Romantik Period, Pada awal revolusi, pendapat umum di Inggris cenderun terjemahan - Romantik Period, Pada awal revolusi, pendapat umum di Inggris cenderun Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Romantik Period, Pada awal revolusi

Romantik Period, Pada awal revolusi, pendapat umum di Inggris cenderung bersimpati atas gerakan itu. Bangsa Inggris meyamakan peristiwa besar pada tahun 1789 itu dengan Revolusi gemilang tahun 1688 yang mengakhiri kekuatan raja yng absolut. Disamping itu, para intelektual Inggris terutama seniman terangsang oleh ide-ide yang terkandung dalam slogan liberte (kebebasan), egalite (persamaan), fraternite (persaudaraan).
Pada tahun 1793 Inggris bersama beberapa negara-negara Eropa membentuk koalisi dan memulai perang melawan perancis. Pemerintahan Inggris berada di tangan orang yang berpandangan sempit. Kemudain kaum Whig mengusulkan undang-undang Reform Bill (1832).
Sistem pembagian tanah adalah “sistem ladang terbuka” (open field system). Dalam hal peningkatan produksi “ladang terbuka” ini kurang menguntungkan, karena pemilik tanah maupun penyewa tidak leluasa mencoba metode baru, karena takut gagal. Hal-hal tersebut diatas telah menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan dalam sistem pembagian tanah. Pembagian tanah diatur oleh Lord sedemikian rupa untuk menjaga kesuburantanhanya.
Sistem ladang tertutup merupakan perubahan penting di Inggris karena produksi pertanian dan peternakan meningkat, walaupun tidak dipungkiri sistem tersebut mengorbankan para petani kecil. Peningkatan produksi dan peternakan ini penting mengingat pertumbuhan penduduk Inggris yang pesat.
Karya sastra priode Romantik ditandai dengan ciri-ciri yang berangkat dari semoyan –semboyan “emotion is more important than reason”, “nature is the the prime bringer of happiness”, “nature is the best teacher of moral”, “a language of poetry should be language of rural people”. Semboyan-semboyan tersebut berawal dari anggapan bahwa karya sastra adalah ungkapan perasaan individu, jadi bersifat subjektif dan lebih menekankan pada perasaan dibandingkan rasio.
Sekelompok penulis yang menentang slogan periode agustus mengasingkan diri dan hidup di desa-desa. Mereka mencintai alam sedemikian rupa sehinggan timbul anggapan dari mereka bahwa “tuhan ada di alam” (god resides in nature). Anggapan ini lebih dikenal dengan istilah “panteisme”.
Titik pangkal munculnya aliran romantisme di Inggris ini sebenarnya berakaar pada timbulnya revolusi perancis yang terkenal dengan semboyan liberty (kebebasan), egality (persamaan), dan fraternity (persaudaraan).

PUISI, Jenis karya sastra puisi berkembang subur pada periode ini. Nama-nama penyair yang dapat diketengahkan adalah William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Colleridge, Percey Bysshe Shelley, John Keats, dan Walter Scoot.
William Wordsworth (1750-1850), ia hidup disebuah distrik bernama Lake District, di bagia barat laut Inggris. Kecintaan Wordsworth pada alam sedemikian besar. Ia berpendapat bahwa alam dalam segala bentuknya memiliki jiwa yang suci. Alam telah menjadi agamanya dan ia mendapat julukan “Nature’s High Priest” (Iman Besar Alam). Karyanya yang paling terkenaal adalah “The Prelude”, yang isinya menggambarkan kehidupan masa kanak-kanaknya di bukit Cumberland.
Samuel Taylor Colleridge (1772-1834), artikel-artikelnya bersifat kritis dan pembicaraanya yang cerdas membuat setiap orang terpana. ia adalah penyair yang berwawasan sangat luas. Karya-karyanya adalah Ode on Destruction of Bstille, Ode to France.
Sir Walter Scott (177-1832), adalah satu-satunya penulis prosa yang patut diperhitungkan pada periode ini. Beberapa karyanya yang sangat terkenal adalah “The Lady of The Last Minstrel” (1805), dan “The Lady of The Lake” (1810) yang berbentuk puisi naratif historis.
Percey Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), adalah satu-satunya anak seorang tuan tanah yang menjadi anggota terhormat Parlemen Inggris. Pernikahan Shelley kandas ketika ia bertemu dengan Mary Godwin dan pembaharu yang radikal yaitu William Godwin. Karyanya yang paling terkenal adalah “Alastor or the Spirit of Solitude”, yang mengisyaratkan kegelisahan jiwa romantiknya, mengungkapkan kegagalannya dan mengejar cita-cita sekaligus harapan untuk hari esok.
