A. Posisi dan kualifikasi sekretaris dalam organisasiDengan bertindak  terjemahan - A. Posisi dan kualifikasi sekretaris dalam organisasiDengan bertindak  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

A. Posisi dan kualifikasi sekretari

A. Posisi dan kualifikasi sekretaris dalam organisasi
Dengan bertindak sebagai pusat informasi, posisi sekretaris dalam organisasi memiliki peran adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Peran Strategis, yaitu peran yang diharapkan dapat memberikan pengaruh positif pada status dan peformen organisasi melalui kelancaran arus informasi baik ke dalam maupun ke luar
2. Peran teknis, peran yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja pimpinan. Aktivitas sekretaris yang menyalurkan informasi kepada pimpinan secara jelas dan akurat akan sangat membantu dan memfasilitasi pimpinan untuk menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik. (dengan demikian semakin berat beban kerja pimpinan, maka tugas sekretaris akan semakin intensif)
3. Peran pendukung, Peran yang diharapkan dapat memberikan pengaruh positif kepada anggota organisasi lainnya, yang dapat dicapai dengan pendistribusian informasi (incoming dan outgoing)
Sedangkan kualifikasi yang harus dimiliki sekretaris organisasi adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Pengetahuan
a. Mempunyai pengetahuan yang luas
b. Memahami seluk beluk tentang organisasi, misi , fungsi dan tugas pokok organisasi
c. Mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan yang relevan dengan bidang tugasnya
d. Memiliki pengatahuan tentang tata naskah , kearsipan dan peralatan perkantoran
e. Mempunyai pengetahuan yang baik tentang bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa asing.
2. Keterampilan
a. Mampu menyusun laporan
b. Mampu berkorespondensi
c. Mampu menggunakan bahasa indonesia dan bahasa asing
d. Mampu menggunakan teknologi perkantoran
3. Kepribadian
a. Memiliki kepribadian yang menarik dan baik.
b. Loyalitas dan dedikasi yang tinggi
c. Ketekunan, ketelitian, kerapian, kejelian, kejujuran, keterbukaan, kesabaran, keramahtamahan serta tanggung jawab
B. Kompetensi yang harus dimiliki seorang sekretaris
Kompetensi dimasa ini adalah perusahaan memilih sekretaris lulusan Strata satu (S1) dengan berbagai alasan yang antara lain bahwa tugas-tugas sekretaris dan administrasi dapat diselesaikan oleh siapapun termasuk yang tidak memiliki latar belakang pendidikan sekretaris sekalipun.
Alasan lain adalah lulusan D3 adalah tenaga fisik dan belum mampu terlibat berpikir secara analitis. Alasan ketiga adalah sekretaris jaman sekarang cenderung menjadi partner kerja pimpinan dan banyak terlibat dalam decision making process, bukan hanyasekedar pembantu pimpinan dalam menjalankan tugas-tugasnya. Makakecenderungan merekrut sekretaris atau staf Strata satu akan semakin menjaditren masa kini.
Alasan selanjutnya adalah bahwa jika terjadi standarisasi jenjang pendidikan untuk level tertentu, maka lulusan S1 dalam posisi lebih aman. Dengan alsan-alasan tersebut maka jelas bahwa jumlah sekretaris S1dengan tanpa latar pendidikan sekretaris akan semakin menjadi tren.
Untuk menghadapi persaingan dalam era globalisasi ini, seorang sekretaris harus memiliki kualitas dan kompetensi yang dapat menunjang karir sebagai seorang sekretaris profesional. Untuk itu sekretaris harus memiliki kompetensi berikut ;
1. Keterampilan berkomunikasi
Seorang sekretaris setiap harinya berkomunikasi dengan tamu- tamu dengan berbagai tingkatan atau golongan. Untuk itu seorang sekretaris harus mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan menguasai bahasa Indonesia dan beberapa bahasa asing dengan baik. Ia pun dituntut untuk memilih kata dan menyususn kalimat secara baik dan jelas, menyenangkan semua pihak yang berkomunikasi dengannya. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas seorang pemimpin harus meningkatkan kuaitas berkomunikasi dengan meningkatkan bahasa yang dimiliki seperti bahasa Inggris atau bahasa asing lainnya sehingga dapat berkomunikasi dengan tamu- tamu tingkat eksekutif, agar seorang sekretaris mampu membantu pimpinan dalam bernegosiasi .
