Pekerjaan paruh waktu atau yang lebih dikenal dengan part time job mer terjemahan - Pekerjaan paruh waktu atau yang lebih dikenal dengan part time job mer Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pekerjaan paruh waktu atau yang leb

Pekerjaan paruh waktu atau yang lebih dikenal dengan part time job merupakan kegiatan bekerja yang dilakukan seseorang yang hanya dilakukan tidak lama atau waktu yang ia gunakan untuk bekerja hanya separuh dari waktu yang seharusnya. Biasanya pekerjaan ini diperuntukan bagi kalangan siswa atau mahasiswa. Dimana mereka hanya bekerja ketika mereka sedang tidak melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar (bersekolah).
Menurut pendapat saya tentang pekerjaan paruh waktu adalah setuju. Alasan saya setuju dengan pekerjaan paruh waktu ini dikarenakan pada zaman sekarang kita sebagai manusia dituntut untuk lebih memiliki pengalaman dalam bekerja. Selain itu pekerjaan paruh waktu ini dapat membuat seseorang lebih mandiri dalam menjalankan kehidupannya. Kita menjadi lebih bisa untuk hidup mandiri. Dengan bekerja paruh waktu, kita dapat belajar tentang bagaimana cara kita untuk dapat membagi waktu, cara untuk mengelola keungan dengan baik, mampu membantu kita untuk lebih disiplin dalam menjalankan tugas kita baik sebagai pekerja maupun sebagai seorang pelajar. Selain itu, kita dapat sedikit meringankan beban kedua orang tua kita dalam membiayai kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Dan juga kita dapat menabungkan hasil kerja keras kita untuk masa depan kita. Karena biasanya hasil jerih payah sendiri akan lebih dihargai dan dipergunakan dengan bijaksana. Kita juga dapat merasakan yang namanya kerja keras yang dilakukan oleh kedua orang tua kita dalam membiayai kehidupan kita sehingga membuat kita lebih menghormati dan menghargai kedua orang tua.
Keuntungan dari pekerjaan paruh waktu antara lain:
1. Membantu kita untuk dapat hidup mandiri. Dimana kita dituntut untuk mengambil keputusan yang baik dan benar. Baik dalam kita sedang melaksanakan pekerjaan kita atau dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan begitu kita tidak akan merepotkan orang lain atau menggantungkan semuanya pada orang lain.
2. Membantu kita dalam keadaan finansial. Dimana kita dapat membeli sesuatu atau hal yang kita inginkan tanpa perlu merepotkan orang lain. Dan juga memberikan kita pengalaman dalam mengatur keuangan kita sendiri sehingga ketika kita ingin membeli sesuatu kita dapat menentukan apakah itu diperlukan oleh kita atau tidak. Selain kita dapat membeli barang yang kita inginkan, kita juga dapat menabung untuk masa depan kita nantinya.
3. Mampu meningkatkan rasa hormat pada kedua orang tua. Dengan bekerja paruh waktu kita dapat merasakan bagaimana jerih payah kedua orang tua kita dalam membiayai kehidupan kita. Dimana dulu kita selalu meminta uang kepada kedua orang tua kita dengan seenaknya, sekarang kita dapat menghormati kedua orang tua lebih lagi.
4. Dapat meringankan beban kedua orang tua. Dengan memiliki penghasilan sendiri setidaknya kita mampu sedikit meringankan beban kedua orang tua kita dalam membiayai kehidupan kita. Selain itu, kita juga mampu memberikan penghasilan kita kepada kedua orang tua.
5. Mampu membuat kita untuk disiplin dan bertanggung jawab. Dengan kita bekerja paruh waktu, kita dapat membuat diri kita menjadi disiplin. Baik dalam menjalankan pekerjaan kita ataupun ketika sedang belajar. Selain itu, kita menjadi lebih bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan kita dan tugas-tugas kita disekolah. Kita juga dapat lebih menghargai waktu lagi.
Kerugian :
1. Dengan bekerja paruh waktu kita akan kehilangan waktu kita untuk bermain dengan teman sebaya kita. Dengan kata lain kita akan kehilangan kebersamaan kita dengan teman-teman kita, orang tua kita dan juga dengan saudara kita.
2. Dengan bekerja paruh waktu, konsentrasi dalam belajar kita dapat menurun. Karena selain memikirkan tugas sekolah kita juga akan memikirkan pekerjaan kita. Selain itu, tubuh kita akan merasa lebih cepat lelah dibanding dengan teman kita yang lain yang tidak bekerja.
