In other words it is a language of words and writing was a symbol of language.
Language is a symbol. The language is specific symbols. For example the word "home" describes the essence of a house. So the language that is specific symbols. Listener or reader put symbols or emblems are proportionally.
Definition of Arabic
Language is a sign system sounds arbitrary, which is used by members of a community to work together, interact, and identify themselves, conversations (speech) is good, good behavior, manners, good budinya, shows a nation, tact or mannerism and speech indicates the nature and character someone (either bad behavior indicates low height origin or descent).
Arabic is the name of the nation in the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East.
So we can take the conclusion that Arabic is the speech used by the peoples of Arabia and the Middle East.
The importance of Arabic
imprisoned importance of the Arabic language for humans would not be doubted. It can be proved by showing the use of language in terms of everyday life, the more Arabic we always use to implement the worship, such as prayer if we mengetaui the meaning of what we say also would add specificity in prayer, pilgrimage if we understand with Arabic we will also be easier to communicate with the Arabs when communicating with the Arabs when the pilgrimage.
In addition, in the Arabic language has grammar is very difficult, so many expert scientists to discuss neighbor Arabic grammar that aims tto make it easier for us to deepen the understanding Alqur ' an and traditions, all of which use the Arabic language, the Qur'an and the Hadith is a source of patent law so that we are required to memami Arabic. Like the words of the prophet:
• قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: تركت فيكم شيئين لن تضلوا ما تمسكتم بهما كتاب الله و سنة رسوله
"I leave you all, two things if you're all sticking with it then you all will not go astray, namely Al-Quran 'an and Hadith ".
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