Abdurrahman Wahid was President of the Republic of Indonesia to 4. A lot of people who've written will profile and biography of Abdurrahman Wahid. In fact, not a few foreign nationals who examines the life of Wahid. With the number of people who write about Wahid, you'll increasingly understand if this man is a fictional character that has many influences. Many people who consider Wahid was a very modern man. All thoughts generated by Wahid very modern and easy to be accepted a variety of parties.Indonesia needs a leader who is honest and unbiased trusted. -Gus Dur-In the profile and biography of Abdurrahman Wahid is mentioned, he was born in 1940 in Jombang. Wahid is the one who has the influence of Islam is strong enough. That is because he was born in a boarding schools are great. After taking his big, Wahid chose to continue his education in Egypt. With higher education who owned the make she can provide many benefits to this country. After coming home from Egypt, Wahid chosen to be active in the Organization of the Islamic RELIGION. As a Muslim who has considerable influence this made him the person who simply hated the new order Government.How many tragic things/depressing happens because we cannot differentiate between know and understand alive voyages. -Gus Dur-Gusdur juga merupakan orang yang sangat gigih melawan kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh orde baru. Bahkan dalam profil dan biografi Abdurrahman Wahid disebutkan jika pria ini pernah berurusan dengan hukum karena keras dengan pemimpin orde baru. Setelah masa orde baru lewat, membuat Gusdur terpilih menjadi presiden untuk menggantikan BJ Habibi. Akan tetapi masa kepemimpinan Gusdur tidak bisa bertahan lama karena banyaknya ancaman dari para lawan politik. Akhirnya Gusdur harus mundur dari jabatan sebagai presiden dan digantikan oleh Megawati.
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