Adapun kriteria komunikasi yang efektif adalah sebagai berikut :
· Penerima mengerti atau memahami isi pesan
· Penerima dapat menerima atau menyetujui isi pesan
· Penerima mengadakan suatu tindakan (aksi), sesuai dengan yang dikehendaki oleh pengirim.
2. Mampu mencari,mengintepretasikan memanfaatkan informasi.
Sekretaris bertugas mencarikan dan menyajikan informasi kepada pimpinannya. Untuk itu ia harus pandai menggali informasi dari berbagai sumber, lalu menginterpretasikan sehingga dapat memiih informasi yang di nilai bermanfaat untuk disajikan kepada pemimpin
3. Mampu memberikan pemecahan masalah
Sekretaris yang bekerja secara paripurna harus mampu berpikir untuk mengidentifikasi sebab dan akibat setiap kali menghadapi masalah dan dapat mencari solusinya dengan tepat. Sehingga pimpinan tidak perlu terus menerus menuntun dan membimbing sekretaris, namun cukup mendelegasikan setiap penugasan kepada sekretaris dan sekretaris yang bersangkutan mampu menyelesaikannya secara paripurna. Pimpinan cukup memberi instruksi kepada sekretaris secara garis besar dan memberi delegasi secukupnya, selanjutnya menjadi tanggung jawab sekretaris untuk menindak lanjuti, termasuk memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi dalam setiap menyelesaikan tugasnya.
4. Mampu mengembangkan skill Human Relations
Seorang sekretaris adalah orang yang harus mengerti tentang gaya dan karakter pimpinannya sehingga dapat mencari dan menemukan seorang karyawan yang dibutuhkan oleh pimpinan. Selain itu sekretaris bisa berperan sebagai trainer,bahkan leader dan mentor untuk seluruh staf administrasi yaitu dengan cara meninjau kinerja para staf, serta rekan kerja junior lainnya. Hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam human relation adalah team work, positif thinking, good remainder, Discrete, dan Tacful.
Penjabarannya adalah sebagai berikut :
a. Team Work : mampu bekerja sama dalam team
b. Positif Thinking, komponen yang positif pada first impression :
· Sebut nama lawan bicara Anda
· Sambut tamu di pintu ruang Anda
· Tersenyum ketika berjumpa dengan tamu
· Salam dan mengulurkan tangan
· Jangan bicara terlalu pesan / keras
· Tunjukkan keramahan kepada setiap orang
c. Good reminder : dalam hal ini lebih tertuju kepada Schedule pimpinan, hari ulang tahun pimpinan, karyawan, dan juga rekan bisnis.
d. Discrete : tidak mudah membicarakan masalah seseorang / perihal yang diketahui kepada orang lain yang tidak berkepentingan
e. Tactful : bijaksana dan berhati-hati dalam memilih kata atau berkomentar saat berhubungan dengan pimpinan ataupun orang lain.
5. Mempunyai tanggungjawab dalam bekerja.
Seorang sekretaris harus memiliki komitmen dan sikap yang dilandasi rasa tanggung jawabpada tugas maka mereka akan menyelesaikan tugas atau pekerjaannya karena merasa terikat pada penyelesaian tugas tersebut, bukan karena terikat pada norma-norma formal, sehingga apabila tidak menyelesaikan tugas dengan sebaik-baiknya, mereka akan merasa bersalah dan bukannya takut pada sanksi.
Namun apabila seseorang sekretaris terlalu sering menghindar diri dari tanggung jawab, sikap seperti ini mencerminkan kepribadian yang tidak dewasa, labil, tidak dapat dipegang.
Untuk itu sekretaris harus melatih diri untuk menjadi sekretaris yang penuh tanggung jawab, yang mampu bekerja mandiri, bekerja tanpa pengawasan, bahkan dituntut untuk mampu mengawasi dirinya sendiri.
