A. The Sense Of Discussion TextDiscussion is a process of looking for the intersection between two thoughts, views or different opinions. And Discussion Text can be define as a text which describes a discourse that is problematic. This is a problematic discourse of discourse which has two camps among the pros (supporting) and Contra (counter), between supporters and opponents of issues issues. The problems presented in the Discussion Text will be discussed on the basis of these two points of view (Point of View), Pro (supporters) and Contra (counter).B. Purpose Of The Komunikarif Discussion TextThe purpose of communicative Discussion Text itself is to consider an issue or issues are reviewed at least from two viewpoints, before reaching a conclusion or recommendation. C. The Structure Of The Kebahasaaan Discussion TextIn the Discussion text, there are four linguistic structure that is visible from the main idea of each paragraph in the Discussion Text as a shaper of his text, namely:1. Issue Issue is located in the first paragraph that contains the placement of a problem or issue that will be discussed.2. Supporting PointsIn this section, the author presents an opinion supporting issues. In each paragraph Supporting Point consists of two components which are the main idea of the paragraph and the elaboration or explanation of the main idea of the paragraph.3. the Contrasting PointsDalam bagian ini, penulis menghadirkan pendapat yang menentang isu atau permasalahan. Seperti dalam paragraf Spportin Point, Contrasting Points juga menghadirkan dua komponen pembentuk yaitu ide pokok paragraf dan elaborasi atau uraian ari ide pokok paragraf tersebut.4. Conclunlusion or RecomendationDalam bagian ini penulis menghadirkan kesimpulan atau bisa juga rekomendasikan dari isu atau permasalahan yang telah didiskusikan di atas.D. Ciri Kebahasaan Discussion TextDi dalam membuat Discussion Text, penulis harus memperhatikan penggunaan bahasa yang biasa diterapkan, seperti:• Menggunakan simpel present tense• Menggunakan modalites, seperti must, should, would, may, etc.• Menggunakan additive, contrastive, dan casual connection, seperti similiary, however, furthemore, on the other hand, etc.
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