Kesimpulan: pekerjaan paruh waktu memang baik untuk kita. Selain dapat membantu keuangan kita, kita juga dapat belajar untuk dapat mengurus keuangan kita sendiri, kita menjadi lebih displin dan bertanggung jawab, belajar untuk mandiri, dan belajar untuk menjadi bijaksana dalam kehidupan kita. Namun, dari itu semua kita juga mengorbankan hal yang lain yaitu kebersamaan dengan teman, orang tua, saudara bahkan kita mengorbankan kesehatan kita sendiri.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Part time job or better known as the part time job is an activity work done someone who just performed not long or time that he used to work only half of the time should be. These jobs are usually intended for the student or students. Where they only work when they're not carrying out activities of teaching and learning (school). My opinion about the part-time job is agreed. The reason I agree with the part time job today because we as humans are required to have experience in work. Additionally a part-time job can make someone more independent in running their lives. We become more able to live independently. By working part time, we can learn about how we are to be able to split time, how to manage finance well, able to help us to be more disciplined in carrying out our duty both as a worker and as a student. In addition, we can lighten the load a little bit of both our parents in support of our daily lives. And also we can lay away our hard work for our future. Because usually the result of exertion alone would be much appreciated and used wisely. We also can feel whose hard work being done by both our parents in our lives so that the Fund makes us more respect and appreciate both parents. The advantages of part-time jobs among others: 1. helps us to be able to live independently. Where we are required to take a decision that is good and right. In both we are carrying out our work or in daily life. In doing so we will not hassle other people or drape them on others. 2. help us in a State of financial. Where can we buy something or things we want without needing to hassle other people. And it also gives us experience in organising our own finances so that when we want to buy something we can determine whether it is required by us or not. In addition we can buy the goods we want, we can also save for our future later. 3. to increase the respect on both parents. With part-time work we can feel how the exertion of our parents in support of our lives. Where it used to be we were always asking for money to both our parents to go around, now we can honor both parents more.4. Can relieve the burden of parents. By having its own earnings at least we were able to slightly ease the burden on both our parents in support of our lives. In addition, we are also able to provide our income to both parents.5. able to make us to be disciplined and responsible. With our part-time work, we can make ourselves into discipline. Good in running our work or when it's being studied. In addition, we are becoming more responsible for our work and our tasks in all schools. We can also better appreciate the time again. Losses:1. by working part time we will lose our time to play with our peers. In other words we will lose our togetherness with our friends, our parents, and also with our brothers. 2. part-time work, With a concentration in learning we can decrease. Because in addition to thinking of school we will also think of our work. In addition, our body will feel tired more quickly than with our friends the other does not work. Conclusion: a part-time job is good for us. In addition to financial can help us, we can learn to be able to take care of our own finances, we become more disciplined and responsible, learning to be independent, and learn to be wise in our lives. However, that all of us are also sacrificing other things that being with friends, parents, brothers and even we sacrifice our own health.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Part-time job or better known as a part-time job is a work activity carried out by someone who just do not time or the time that he used to work only half of the time they should. This job usually reserved for the student or students. Where they only work when they're not implementing learning activities (school).
In my opinion on a part-time job is agreed. The reason I agree with the part-time job today is because we as humans are required to have experience in working more. In addition, part-time job can make a person more independent in running their lives. We become more able to live independently. Working part-time, we can learn about how we should be able to divide the time, how to manage the financial well, can help us to be more disciplined in carrying out our duties both as workers and as a student. In addition, we may slightly ease the burden both our parents to finance our daily lives. And also we can save our hard work for our future. Because usually the result of their own efforts will be appreciated and used wisely. We can also feel that the name of work done by our parents to finance our lives to make us more respect and appreciate both parents.
The advantages of part-time work are:
1. Help us to be able to live independently. Where we are required to make good decisions and correct. Both in we are carrying out our work or in everyday life. By doing so we will not bother other people or hang it all on others.
2. Help us in financial circumstances. Where we can buy something or things we want without the need to bother other people. And also gives us experience in our own finances so that when we want to buy something we can determine whether it is needed by us or not. In addition we can buy the things we want, we also can save for the future we will.
3. Able to increase respect for parents. Working part-time we can feel how hard work our parents to finance our lives. Where once we always ask for money to our parents with arbitrarily, now we can honor both parents over again.
4. Can ease the burden on parents. By having their own income at least we were able to slightly ease the burden on our parents to finance our lives. In addition, we are also able to give us the income of both parents.
5. Able to make us to be disciplined and responsible. With our work part-time, we can make ourselves be disciplined. Both in the running of our work or while studying. In addition, we become more responsible for our work and our duties in school. We can also appreciate the time again.
1. Working part-time we will lose our time to play with our peers. In other words, we would lose our time together with our friends, our parents and also with our brother.
2. Working part-time, concentration in our study can be decreased. Because in addition to thinking about school work we will also think of our work. In addition, our body will feel more tired than our other friends who do not work.
Conclusion: part-time work is good for us. In addition to financial help us, we can also learn to be able to take care of our own finances, we become more disciplined and responsible, learn to be independent, and learn to be wise in our lives. However, from it all we also sacrifice other things that together with friends, parents, relatives and even we sacrifice our own health.
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