Ki Hajar Dewantara real name RM Suwardi Suryaningrat. He originated and family of the Sultan Palace. He changed his name without a title of nobility to be closer to the people. After completing primary education, he studied at STOVIA, but did not finish it because of illness. BeIiau then worked as a journalist at several newspapers, among others, De Express, the Indian envoy, and Youth. As a good writer, writing is able to evoke the spirit of the Indonesian people anticolonial. Ki Hajar Dewantara also active in politics by joining the Budi Utomo, then set up Indische Partij as the first political party wing of Indonesian nationalism in Tanggai December 25, 1912 with the two colleagues, Douwes Dekker and dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Ki Hajar Dewantara also initiated the establishment of the Committee Bumiputra in 1913 as a protest against plans memeringati kemerdekaannyaa Netherlands and France. He then made a scathing article in the daily De Express that berjudui "lk Als een Nederlander" (If I'm A Dutch). Through this article, he quipped Netherlands who want to celebrate 100 years of kemerdekaannyaa and France in the colony by using public money Indonesia. Here is an excerpt. "If I were a Dutchman, I will not organize parties in the country's independence that we have seized its own independence. Parallel to such logic, not only unfair, but also inappropriate to send Si inlander contribute to fund the celebration. the idea to organize a celebration in itself is insulting them, and now we rake anyway pocket. Let's go ahead and unseen insult it! If I were a Dutchman, it is particularly offends me and comrades countrymen is the fact that inlander required to participate sponsor an activity that is not the slightest interest to him " As a result, the Netherlands was immediately sentenced him to exile. Together Douwes Dekker and Cipto Mangoenkoesomo, he exiled to the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, Ki Hajar Dewantara take advantage of the opportunity to explore issues of education and teaching. After returning to their homeland, Ki Hajar Dewantara centralize the struggle through education by establishing the Taman Siswa school on July 3, 1922. JuIi College is a place to instill a sense of nationality to their students. Ki Hajar teachings Dewantara famous is sung Tulodo ngarsa ing, ing middle Mangun intention, and tut wuri handayani. Meaning is in front of an example, in the middle of giving spirit, and behind the encouragement. Thanks to the great services in the field of education, the government establishes him as the Father of Education and the date of birth, May 2 as National Education Day. In 1957, he received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa and the University of Gadjah Mada. Two years after obtaining the degree, he died on 26 April 1959 tanggat in Yogyakarta and was buried in Taman Wijaya Brata.
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