It is no accident that so many advocacy networks address claims about
rights in their campaigns. Governments are the primary "guarantors" of
rights, but Also Reviews their primary violators. When a government violates or
refuses to Recognize rights, individuals and domestic groups Often have
no recourse within domestic political or judicial arenas. They may seek
international connections finally to express Reviews their concerns and even to
protect Reviews their lives.
When channels between the state and its domestic actors are blocked,
the boomerang pattern of influence characteristic of transnational networks
may occur: domestic NGOs bypass Reviews their state and Directly search
out international allies to try to bring pressure on their states from outside.
This is most obviously the case in human rights campaigns. Similarly,
indigenous rights and environmental campaigns campaigns that
support the demands of local peoples for participation in development
projects that would Affect Them frequently involve; this kind of triangulation.
Linkages are important for both sides:
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