INSPIRED BY CATS IS UGLY!THE REAL STORY YOU SHOULD KNOWI got this story from a joke site and when reading it this story should think au is read by everyone, so I rewrote the language Indonesia, beruhubunga really isn't an expert in writing or translating so I created alakadanya and hope you guys understand the content of the story is biased.The story here goes. ...In a right in this world to live a cat is ugly. All those old dikomplek in the corner of the city know who "the ugly". Ugly is a cat males. Ugly only have three things to continue his life: fighting, eating garbage and love.You know how kedaaan the ugly? He has only one eye, the other eye which is nothing but a gaping hole. He also lost the ear on the same side, his left leg looks like never experienced severe wound and had been healed at an angle that is not natural, so as to make it look as if it is always about to turn (limping).The tail is long gone and leaving only the smallest piece. The ugly is a hairy cat with dark gray line, except for the sores that cover the head of the neck, and even his shoulders with thick, as well as the koreng are yellowing. Every time someone sees the ugly just aka tone one of the same reaction from them. "The cat is very ugly!"All the children were warned not to touch it, adults throwing rocks at him, even soaked it when he tried to come to their houses, or slammed the door when he is not about to go away. Ugly has always had the same reaction. If you flush the water to him, he'd stand there, soaked until you give up and quit. If you throw something at him, he will meringkukkan the body around the legs as though begging for forgiveness.Every time he sees the children he would run with meows infatuated and menyundulkan his head into their hands, begging will love them. If someone picked it up he would immediately start sucking on your shirt, earrings, or anything else he could find.The ugly one day trying to divide the affection with the neighbor's puppy. But naas these dogs do not respond well, and ugly persecuted with very severe. Of the apartment I could hear jeritannya, and I tried to rush aid him. I also tried running kea rah where he lies, it seems clear the sad ugly life will end.Ugly is lying in a puddle, the back leg and lower back twisting out of shape should be, drops of tears flowed in the feathers. When I picked it up and tried to bring it home, I could hear it sighing and panting, and she could feel the middle of the fighting. "I must have hurt him with the utmost," thinks I am. Then I feel tarikkan I know, contact sensation in my ears.Jelek, merasa kesakitan yang teramat sangat, menderita dan sekarat namun ia berusaha mengisap telingaku. Saya menariknya lebih dekat, dan ia menabrak telapak tangan saya dengan kepalanya, lalu ia berbalik dan memandang dengan satu mata emasnya ke arah saya, dan saya bisa mendengar suara dengkurannya dengan jelas. Bahkan dalam rasa sakit terbesar, si kucing jelek dengan bekas luka itu berjuang untuk meminta sedikit saja kasih sayang, sedikit saja! Mungkin hanya sedetik belas kasihan dari makhluk hidup.Pada saat itu saya piker si jelek adalah makhluk yang paling indah yang pernah ku lihat. Tak pernah sekali pun dia mencoba untuk mengigit atau mencakar saya, atau bahkan mencoba melarikan diri dari saya, atau meronta-ronta dengan cara apapun. Jelek hanya menatapku dan benar-benar percaya saya dapat menghilangkan rasa sakitnya.Jelek meninggal dalam pelukanku sebelum sampai di rumah, tapi saya duduk dan menggendongnya untuk waktu yang lama setelah itu, berpikir tentang bagaimana satu bekas luka, sedikit cacat bisa mengubah pendapat saya tentang apa arti dari kemurnian semangat, untuk mencintai dengan penuh dan bersungguh-sungguh.Jelek mengajarkan saya banyak hal, tentang memberi dan tentang kasih saying. Dan itu lebih berarti dari pada ajaran seribu buku, kuliaj atau talk show special di TV, dan untuk itu saya akan selalu bersyukur. Jelek telah terluka di luar, tapi saya terluka di dalam, dan sudah waktunya saya untuk maju dan belajar untuk mencintai bersungguh-sungguh dan mendalam.Sudah waktunya untuk memberi kepada semua orang yang saya saying. Banyak orang ingin menjadi kaya, lebih sukses, disukai, indah, cantik, tampan, tapi bagi saya, saya akan selalu berusaha menjadi seperti si Jelek.
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