Garlic (Allium sativum Linn) is a medicinal plant that has been known since a long time by the community. Derived from the Asian continent over 6000 years ago (Butt, et al, 2009). Garlic is also utilized for the treatment against bacterial infections. Garlic contains antimicrobial compounds that contain chemicals such as carbohydrates, proteins, sterols, saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, and triterpenoid (Safithri, 2004). In addition, garlic also contains active substances i.e. alisin that can effectively kill microbes, such as germs cause infkesi (flu, gastroenteritis, and fever) (Iyam J, et al., 2003). Alisin is a product of the activity of the enzyme cysteine (alisinase sulfoksida liase0 after penggerusan garlic (Borhan Mojabi-K, et al., 2012).
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