• Struktur generik Penghitungan ulang biografi bertujuan untuk menginf terjemahan - • Struktur generik Penghitungan ulang biografi bertujuan untuk menginf Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

• Struktur generik Penghitungan ula

• Struktur generik Penghitungan ulang biografi bertujuan untuk menginformasikan oleh menceritakan kembali peristiwa masa lalu dan prestasi dalam kehidupan seseorang. Teks-teks yang terdiri dari tiga bagian:) bagian 1: orientasi Ia diberikan pembaca informasi latar belakang sebagai dua mengapa orang ini Penting dan harus memiliki biografi ditulis tentang. Paragraf pembukaan harus menjawab pertanyaan: siapa, apa, di mana, Kapan, dan bagaimana.b) bagian 2: Di bagian ini, penulis menjelaskan kejadian-kejadian yang telah dialami oleh tokoh.c) bagian 3: reorientasi Terdiri dari jenis kesimpulan dengan mengomentari kontribusi orang ini telah membuat atau ringkasan, dan evaluasi prestasi seseorang.• Fitur ) menceritakan biografi menggunakan nama-nama tertentu orang yang terlibat dalam biografi. b) terutama tertulis dalam sederhana lampau (ayat terakhir juga bisa termasuk present tense)c) menceritakan biografi juga menggunakan kata keinginan untuk melakukan dengan waktu. d) menceritakan biografi menggambarkan peristiwa, sehingga menggunakan banyak kata atau tindakan kata.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
• Generic Structure recount biography aims to inform by recounting past events and achievements in the life of a person. Text-the text that consists of three parts:) part 1: the orientation of It given the reader background information as two of these important and why people need to have a biography written about. The opening paragraphs should answer the questions: who, what, where, when, and how. b) part 2: In this part, the author describes the incidents that have been experienced by a character c) part 3: reorientation consisted of type inference with commented on the contributions these people have created or summary, and the evaluation of the achievements of a person. • features) recounts the biography of using specific names of people involved in the biography. b) primarily written in the simple past (last paragraph also could include the present tense) c) recounts the biography also uses the word desire to do with my time. d) recounts the biography portrays the events, so the use of many words or action words.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
• The recount generic structure biography aims to inform by recounting past events and achievements in one's life. The texts are composed of three parts :) Part 1: He was given the orientation of the reader background information as two important and why this person should have a biography written about. Opening paragraphs should answer the questions: who, what, where, when, and bagaimana.b) part 2: In this section, the author describes the events that have been experienced by tokoh.c) part 3: the reorientation consists of a kind of conclusion by commenting the contribution these people have made or a summary and evaluation of one's accomplishments. • feature) tells the biography using specific names of people involved in the biography. b) mainly written in the simple past tense (last paragraph could also include the present tense) c) tells the biography also uses the word desire to do with time. d) communicating biography describes the moment, so it uses a lot of words or action words.
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