John Keats (1795-1821), ia sangat dikenal dengan ungkapan yang terdapat pada sajaknya yang berjudul “Endymion” yang berbunyi: “A thing of beauty is a joy forever: it’s loveliness increases: it will never pass into noyhingness”.

PROSA, Tidak seperti karya sastra puisi, karya sastra prosa pada periode ini berkembang sangat lamban. Yang menarik pada periode ini adalah munculnya karya sastra non-fiksi seperti karya sastra sejarah, biografi, kritik dan sebagainya. Beberapa tokoh yang dapat diketengahkan adalah Charles Lamb (1775-1834), Thomas de Quincey (1785-1859), Walter Scott (1771-1832), dan Jane Austen (1775-1817) seorang penulis novel wanita yang produktif.
DRAMA, Tidak demikian dengan halnya karya sastra drama yang ditulis yang muncul kepermukaan. Drama megalami masa suram. Ini disebabkan golongan menengah yang mendominasi masyarakat Inggris pada saat itu tidak begitu meghargai karya sastra drama sebagai karya seni. Tokoh dramawan tidak diketahui pada periode ini.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The Romanesque Period, at the beginning of the revolution, public opinion in the United Kingdom tend to be sympathetic over the Union movement. The nation of United Kingdom meyamakan major events in 1789 it with resounding 1688 Revolution that put an end to the absolute power of the King that. In addition, the United Kingdom intellectual property especially artists aroused by the ideas contained in the liberte (freedom) slogan, egalite fraternite (equation), (brotherhood). United Kingdom in 1793 along with several European countries to form the coalition and start a war against France. Government of the United Kingdom is in the hands of a narrow mindedness. Whigs would later propose Law Reform Bill (1832).The system of distribution of land is "open field system" (the open field system). In the event of an increase in the production of the "open fields" is less profitable, because the landowner or tenant not freely tried new methods, due to the fear of failure. The above matters has led to changes in the system of distribution of land. The Division of the land governed by the Lord in such a way as to keep the kesuburantanhanya. The system covered fields is an important change in the United Kingdom due to agricultural production and animal husbandry increased, although not denying that system of sacrificing its small farmers. Increased production and animal husbandry is important given the rapid population growth of the United Kingdom. Literary Romantic priode characterized by traits that depart from semoyan – the motto "emotion is more important than reason", "nature is the stormbringer the prime of happiness", "nature is the best teacher of morals", "a language of poetry should be the language of rural people". Motto the motto-starts from the assumption that a literary work is an expression of the feelings of the individuals, so subjective in nature and more emphasis on feelings than the ratio. A group of writers who opposed the slogan of the period August recluse and living in villages. They love nature so much presumption arises from the sehinggan them that "God is in nature" (god resides in nature). This assumption is more commonly known by the term "Pantheism". The point of the base flow of the emergence of romanticism in the United Kingdom is actually berakaar at the onset of the French Revolution with the slogan of liberty (freedom), egality (equation), and fraternity (brotherhood).Poetry, types of poetry works of literature flourishing in this period. The names of the poet William Wordsworth was Surat can, Samuel Taylor Colleridge, Percey Bysshe Shelley, John Keats, and Walter Scoot. William Wordsworth (1750-1850), he lived in the district named Lake District, in the North West of United Kingdom sections. Love of Wordsworth on nature in such a big deal. He argued that nature in all its forms has a soul. Nature has become a religion and he got the nickname "nature's High Priest" (high priest of nature). His most terkenaal is "The Prelude", which depicts the life of his childhood in the hills of Cumberland.Samuel Taylor Colleridge (1772-1834), the articles are critical and the smart pembicaraanya makes everyone stunned. He was a poet himself. His works are Ode on Destruction of Bstille, Ode to France.Sir Walter Scott (177-1832), was the only author of the prose should be taken into account during this period. Some of his very famous is "The Lady of The Last Minstrel" (1805), and "The Lady of The Lake" (1810) in the form of historical narrative poetry. Percey Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), was the only son of a landowner who became a member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom honoured. Wedding Shelley ran aground when he met Mary Godwin and radical reformer, namely William Godwin. His most famous work is "Alastor, or the Spirit of Solitude," which suggests the restlessness of soul romantiknya, revealing its failure and the pursuit of goals at the same time hope for tomorrow.John Keats (1795-1821), he is very well known by the phrase in his "Endymion" which reads: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever: it's loveliness increases: it will never pass into noyhingness".Prose, unlike the literary works of poetry, literary prose in this period is growing very slowly. Interesting in this period was the emergence of the non-fiction literary works such as literary criticism, biographies, history and so on. Some characters that can of Surat was Charles Lamb (1775-1834), Thomas de Quincey (1785-1859), Walter Scott (1771-1832), and Jane Austen (1775-1817), an author of the novel the woman who is productive.The drama, not the case with the case of literary works written drama that appears kepermukaan. Drama megalami period of gloomy. This is due to the medium which dominates United Kingdom society at that time was not so meghargai literary works of drama as a work of art. Character unknown playwrights during this period.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Romanesque Period, At the beginning of the revolution, public opinion in the UK tend to sympathize with the movement. United Nations meyamakan major event in 1789 was the glorious Revolution of 1688 which ended the absolute power of the king yng. In addition, British intellectuals mainly artists aroused by the ideas embodied in the slogan liberte (freedom), egalite (equation), fraternite (brotherhood).
