SBY Besarkan Hati PengungsiMalang, Jia Xiang - Presiden Susilo Bambang terjemahan - SBY Besarkan Hati PengungsiMalang, Jia Xiang - Presiden Susilo Bambang Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

SBY Besarkan Hati PengungsiMalang,

SBY Besarkan Hati Pengungsi
Malang, Jia Xiang - Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono mengatakan bahwa keselamatan warga di sekitar Gunung Kelud (1731 mdpl) merupakan prioritas utama pemerintah dalam masa tanggap darurat pascaerupsi.

"Mohon sabar dulu supaya selamat.Yang kita utamakan keselamatan, rumah rusak bisa diperbaiki, lahan pertanian rusak bisa diganti," kata Presiden Yudhoyono, Selasa (18/2) siang, saat meninjau Pos Pelayanan Pengungsi Pujon yang terletak di gedung serbaguna Koperasi Susu Pujon, Kabupaten Malang.

Di hadapan ratusan pengungsi, Presiden didampingi Ny. Ani Yudhoyono meminta agar warga mendengarkan imbauan pemerintah untuk tetap berada di pengungsian hingga situasi aman.

Pada kesempatan itu, demikian Antara, Presiden menjelaskan maksud kedatangannya ke Malang untuk melihat langsung dampak dari letusan Gunung Kelud, agar pemerintah bisa melakukan perbaikan infrastruktur yang rusak karena bencana ini dengan tepat.

"Perbaikan itu mencakup, rumah yang rusak, fasilitas kesehatan, sekolah, termasuk pertanian yang rusak," ujarnya.

Terhadap para relawan, Presiden mengucapkan terima kasih atas bantuan dan pelayanan yang diberikan.

Presiden dan Ibu Ani Yudhoyono dengan didampingi Gubernur Jawa Timur Soekarwo serta sejumlah menteri tiba di lokasi sekitar pukul 11.15 WIB.

Posko Pengungsi Pujon menurut Koordinator Taruna Siaga Bencana (Tagana) Kabupaten Malang Priadi Wiyono, menampung sekitar 600-700 orang pengungsi dan dilengkapi dengan dapur umum yang melayani 7.000 pengungsi dan petugas yang tersebar di Kecamatan Ngantang, Kabupaten Malang.

Ia menambahkan bahwa dapur umum Tagana itu beroperasi sejak Jumat (14/2) dan menyediakan makan pagi, siang dan malam dengan menu nasi, sayur dan lauk pauk serta kebutuhan dasar seperti kelengkapan bayi dan bahan pokok.

Turut dalam kunjungan kerja kali ini, antara lain Menko Kesra Agung Laksono, Menko Polhukam Djoko Suyanto, Mensesneg Sudi Silalahi, Menkes Nafsiah Mboi, Mendikbud Mohammad Nuh, dan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup Balthazar Kambuaya.[W5]
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]

Sby reassurance hapless refugees, jia xiang - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that the safety of residents in the surrounding mountains kelud (1731 masl) is a major priority of the government in relief pascaerupsi.

"Please be patient so we are prioritizing safety selamat.yang , the house is damaged beyond repair, damaged agricultural land can be replaced, "the President said,Tuesday (18/2) afternoon, when reviewing the postal service Pujon refugees located in the multipurpose building Pujon dairy cooperatives, poor districts.

in front of hundreds of refugees, the president was accompanied ny. Ani Yudhoyono asked that the government listen to the appeal to remain in refugee camps until the situation is safe.

on that occasion, so between,president explained he had come to the unfortunate to see the direct impact of the eruption kelud, so that the government could do a repair infrastructure damaged by this disaster appropriately.

"that covers repairs, damaged homes, health facilities, schools, including defective farm, "he said.

to the volunteers,president to thank you for your help and service provided.

president and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono, accompanied by the governor of the East Java and a number of ministers arrived at the scene around 11:15 pm.

post Pujon displaced by disaster preparedness coordinator cadets (Tagana) poor districts priadi wiyono,accommodate about 600-700 people displaced and comes with a soup kitchen that serves 7,000 refugees and workers scattered Ngantang, poor districts.

he adds that it operates a soup kitchen Tagana since Friday (14/2) and provide breakfast, lunch and dinner with a menu of rice, vegetables and side dishes as well as basic needs such as infants and the completeness of basic commodities.

participated in a working visit this time, among other things Agung Laksono Welfare, Coordinating Minister Djoko Suyanto, State Secretary Sudi silalahi, Nafsiah Mboi Minister of Health, Education Minister Mohammad Nuh, and the minister of the environment balthazar Kambuaya. [w5]
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

SBY Blew the hapless Refugees Heart
, Jia Xiang-President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that the safety of residents around Mount Kelud (1731 mdpl) is a top priority of the Government in times of emergency pascaerupsi.

"Please wait used to be so happy.We are prioritizing their safety, home was damaged beyond repair, agricultural land is damaged can be replaced, "said President Yudhoyono, Tuesday (6/2), as the postal service to review Refugee Pujon multipurpose building in Cooperative Dairy Pujon, Malang.

in the presence of hundreds of refugees, accompanied President Ny. Ani Yudhoyono asked that residents listen to an appeal the Government to remain in exile until the situation is safe.

on occasion, so between, The President explains the meaning of his return to the unfortunate to see firsthand the impact of the eruption of Mount Kelud, in order that the Government can do the repair of damaged infrastructure because this disaster precisely.

"Fixes it includes, damaged houses, health facilities, schools, including damaged agriculture," he said.

Of volunteers, The President thanked for the help and the service provided.

President and first lady Ani Yudhoyono was accompanied by East Java Governor Soekarwo as well as a number of Ministers arrived on the scene at around 11.15 BST.

Pujon Refugees according to the Coordinator of Posko Midshipman disaster preparedness (Tagana) Priadi Wiyono, Malang accommodate about 600-700 people displaced and is equipped with a common kitchen serving 7,000 refugees and scattered in District Clerk Ngantang, Malang

. He added that the public kitchen Tagana operation since Friday (14/2) and provides breakfast, lunch and dinner with rice, vegetables and side dishes as well as basic needs such as baby and completeness of staples.

Also in this time, work visits, among others, Coordinating Kesra Agung Laksono, Coordinating, Djoko Suyanto Polhukam Mensesneg Silalahi, Nafsiah Mboi Menkes, Mohammad Nuh, Minister and Environment Minister Balthazar Kambuaya.[W5]
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