2. Fungsi dan Tanggung Jawab a. Project Engineering GroupProyek Engine terjemahan - 2. Fungsi dan Tanggung Jawab a. Project Engineering GroupProyek Engine Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

2. Fungsi dan Tanggung Jawab a. Pro

2. Fungsi dan Tanggung Jawab
a. Project Engineering Group
Proyek Engineering Group dipimpin oleh EM. Proyek Rekayasa Grup harus dimobilisasi di awal proyek untuk memfasilitasi perencanaan rekayasa secara keseluruhan dan berikut ini:
• Konfirmasi lingkup pekerjaan yang dilengkapi semua klarifikasi penawaran yang berlaku dan pemberitahuan tambahan.
• Verifikasi dan konfirmasi desain.
• Ulasan persyaratan teknis dan data dan integrasi deliverable dalam eksekusi sesuai dengan kebutuhan
• Bantuan, koordinasi dan / atau resolusi konflik, klarifikasi, pilihan PERUSAHAAN dan alternatif kontraktor.
• Koordinasi antara kelompok kerja disiplin.
b. Disiplin Lead Engineer (Senior Engineer)
LE bertanggung jawab untuk disiplin kerja di seluruh pelaksanaan pekerjaan rekayasa dan akan melakukan kegiatan sebagai berikut:
• Secara keseluruhan berkoordinasi dalam akuisisi tenaga kerja dan sumber daya lainnya.
• Menetapkan personil yang berkualitas sebagai Engineer.
• Menyarankan kepada Engineer mengenai filosofi pelaksanaan pekerjaan.
• Menyarankan kepada Engineer mengenai tindakan korektif yang diperlukan
• Koordinasi di tingkat manajerial dengan Disiplin lainnya, Tim Proyek, PERUSAHAAN, Vendor, dll
• Memeriksa tugas kerja organisasi dan rencana jadwal, Prosedur Rekayasa untuk Proyek (jika ada) dan mengendalikan jadwal pekerjaan desain.
• Monitoring status jaminan kualitas / kegiatan kontrol dan memberikan saran kepada Engineer sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
• Klarifikasi & Konfirmasi data masukan dari sumber yang menerbitkan dan dikirimkan ke Engineer / Desainer untuk pekerjaan desain.
• Persetujuan dari semua dokumen masukan desain / output yang disiapkan oleh Engineer
• Pengawasan terhadap Engineers pada kualitas rekayasa desain.
• Pengendalian Jadwal.
• Control dan menyetujui semua perubahan desain
• Kontrol distribusi semua data output.
• Bersama dengan controller dokumen tim proyek untuk mengontrol dokumen disiplin.
• Berpartisipasi dalam rapat antar disiplin.
c. Engineer
Engineer bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan berikut di bawah pengawasan LE:
• Mempersiapkan deliverable termasuk perhitungan, spesifikasi, data sheet, laporan, dll
• Quality Control & jadwal Pengendalian aktivitas yang ditugaskan.kepadanya
• Menyelesaikan item yang tidak lengkap atau bertentangan dalam input / output
• Menyiapkan disiplin dasar desain, di bawah pengawasan Engineer Lead. Dasar desain akan diperiksa dan disetujui oleh Engineer Lead.
• Periksa semua gambar yang dihasilkan oleh CAD Operator.
• Mempersiapkan permintaan perubahan
• Pengawasan terhadap Desainer.
d. Designer
• Ulasan data input dan mengklarifikasi kepada Engineer sebelum memulai pekerjaan.
• Pembuatan gambar termasuk sketsa, diagram, daftar, dll sesuai dengan Dasar Desain.
• Menggunakan perangkat yang tepat.
• Periksa output drafter.
• Pengawasan terhadap operator CAD.
e. Drafter
Drafter bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan berikut di bawah pengawasan Designer.
• Review dari input data CAD dan mengklarifikasikan kepada desainer sebelum memulai pengambaran.
• Masukan semua data ke sistem CAD.
• memeriksa sendiri produk CAD dalam hal kontrol kualitas.
3. Ruang Lingkup
Ruang lingkup setiap disiplin adalah sebagai berikut:
• Verifikasi data dan informasi yang diberikan Perusahaan
• Analisis Peralatan/Material menggunakan software jika dibutuhkan.
