing until we are satisfied there is no limit to play it that makes me free and makes me someone who dared to take risk, dare, do not give up. We played from the risk of light as play-cuisine cook until fish in paddy fields that sometimes there are snakes, through deep river to the place of the places that are considered scary. It is not interesting but we learn to be brave and teamwork. And also that which makes me have a tomboy nature, bold and feel challenged to try new things. My father was a very hard but different my mother was the one who gently and firmly. I graduated from elementary school in 2008 with the rank of five. After graduating from elementary school, I continued in the Junior High School twenty purworejo in the year two thousand and eight in class VII School D. I get ranked into four or five best in purworejo although his place in the village instead city. The most interesting thing is that I never get a value of 0 for mathematics and makes me motivated to fix it. I'm not one to give up so easily, basically I am not a smart man only my people who work hard in learning. Although I can not learn always my force and tried to discipline in learning. When the increase in class from class VII to VIII grade, my brother who first died of illness at the age of twenty-nine years. Older brother that I loved, who always understood me always give me what I want. At that time I dropped my sad makes me an extraordinary quieter and more indifferent, when I scold silent and indifferent, I like to be alone and often cry, especially when I feel alone daan not have any friends. At that time I did not have many friends. , I really worse, I even think it's better if I do not exist this world and follow my older brother who died. Currently I am sick typhoid exam, making me do the exam can not focus. I graduated from high school in 2008. After that, I went to the SMA ten Purworejo. I was in class X-1. I tried to change any of my personality become more reticent to speak, of the indifferent became more concerned. Make people around me feel comfortable. And while in high school, I had many friends, trying to understand them understand any of my friends of different nature in high school I also met my best friend when we entered Trisnowati scout organizations and friends who I love. This is where I fix all my life, character, personality, and the purpose of my life, all the changed and changing all my life. A unique experience in high school is I never asked for money to six people my teacher for one class snack at least thirty-five thousand per teacher, at that time I was the head of the class. And it also makes me known by my homeroom teacher thugs, because I am also a tomboy, call it until now clung to me, I did not pass last SNMPTN register SBMPTN. When the announcement the day before my birthday I received a written history of the Department of UNS. I graduated high school in two thousand fourteen. Now here I am, March Surakarta University student, majoring in the science of history. People around me confused, I took over the department who want to work where ,,?. But I do not care, this important destiny should I live and I enjoy my life now I have even more temann my friends who are very dear to me, they call us GDT 48 the first twelve people now thirteen people, our properties very different but we respect each other. I met a new friend called, is the name of aviv, which sucks her friend, but I am trying to understand the nature of her and she understands my nature. The most interesting thing was when I borrowed my friend sandals from sekre to the mosque together with friends (aviv) teralu the distance is not far away but it was night. But when going back to sekre, I wear sandals requested by the owner, automatically I had to walk barefoot but my friend split slippers
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