DEFINITION, CHARACTERISTICS AND EXAMPLES OF ANIMALS VERTEBRATES Vertebrate There are about 50,000 kinds of vertebrate animals (vertebrates) that are known to date. They live in all biological environment both on land, sea water, fresh water, and air. Although a variety of body shapes and sizes but have the same basic body structure. Vertebrate generally consists of head and body. The body composed of the chest and abdominal cavity. Vertebrate animals that live on land usually have a neck. The spine is derived from the development of the body axis of the primary backers or notochord (chorda dorsalis). Notochord vertebrates exist only in embryonic period, as adults will experience a reinforcement become a secondary backup system of the body, namely the spine (vertebrae). In the classification system, the vertebrate is a subphylum of the phylum Chordata. Chordates include the animals that have the following characteristics: It has a notochord, which is rod-shaped skeleton hard but pliable. Notochord lies between the digestive tract and nerve cords, extending along the axis of the body forming the skeleton. It has a single nerve cord, dorsal to the notochord hollow lies, and have enlarged anterior end in the form of the brain. It has a tail that extends posteriorly to anus. It has a slit faring . Vertebrates consists of five classes of Pisces, amphibia, reptiles, aves and mammals. 1. Pisces · Pisces is a water habitat in the form of gill breathing apparatus. This animal has a fin that serves to determine the direction of motion in the water and have a lateral line to determine the water pressure. Including cold-blooded animals (poikilotherm), which is adapted to the environmental temperature. Pisces reproduce by laying eggs (oviparous). · Based on the type of fish bones were divided into two groups, namely: · 1) Chondrichthyes or fish cartilage, for example: stingrays, sharks and marlin. · 2) Osteichthyes or fish hard bone, example: goldfish, carp, swordfish. 2. Birds Birds Birds are furry animals that have wings so they can fly. Birds flying speed can reach 160 km / h. But not all birds can fly, such as penguins and ostriches. Penguin swimming and ostrich walking with his feet, while the wings are used to maintain balance. CHARACTERISTICS: bird feathers made of keratin.Bulu that form the wings to fly beaked role of keratin material toothless bone structure resembling a honeycomb so strong conch yet light has a gizzard to destroy food great muscular stomach breathing with lungs heart bears four have air sacs are very keen senses of sight fertilization occurs internally spawn so classified ovipar animal with the characteristics of shelled eggs and egg yolks great incubating eggs and caring for her son Example: burng overpass -layang large (Hirundapus giganteus), pigeons (Columbia livia), sparrow (Anthus sp.) Birds were classified ratita: do not have Taju chest on chest bone, Example: Ostrich (Struthio Camelus), kiwi (Apteryx australis), and emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) 3. Mammals Mammals are characteristic of mammals have mammary glands. The milk produced by glands (mammary) contained in the abdomen or chest area. Mammalia mammals called for breastfeeding her child. mammalian body covered by hair which serves as insulation slows heat exchange with the environment, segabai sense of touch, among others, the whiskers, as a protection from friction and sunlight, as undercover or defense to protect it from prey, and as penciri sex. Mammalia reproduce by means of delivery (viviparous). These animals have a warm-blooded body temperature (body temperature) and breathe with lungs. Mammals have brains that are more developed than other vertebrates. 4. Amphibians Amphibian Amphibians are animals that can live in two habitats, namely land and water, but not all types of amphibian live in two places of life. Some types of frogs, salamanders, and caecilians there are only living in the water and there were only on land. But overall habitat close to the water and damp places such as swamps and tropical rain forests. These animals breathe with gills and lungs and have a body temperature poikilotherm, reproduce by laying eggs (oviparous) and fertilization occurs outside the body (external). Example: paddy frogs, salamanders, toads generally live in two places, namely land and water during metamorphosis. not slippery scaly skinned bear heart 3 (2 porches, 1 booth) external fertilization in the water / moisture produce eggs (are oviparous) were not shelled Certain types of frogs, salamanders, and caecilians nothing only live in water and on land there are only five. Groups of reptiles (reptiles) Reptiles are vertebrate skin dry skin, scaly, and breathe with lungs. Reptiles including a group of cold-blooded animals, meaning that animals that utilize ambient temperature to regulate their body temperature. CHARACTERISTICS: scaly skin made of horn substance (keratin) .Sisik prevents dryness, five-fingered limbs lungs to breathe with heart bear three or four poikiliterm internal fertilization to produce eggs so classified ovipar the amniotic egg shells alive in the water and land.
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