6. Mempunyai wawasan yang luas
Pada zaman era globalisasi, sekretaris harus mengembangkan diri mengikuti perkembangan Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Untuk menjadi sekretaris yang profesional harus dapat mengikuti perkembangan zaman sehingga mampu dapat mengatasi perubahan dan dapat bekerja semaksimal mungkin untuk menghadapi dunia kerja seorang sekretaris dengan daya saing yang semakin maju. Adapun pengetahuan dan wawasan yang harus diketahui oleh seorang sekretaris adalah sebagai berikut :
o Pengetahuan akan bidang usaha tempat kita bekerja
o Pengetahuan akan produk dari perusahaan
o Pengetahuan akan Rekanan bisnis pimpinan
o Pengetahuan akan pesaing dari perusahaan
Ada banyak cara yang dapat diakukan untuk menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan diantaranya adalah :
o Banyak membaca dan mengikuti perkembangan dari berita-berita surat kabar dan media elektronik
o Banyak mengikuti forum, workshop, seminar, pelatihan, kursus, diskusi, dan belajar menuangkan isi pemikiran kita dalam bentuk tulisan
Disamping kecerdasan intelektual, kita juga perlu memperhatikan kecerdasan logika dalam emosi kita, diantaranya yaitu :
o Meningkatkan profesionalisme kerja dan lingkungan kerja yang nyaman
o Mampu menggunakan emosi secara efektif untuk mencapai tujuan (pengendalian emosi)
o Memahami emosi orang lain
Profesionalisme yang berhasil adalah yang secara teknik menguasai pekerjaan dan memiliki kecerdasan emosi yang tinggi:
o Pengambilan keputusan
o Kepemimpinan
o Kepuasan pelanggan
o Kerjasama dan saling percaya
C. Hubungan Kompetensi sekretaris dengan peran sekretaris profesional
Frinch dan Crunkilton dalam Mulyasa (2004:38) berpendapat bahwa yang dimaksud dengan kompetensi adalah penguasaan terhadap suatu tugas, ketrampilan, sikap dan apresiasi yang diperlukan untuk menunjang keberhasilan. Hal itu menunjukan bahwa kompetensi mencakup tugas, ketrampilan, sikap dan apresiasi yang haruis dimiliki oleh seorang sekretaris. Sedangkan menurut Biddle dan Thomas, peran adalah srangkaian rumusan yang membatasi perilaku-perilaku yang diharapkan dari pemegang kedudukan tertentu.
Jelas ada hubungan antara kompetensi yang dimiliki sekretasis dengan peran seorang sekretaris. Di zaman ekonomi global dengan tingkat teknologi tinggi, para esekutif menjadi tergantung pada dukungan staf-nya untuk mengontrol sistem yang baru. Sedangkan kondisi dari para pelaku bisnis adalah menghadapi bebagai tantangan dan berada dalam lingkungan yang serba bersaing. Kondisi demikian membuat para pimpinan perusahaan membutuhkan jasa sekretaris yang lebih handal dan profesional.
Peran sekretaris disini adalah melaksanakan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kemajuan perusahaan dalam rangka memban
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
A. positions and qualifications of Secretaries in the OrganizationBy acting as an information centre, the position of Secretary in the Organization have a role are as follows:1. Strategic Role, that role is expected to provide a positive influence on the status and peformen of the Organization through the smooth flow of information either inward or outward2. technical Roles, roles that are expected to improve performance management. The activities of the Secretary transmits information to the leadership clearly and accurately will greatly assist and facilitate leadership to run its functions properly. (thus the increasingly heavy workload of the leadership, then the task of the Secretary will be more intensive)3. A supporting role, a role that is expected to give positive influence to members of other organizations, which can be achieved by distributing information (incoming and outgoing)Whereas the qualifications which must be owned by the Secretary are as follows:1. knowledgea. has extensive knowledgeb. Understand the ins and outs about the Organization, its mission, functions and basic tasks of the Organizationc. have the science that is relevant to the field of dutyd. have a pengatahuan about the grammar of the manuscript, archives and office equipmente. Have a good knowledge of the language of Indonesia and a foreign language.2. Skillsa. capable of compiling reportsb. able to correspondc. able to use English and foreign languagesd. able to use Office technology3. Personalitya. Have an interesting personality and good.b. the loyalty and dedicationc. persistence, thoroughness, neatness, sharp, honesty, openness, patience, hospitality as well as the responsibility of theB. Competencies that must be owned by a SecretaryThis is in the competence of the company choose Secretary graduates Strata one (S1) with various reasons among others that the duties of Secretary and Administration can be completed by anyone including those that do not have the educational background of the Secretary.Another reason is the D3 is the physical exertion involved and haven't been able to think analytically. The third reason is the Secretary today tends to be a leader and partner of many involved in the decision making process, not a hanyasekedar maid leadership in carrying out his duties. Makakecenderungan recruiting Secretaries or staff holders will be more menjaditren present.The next reason is that if the standardization