The attitude of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Joko Widodo (Jokowi) resisted the Government policy related to cheap car powered by [CITATION NEEDED]. American party of Megawati Sukarnoputri supports fully the attitude of Jokowi.
"fully supports the DPP PDI Perjuangan to policy Jokowi who asked the Government to reject the policy of cheap cars. The scale of the Government's priorities should be for the people of mass transportation,"PDI-P Deputy Secretary General of the DPP said, Hasto Kristiyanto, Friday (20/9).
Jokowi [CITATION NEEDED] agree with the opinion that stated policy of cheap car very contrary to the revamping effort congestion in Jakarta. Moreover, the presence of such a cheap car as a result of tax exemption PPnBM for cars.
"tax exemption is clearly insulting to the intelligence of public policy, cheap cars will suck a lot of FUEL (fuel oil), which is subsidized by the State, and this would further burden the budget, "he said.
the Department assess the Government should think of mass transportation for the people, not even reproduce a private car. Because of this, as long as people continue to be victims of mass transportation as bad
."More than 27 thousand souls drifting due to accidents on highways, and more than 72 percent majority is motorcycle users. Social losses due to accidents and poor public transportation reached Rp 215 trillion per year. On the basis of people's sacrifices are so great, then Megawati Sukarnoputri instructed the entire head area of PDI-P for more public transportation to give precedence to the people. The Government should not be lost in the fight for the means of transport for the people, "he explained.
Party the bull symbol also supports full action Jokowi cast a letter of protest to the Vice President. PDI-P is also urging the Government to first encourage the transportation policy to generous people.
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