• Bantuan dari disiplin dalam kaitannya dengan desain terkait
• Partisipasi di dalam rapat ulasan antar disiplin
• Partisipasi di dalam rapat ulasan constructability
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
2. The functions and responsibilities a. Project Engineering GroupProject Engineering Group led by EM. Project Engineering Groups should be mobilized at the start of the project to facilitate overall engineering and planning:• Confirm the scope of the work that comes all the applicable offer clarifications and additional notification.• Verification and confirmation of design.• Reviews technical and data requirements and integration of the deliverable in the execution according to your needs • Assistance, coordination and/or conflict resolution, clarification, the selection of companies and an alternative contractor.• Coordination between the Working Group of the discipline.b. Lead Discipline Engineer (Senior Engineer)LE was responsible for the discipline of work throughout the implementation of the work of engineering and will undertake activities as follows:• Overall coordination in acquisition of manpower and other resources.• Assign the personnel qualified as Engineer.• Suggest to Engineer about the philosophy of the execution of the job.• Suggest to Engineer regarding the corrective action required• Managerial-level Coordination with other disciplines, project teams, companies, vendors, etc.• Check the work plan and organisation of the task schedule, procedures of engineering for the project (if any) and controlling the schedule for design work.• Monitoring the status of quality assurance/control activities and provide advice to the Engineer in accordance with the needs.• Clarification & Confirmation data input from sources that are published and delivered to the Engineer/designer for design work.• Approval of all input/output design documents prepared by the Engineer• Surveillance against Engineers on the quality of engineering design.• Control Of The Schedule.• Control and approve all design changes• Controls the distribution of all data output.• Together with the controller to control the project team documents documents of the discipline.• Participate in interdisciplinary meetings.c. the EngineerEngineer responsible for carrying out the following activities under the supervision of LE:• Prepare the deliverable includes calculations, specifications, data sheets, reports, etc.• Quality Control & schedule Control activities that are assigned to him. • Complete the items that are incomplete or contrary in input/output• Prepare the basic disciplines of design, under the supervision of Engineer leads. The basic design will be reviewed and approved by the Lead Engineer.• Check all the images generated by the CAD Operator.• Prepare request changes• Surveillance against the designer.d. Designer• Reviews data input and clarifying to the Engineer before starting work.• The making of images including sketches, diagrams, lists, etc. in accordance with the basic design.• Use the right device.• Check the output of the drafter.• Surveillance against operators of CAD.e. DrafterDrafter responsible for carrying out the following activities under the supervision of the Designer.• Review of CAD data input and mengklarifikasikan to the designer before you start pengambaran.• The input of all data into the systems CAD.• examine its own products CAD in terms of quality control.3. The scope of theThe scope of each discipline are as follows:• Verify the given data and information Company• Analysis equipment/Material using the software if needed.• Relief of discipline in relation to related design• Participation in the meeting of interdisciplinary reviews• Participation in the meeting of constructability reviews
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
2. Functions and Responsibilities
a. Project Engineering Group
Project Engineering Group headed by EM. Project Engineering Group to be mobilized at the beginning of the project to facilitate the planning of engineering as a whole and the following:
• Confirm the scope of work, incorporating all of clarification deals valid and additional notifications.
• Verify and confirm the design.
• Review technical requirements and data and integration deliverable in execution according to the needs
• assistance, coordination and / or conflict resolution, clarification, choice and alternatives COMPANY contractor.
• coordination between the working group discipline.
b. Discipline Lead Engineer (Senior Engineer)
LE is responsible for the discipline of work throughout the implementation of engineering work and will conduct the following activities:
• Overall coordination in the acquisition of manpower and other resources.
• Assign qualified personnel as an Engineer.
• Suggest to Engineer the philosophy of the implementation work.
• Suggest to Engineer the necessary corrective actions
• Coordination at managerial level with Discipline other, Project team, COMPANY, vendors, etc.
• Check the assignment of work organization and plan schedules, procedures Engineering for the project (if any) and control schedule for design work.
• Monitoring the status of quality assurance / control activities and provide advice to the Engineer in accordance with the needs.
• Clarification and confirmation of data input from the source that issued and delivered to the Engineer / Designer for design work.
• Approval of all document design input / output prepared by Engineer
• Supervision of the Engineers on the quality of engineering design.
• control Schedule.
• control and approve all design changes
• controls the distribution of all the data output.
• Together with controller documents the project team to control document discipline.
• Participate in meetings between disciplines.
c. Engineer
Engineer is responsible for carrying out the following activities under the supervision of LE:
• Preparing deliverables including calculations, specifications, data sheets, reports, etc.
• Quality Control & Control schedule activities ditugaskan.kepadanya
• Complete items which are incomplete or contradictory in input / output
• Setting up the basic disciplines of design, under the supervision of Engineer Lead. Basic design will be examined and approved by the Lead Engineer.
• Check all images generated by CAD Operator.
• Prepare the request changes
• Supervision of the designer.
D. Designer
• Review and clarify the data input to the Engineer before starting work.
• Making images including sketches, diagrams, lists, etc. in accordance with the Basic Design.
• Use the proper device.
• Check the output drafter.
• Supervision of the CAD operator.
E. Drafter
Drafter is responsible for implementing the following activities under the supervision of Designer.
• Review of the CAD data input and clarification to the designer before starting pengambaran.
• Put all the data into a CAD system.
• examine themselves CAD product in terms of quality control.
3. Scope
The scope of each discipline are as follows:
• Verification of the data and information provided by the Company
• Analysis Equipment / Material use the software if necessary.
• Assistance of discipline in relation to the related design
• Participation in meetings review interdisciplinary
• Participation in meetings constructability reviews
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