In 1793 the UK along with some European countries to form a coalition and started a war against the French. British government is in the hands of narrow-minded people. Kemudain Whigs proposed legislation Reform Bill (1832).
The system of land distribution is "open field system" (open field system). In terms of increasing the production of "open field" is less profitable, because the land owners and tenants are not free to try new methods, because of fear of failure. The things mentioned above have led to changes in the system of land division. The division of land is governed by the Lord so as to keep kesuburantanhanya.
The system is a closed field of important changes in the UK due to increased agricultural and livestock production, although no doubt the system is the expense of small farmers. Increased production and livestock is important given the rapid growth of the UK population.
The literature on Romantik period characterized by traits that depart from semoyan -semboyan "emotion is more important than reason", "nature is the the prime bringer of happiness", "nature is the best teacher of morals "," a language of poetry should be language of rural people ". Slogans stems from the assumption that literature is an expression of individual feelings, so is subjective and more emphasis on feeling than the ratio.
A group of writers who oppose the slogan of the period of August exile and living in villages. They love nature in such a way sehinggan arising from their assumption that "God is in nature" (God Resides in nature). This assumption is known as "pantheism".
Point base flow emergence of romanticism in the UK is actually berakaar at the onset of the French Revolution which is famous for the slogan of liberty (freedom), egality (equation), and fraternity (brotherhood). POETRY, type of literary works of poetry flourished in this period. The names of poets who can put forward is William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Colleridge, Percey Bysshe Shelley, John Keats, and Walter Scott, William Wordsworth (1750-1850), he lived in a district called the Lake District, in bagia northwest England. Wordsworth's love of nature is so great. He argued that nature in all its forms has a pure soul. Nature has become his religion and he earned the nickname "Nature's High Priest" (Faith Great Nature). His most terkenaal is "The Prelude", which it describes the life of his childhood in the hills of Cumberland. Samuel Taylor Colleridge (1772-1834), his articles critical and intelligent pembicaraanya make everyone stunned. he is a very broad-minded poet. His works are on Destruction of Bstille Ode, Ode to France. Sir Walter Scott (177-1832), is the only writer of prose to be reckoned with in this period. Some of his works are very famous is "The Lady of The Last Minstrel" (1805), and "The Lady of the Lake" (1810) in the form of historical narrative poem. Percey Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), was the only child of a landlord who became a respected member of the British Parliament. Shelley marriage foundered when he met with Mary Godwin and radical reformer William Godwin. His most famous work is "Alastor or The Spirit of Solitude", which suggests anxiety romanticized life, revealing his failure and the pursuit of ideals and hope for tomorrow. John Keats (1795-1821), he was very well known by the phrase contained in his poem entitled "Endymion", which reads: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever: it's loveliness increases: it will never pass into noyhingness". PROSA, not as literary works of poetry, prose literature of this period is growing very slowly. What is interesting in this period is the emergence of non-fiction literary works such as literary history, biography, criticism and so on. Some of the figures can be presented is Charles Lamb (1775-1834), Thomas de Quincey (1785-1859), Walter Scott (1771-1832), and Jane Austen (1775-1817) a productive woman novelist. DRAMA, not so in the case of literary works written drama that rise to the surface. Drama megalami bleak future. This is due to the dominating middle class British society at that time was not so meghargai drama as a literary work of art. Prominent playwright not known at this period.

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