level of education to a certain level, then graduates in a position more secure. With these reasons alsan then it is clear that the number of S1dengan without the background of the Secretary the Secretary of education will increasingly become a trend.To face competition in this era of globalization, a Secretary must have quality and competence that can support the Secretary's career as a professional. For that the Secretary should have the following competencies;1. The skills of communicatingA Secretary each day to communicate with customers with different levels or groups. For that a Secretary must be able to communicate well and mastered the language of Indonesia and a number of foreign languages well. He was also required to pick the words and sentences in menyususn good and clear, pleasing all parties communicating with him. To improve the quality of a leader should increase the kuaitas to communicate with the increasing language owned such as language or other foreign language United Kingdom so that it can communicate with executive level guests that a Secretary was able to assist the leadership in negotiations.As for the criteria of effective communication are as follows:· The recipient understand or comprehend the content of the message· The recipient can accept or approve the content of the message· The recipient holds an action (action), in accordance with the desired by the sender.2. being able to find, interpret utilizes information.The Secretary is in charge of finding and presenting information to him. For that he must be good at digging up information from different sources, and then interpret that it can memiih the information in the value of rewarding to presented to leaders3. Capable of delivering problem solvingThe Secretary that works in plenary must be able to think to identify cause and effect each time facing problems and can search the solution exactly. So the leadership does not need to continuously lead and guide the Secretary, but enough delegate every assignment to the Secretary and the Secretary concerned was able to finish it in plenary. The leadership provide sufficient instruction to the Secretary in the outline and give delegates to taste, then the responsibility of the Secretary to crack down on up, including solving the problems encountered in each completed task.4. being able to develop the skill of Human RelationsA Secretary is a person who must know about the style and character of its management so that it can search for and find an employee who is required by management. In addition the Secretary could play a role as a trainer, even the leader and mentor for the entire administrative staff by reviewing performance of staff, as well as other junior colleagues. Things to note in the human relation is team work, positive thinking, good remainder, Discrete, and Tacful.Penjabarannya are as follows:a. Team Work: able to work together in a teamb. Positive Thinking, positive component on a first impression:· Call a name you're talking· Greet guests at the door of Your room· Smile when meeting with guests· Greeting and lend a hand· Don't talk too loud/message· Show friendliness to everyonec. Good reminder: in this case the more fixed to Schedule leadership, the birthday of the leadership, employees, and business associates as well.d. Serial: not easy to discuss the problem of a person/subject is known to other people who are not interestede. Tactful: wise and careful in choosing words or commented when exposed to the direction or others.5. Has a responsibility in working.A Secretary must have the commitment and attitude that is based on a sense of responsibility jawabpada the duties then they will complete the task or his job because feel tied to the completion of that task, not because it is tied to the formal norms, so that if it does not accomplish the task with no exception, they will feel guilty and not afraid of sanctions.But when someone Secretary too often avoid yourself from responsibility, such an attitude reflects the adult personality, labile, could not be held.For that the Secretary would have to train yourself to become a Secretary full of responsibility, capable of working independently, working without supervision, even claimed to be able to keep an eye on himself.6. Have a breadthAt the time of the era of globalization, the Secretary must develop themselves following the development of science and technology. To become Secretary of the professional should be able to follow the development of the times so it is able to resolve changes and can work as fully as possible to face the working world a Secretary with the growing competitiveness going forward. As for the knowledge and insights that should be noted by the Secretary are as follows:o knowledge of field of endeavor where we worko knowledge of products of the companyo knowledge of business partner leadershipo knowledge of competitors of the companyThere are many ways that can be diakukan to add insight and knowledge such as:o read a lot and keep track of the news newspapers and electronic mediao many of the following forums, workshops, seminars, training, courses, discussion, and learn to pour the contents of our thoughts in the form of