Sweet Seventeen-GrayI'm speechless, and freeze in the corner of the room that was supposed to be crowded. Slowly my tears melted. Perhaps, I did not too strong to face all this myself. My thoughts started floating around in time, exactly a year ago when even my age is 16 years old. Today it's a sunny day, but I was lazing on the soft beds of thick-coated it."Lia, wake up dear already this morning," the voice of Mama is soft from the outside is calling my name, Lia Amalia."Today's Sunday holiday, Ma." At a glance I glanced at the clock showed 6 already who was my sweetheart, I just pulled the covers and sleep again."You don't want to Pity kan Papa came home and saw his son still sleeping right?." Mama come near me. The words were powerful enough to make my eyes was staring a shock."Yes Ma!""Yes dear, its come out quickly got up and showered, put on her dress Mama Chair." Mama stroking my hair is disheveled and still passed from my room. I stepped into the shower with rhythm danced happily. I wear a new dress is purple with yellow ribbon youth.—"Darling you are beautiful once." MOM hugged me from behind and I smile spoiled."Thanks Ma, Mama also beautiful." Mama smiled at me."Come on sweetheart we wait for Papa home." I waited in the living room, in the seat that I occupy now. Dunno what Mama was doing in the kitchen, I was left sitting on his own. Tiba-tiba terdengar suara mama dan papa dari belakang “Happy birthday to you…” . Aku baru ingat hari ini adalah hari ulang tahunku yang ke-16. Mereka terus melantunkan lagu yang sama setiap tanggal 11 Desember pasti aku dengarkan dari mereka tanpa kecuali. Mungkin kecuali saat ini dan… seterusnya, entahlah… Aku menghambur ke arah mereka. Papa memelukku dan mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun dengan nada yang sangat lembut.“Sayang, Papa punya sesuatu untukmu.” Papa menyodorkan kotak kecil berwarna ungu muda, Sebuah kalung dengan gantungan namaku “LIA AMALIA”. Aku menangis terharu, bahagia.“Lia Mama juga punya hadiah untukmu.” Sebuah boneka panda yang tingginya sepinggangku menjadi kado dari Mama untukku.“Ma, Lia sayang Mama, seharusnya Mama dan Papa tidak perlu memberiku kado, apalagi kado yang mahal seperti ini. Kehadiran Mama dan Papa di sisiku saat ini dan seterusnya adalah hadiah terindah yang pernah diberikan kepadaku.” Sungguh saat itu aku begitu bahagia. Tak ada kata-kata yang pantas untuk melukiskan kebahagiaanku. Ya… kebahagian itu, kebahagiaan yang kini tinggal kenangan, dan entah kapan akan terulang lagi.Tiga bulan menjelang ulang tahunku yang ke-17 Papa mulai jarang telepon ke rumah. Aku tidak berani bertanya apa alasan Papa jarang telepon. Aku hanya berkesimpulan Mungkin Papa SIBUK!.Papa came home a month after the communications started to rift, exactly two months approaching the sweet seventeenku. The return of Papa this time is different from the return-return earlier. Papa face glum. Mama is also not welcome Papa with warm as usual. Just a forced smile before me.Since the return of Papa's House, we were a lot more silent. I'm feeling lonely like life itself. Ruckus – a small ruckus started often heard between Mama and Papa. If it's already so I did just entered the room. Despite that, my eyes could never closed. I don't want to hear people who I care about fighting There is not a word that comes out of the mouth of Papa except "I'm divorced!" Papa and mama leaving home. I grab the hand of Papa and mama. Papadan mama looked at me with a smile that had to be while I was still sesenggukan. "Papa is sure to pick you up again. " Day after day I wait for the return of Papa and Mama failed to come. ..
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