PLEASE READ SHAHEER one day while he was offering the wares, suddenly there was a woman who saw it. So look the youth women also was fascinated and she lets the young man into her home. There is such a huge sense of love in the hearts of women. Then the woman said: '' I did not calling to buy the daganganmu, but I'm calling because of my love to you. And in this House now being empty ''. The woman subsequently persuaded and persuade them to do '' something '' with him. The young man declined, in fact he reminds the woman to Allaah and frighten with a poignant adzab beside him.But it's a shame that advice doesn't make it scared even their desire growing in the youths. Finally, because the young man was unwilling to do the unlawful, then the woman is threaten by saying: '' If you do not want to obey my commandments, I will shout out to everyone and I will tell them that you came into my house and would like to have kesucianku.And they will be mempercayaiku because you have been in my house, and not at all mencurigaiku. '' After the young man was seeing how the woman was too forced him to follow his desire to sin he finally said: '' all right, but do you mengizinkanku to kekamar a bath to be cleaned up first? '' How excited the woman heard this reply, he thinks that his wish will be fulfilled soon. Eagerly he replied: "How does not, o my beloved, and this is a good idea. ''Then enter the young man into the bathroom, while her body was shaking in fear itself will fall in a puddle immoral. For women it is the trap of the devil and is no longer a lone man with a woman unless the devil is going to be a third party. '' O God, what must I do? give me hint thee, O substances that can give instructions to people who are bewildered. ''All of a sudden came the idea in her mind. '' I know full well, that included one of the groups that will be overshadowed by God in his shade on the day when there is no shade except his shade is a man who invited do nasty by women who had high positions and the pretty-faced ''. Then he said, '' I fear to God '' and I'm sure that people who leave something for fear of him will definitely get better and change is often a desire desire it will give birth to a lifetime of regret. What will I get from this immoral deeds but God will lift light and enjoy faith from my heart ... No. No. I will not be working on the unlawful deeds ...But what should I do? If I should throw myself from this window? You can not, this sealed window once, then I'll be smearing my body with dirt that is in the TOILET, with hope when he see me in the State later this way he will be disgusted and let me go. '' Turns out it's true, he worked on the idea, she began smearing his body with shit-shit it is. Indeed disgusting, all the while crying she said '' Yes, feeling takutku to you that's what pushed me to do this. Because it karunikanlah me a favor instead. ''Kemudian ia keluar, tatkala wanita itu melihat pemuda tersebut dalam keadaan demikian, si wanita itu berteriak: ''Keluar kau, hai orang gila!'' Dia pun cepat-cepat keluar sambil membawa barang dagangannya. Sementara orang-orang di jalan tertawa melihatnya. Setibanya dirumah ia bernafas lega. Lalu meninggalkan pakaiannya, mandi dengan sebersih-bersihnya.Kemudian apa yang terjadi? Adakah Allah akan membiarkan hamba-Nya begitu saja? Ternyata setelah ia selesai dari mandi Allah memberikan karunia yang besar untuk dirinya. Allah memberikan untuknya aroma yang harum semerbak yang tercium dari tubuhnya. Semua orang dapat mencium aroma tersebut dari jarak beberapa meter. Sampai akhirnya ia mendapat julukan ''AL-MISKI'' (yang harum seperti kesturi).Masya Allah, Allah telah mengganti bau kotoran yang dapat hilang dengan sekejap dengan aroma kesturi yang tercium sepenjang masa. Ketika ia meninggal dan dikuburkan, mereka tulis diatas kuburannya ''inilah kuburan Al-Miski'' dan banyak orang yang menziarahinya.
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