Genre: Drama, ComedyDirector: Benni SetiawanAuthor: Benni SetiawanProducer: Yoen K., Body Mulya HidayatCast: Velove Vexia (USA Itje), Nino Fernandez (as Clement), Tanta Ginting (USA Dadang), Borisbokir (USA Yayat), LuthyaSury (as Ine), Joe Project (as Mr. Engkos), Lydia Kandau (us Bu Engkos)Production: Maxima PicturesSynopsis:Origin of the village girls, Itje bojong, hoped his drastic change after marrying a French man named Clement. So did parents Itje which always show off on her neighbor if Itje is married to a rich man and will stay in ParisBut what Itje expect, far from reality, Itje is taken to a remote village in the South of the city of Bordeaux, in vineyards and establishes that there is a dihutan that is far from everywhere.Read Also Romantic love story in the movie Wa'alaikumussalam Paris Keseruan Velove Vexia Nino Fernandez and Time Together in France Living Inland France, Velove Vexia Says PenderitannyaFrankly Itje disappointed and protest on her husband commonly called Bananite by Itje, another plague, there was no internet and telephone signals, Itje which no bias off of social media, gadgets, so tormented. Every day Itje just grumpy ask Bananite taking it to Paris for shoping and selfie in tourist attractions.Clement promised would bring Itje to Paris after harvesting the grapes, Itje finally want to wait. When the harvest season will arrive, the Indonesia Youth named Dee who will work as a grape picker in the garden belongs to the husband Itje.Kehadiran Dadang membuat Itje senang karena ada yang bisa diajak ngobrol, Itje juga meminta Dadang mengajari suaminya yang mualaf sholat dan mengaji. Tapi kehadiran Dadang dan Camille, mantan pacar Clement membuat rumahtangga Clement dan Itje mendapat masalah.
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