writingsBesides the intellectual intelligence, we also need to pay attention to the intelligence of logic in our emotions, among which are:o enhance the professionalism of the work and a comfortable work environmento capable of effectively using emotions to achieve objectives (control of emotions)o understand the emotions of othersThe professionalism that successfully is the technically mastered the job and have a high emotional intelligence:o decision-makingo Leadershipo customer satisfactiono cooperation and mutual trust C. relationship of the competence of the Secretary with the role of Professional SecretaryCrunkilton and Mulyasa in Frinch (2004:43) argues that the definition of competence is the mastery of a tasks, skills, attitude and appreciation that is required to support success. It showed that the competency covers the tasks, skills, attitude and appreciation of the haruis owned by a Secretary. Meanwhile, according to Biddle and Thomas, the role is srangkaian formula which restrict behavior-behavior that is expected of the holder of a particular position.There is obviously a relationship between competence that owned sekretasis with the role of a Secretary. In the age of the global economy with a high level of technology, their young become dependent on his support staff to control a new system. Whereas the conditions of the business is facing a range of challenges and are versatile in competing. These conditions make the leadership of the company require the services of a Secretary is more reliable and professional.The Secretary's role here is to carry out matters related to the advancement of the company in order to put
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
A. The position and the qualifications secretary in the organization
By acting as an information center, secretarial positions in the organization has a role are as follows:
1. Strategic role, the role that is expected to have a positive influence on the status and organization peformen through the smooth flow of information into and out
2. Technical role, a role that is expected to improve the performance of leader. Activity secretaries who distribute information to the leadership clearly and accurately will greatly assist and facilitate the leadership to carry out their functions properly. (thus increasingly heavy workload of the leadership, then the task will be more intensive secretary)
3. A supporting role, the role of which is expected to provide a positive influence to the members of other organizations, which can be achieved with the distribution of information (incoming and
outgoing), while the qualifications to be possessed secretary of the organization are as follows:
1. Knowledge
a. Having a broad knowledge
b. Understanding the ins and outs of the organization, mission, function and organization of the main tasks
c. Have knowledge relevant to their respective sectors
d. Pengatahuan have about grammar manuscript, archives and office equipment
e. Having a good knowledge of Indonesian and foreign languages.
2. Skills
a. Ability to prepare reports
b. Capable corresponded
c. Being able to use Indonesian and foreign language
d. Being able to use office technology
3. Personality
a. Has an engaging personality and good.
B. Loyalty and dedication
c. Perseverance, accuracy, neatness, carefulness, honesty, openness, patience, hospitality and responsibility
B. Competencies required of a secretary
of competence in this time is the company choose the secretary of graduates Strata (S1) with a variety of reasons, among others, that the tasks of the secretary and the administration can be completed by anyone including those that do not have the educational background secretary though.
The other reason is a graduate D3 is a physical force and have not been able to get involved to think analytically. The third reason is the secretary of today tend to be the working partner-led and heavily involved in the decision making process, not hanyasekedar servant leadership in carrying out his duties. Makakecenderungan recruited secretary or staff Strata menjaditren one will be present.
A further reason is that in case of standardization education to a certain level, then a graduate S1 in a more secure position. With pretexts that it is clear that the number of secretaries S1dengan without background secretary of education will increasingly become a trend.
In order to face competition in this era of globalization, a secretary must have qualities and competencies that can support a career as a professional secretary. For the secretary must have the following competencies;
1. Communication skills
A secretary every day to communicate with his guests with a variety of levels or classes. For that a secretary must be able to communicate well and master the Indonesian language and some foreign languages ​​well. He also demanded to select words and phrases menyususn well and clearly, delight all those who communicate with it. To improve the quality of a leader must improve kuaitas communicate with improving language that owned such as English or other foreign languages ​​in order to communicate with his guests executive level, so that a secretary is able to assist the leadership in negotiating.
The criteria for effective communication is as follows:
· Recipients understand or decipher a message
· the recipient can accept or approve the content of the message
· the recipient to hold an action (action), in accordance with the desired by the sender.
2. Being able to search, interpret utilize the information.
Secretary in charge of finding and presenting information to the leadership. For that he must be good at digging up information from various sources, and interpret that can make your choice in the value of information useful to be presented to leaders
3. Able to provide troubleshooting
secretary who works in the plenary should be able to think to identify the causes and consequences every time we face a problem and find a solution to the right. So the leaders do not need to be constantly guided and guided secretary, but enough to delegate tasks to the secretary and secretaries concerned is able to solve it in plenary. Leaders enough to give instructions to the secretary outlined and gave delegates to taste, then became the responsibility of the secretary to follow up, including solving problems faced in every complete the task.
4. Able to develop skills Human Relations
A secretary is the one who should know about the style and the character of its leaders so that they can search for and find an employee who is required by the leadership. Besides the secretary can act as trainers, even the leader and mentor for the entire administrative staff by way of reviewing the performance of the staff, as well as other junior colleagues. Things to consider in human relations is team work, positive thinking, good remainder, Discrete, and Tacful.
Explanation is as follows:
a. Team Work: able to work together as a team
b. Thinking positive, positive component of the first impression:
· Say the name of the other person
· Greet your guests at the door
· Smile when meeting with guests
· Greetings and lend a hand
· Do not talk too messaging / hardware
· Show hospitality to everyone
c. Good reminder: in this case more drawn to Schedule leadership, the anniversary of its officers, employees, and business associates.
D. Discrete: not easy to talk about a person / subject known to others who are not interested
e. Tactful: wise and careful in choosing a word or comment when dealing with the leaders or others.
5. Has the responsibility in work.
A secretary must have the commitment and attitude which is based on a strong sense of duty jawabpada then they would complete a task or job because it was tied to the completion of the task, instead of being tied to the norms of formal, so if it does not complete the task in the best The good, they will feel guilty and not afraid of sanctions.
However, if someone secretary too often shy away from its responsibility, this attitude reflects a personality that is immature, unstable, can not be held.
For the secretary must train themselves to become secretary of the full responsibility, which is able to work independently, to work without supervision, even demanded to supervise themselves.
6. Have extensive knowledge
At the age of globalization, the secretary must develop self follow the development of science and technology. To be a professional secretary should be able to keep up with the times so as to be able to cope with change and able to work as closely as possible to face the work of a secretary to the competitiveness of more advanced. The knowledge and insights that should be known by a secretary is as follows:
o Knowledge of the business areas in which we work
o Knowledge of the products of the company
o Knowledge Partner business leaders
o Knowledge of the competitors of the company
There are many ways that can be provided to add insight and knowledge of which are:
o Many read and keep abreast of the news papers and electronic media
o Many follow forums, workshops, seminars, training courses, discussions, and learn to pour the contents of our thoughts in writing
Besides the intellectual, we also need pay attention to intelligence logic in our emotions, among which:
o Improving professionalism and a comfortable working environment
o Ability to use emotions effectively to achieve the objectives (emotional control)
o Understanding other people's emotions
Professionalism successful is that technically mastered the job and have the emotional intelligence High:
o Decision
o Leadership
o customer satisfaction
o Cooperation and mutual trust
C. Competence relations secretary with professional secretarial role
Frinch and Crunkilton in Mulyasa (2004: 38) argues that the definition of competence is mastery of a task, skills, attitudes and appreciation are necessary for the success. It shows that competence includes tasks, skills, attitudes and appreciation haruis owned by a secretary. Meanwhile, according to Biddle and Thomas, the role is srangkaian formula that limits the behaviors expected of the holder of a particular position.
Clearly there is a relationship between the competences of the sekretasis with the role of a secretary. In an age of global economy with high technological level, the esekutif be dependent on the support of his staff to control the new system. While the condition of the business is facing the kinds of challenges and are in an environment which is too competitive. These conditions make the company's leaders require the services of a secretary that is more reliable and professional.
The role of the secretary here is to carry out matters related to the company's progress in the framework boasts
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