namaku mangasi hasihilan hasibuan. kamu dapat memanggilku mangasi. say terjemahan - namaku mangasi hasihilan hasibuan. kamu dapat memanggilku mangasi. say Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

namaku mangasi hasihilan hasibuan.

namaku mangasi hasihilan hasibuan. kamu dapat memanggilku mangasi. saya ingin menjadi polisi, Karena impian cita cita saya dari kecil adalah menjadi polisi karena seorng polisi berkerja dan bertugas sangat mulia contoh nya polisi bertugas menangkap pelaku kejahatan, dan impian saya ingin memberantas kejahatan dan tindak kriminal yang mungkin kebanyakan kaum wanita yang menjadi korban. disamping itu polisi juga bertugas yaitu mengabdi pada negara, menegakan hukum serta memiliki disiplin yang tinggi. dengan menjadi polisi kita terlihat lebih bijaksana dan berwibawa.melayani masyarakat juga merupakan salah satu tugas dari polisi. menertibkan lalu lintas di jalan raya. peran polisi sangat penting di masyarakat, seperti melaksanakan pengaturan, penjagaan, pengawalan, dan patroli terhadap kegiatan masyarakat dan pemerintah sesuai kebutuhan, membina masyarakat untuk meningkatkan parsipasi masyarakat, kesadaran hukum masyarakat serta ketaatan warga masyarakat terhadap hukum dan peraturan perundang-undangan, memelihara ketertiban dan menjamin keamanan umum,melakukan koordinasi, pengawasan, dan pembinaan teknis terhadap kepolisian khusus, penyidik pegawai negeri sipil, dan bentuk bentuk pengamanan swakarsa,melindungi keselamatan jiwa raga, harta benda, masyarakat, dan lingkungan hidup dari gangguan ketertiban dan/atau bencana termasuk memberikan bantuan dan pertolongan dengan menjunjung tinggi hak asasi manusia. serta melayani kepentingan warga masyarakat untuk sementara sebelum ditangani oleh instansi dan/atau pihak yang berwenang dan melaksanakan tugas lain sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan, yang dalam pelaksanaannya akan diatur lebih lanjut dengan Peraturan Pemerintah.wewenang dari polisi tersebut seperti menerima laporan dan pengaduan,mengawasi aliran yang dapat menimbulkan perpecahan atau mengancam persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa,melaksanakan pemeriksaan khusus sebagai bagian dari tindakan kepolisian dalam rangka pencegahan, mengeluarkan surat izin dan/atau surat keterangan yang diperlukan dalam rangka pelayanan masyarakat, memberikan bantuan pengamanan dalam sidang dan pelaksanaan putusan pengadilan, kegiatan instansi lain, serta kegiatan msyarakat, menerima dan menyimpa barang temuan untuk sementara waktu. itulah cita-cita saya 10 tahun kedepan. saya harap dapat terkabul.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
my name is mangasi hasihilan hasibuan. You can call me mangasi. I want to be a COP, Because dreams are my future goals of the police was to be small because a young police work and served very glorious example of his police tasked with arresting the perpetrators of crime, and the dreams I want to eradicate crime and criminals who may be most women who become victims. In addition, the police also served on the State duty, uphold the law and have a high discipline. by becoming a police officer we look more wise and authoritative. serving the public is also one of the tasks of the police. regulate traffic on the highway. the role of the police is very important in society, such as implementing arrangement, care, escort, and patrol to community activities and the Government as needed, build the community to enhance the legal awareness of society, the parsipasi society and the obedience of citizens against the laws and regulations, maintain order and ensure the safety of the public, doing the coordination, supervision, and coaching of technical special police investigators, civil servant, and shapes form safeguards swakarsa , protect the safety of people, property, physical society, and the environment from the disruption of order and/or the including providing disaster aid and relief with the upholding of human rights. as well as serving the interests of the citizens of the community for a while before being handled by the institutions and/or authorities and carry out other duties in accordance with the regulations, which in practice will be further regulated with a government regulation. the authority of the police like to receive reports and complaints, monitor the flow that can cause the split or threaten the unity and the unity of the nation, carry out a special examination as part of the police actions in the framework of prevention , issued a letter of permission and/or certificate is needed in order to provide assistance, community service safeguards in the trial and execution of the Court decision, the activities of other agencies, as well as the activities of msyarakat, menyimpa of goods received and the findings for a while. that's my goals 10 years ahead. I hope can be answered.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Mangasi my name hasihilan hasibuan. you can call me Mangasi. I wanted to be a cop, because I dream of the future goals is to become a cop because small seorng duty police work and his very noble example duty police catch criminals and dreams I want to fight crime and criminal acts that may be mostly women who are victims. besides that, the police are also in charge of serving the country, enforcing the law and have high discipline. to be a cop we look more prudent and berwibawa.melayani society is also one of the tasks of the police. regulate traffic on the highway. the role of the police is very important in society, such as implementing arrangements, guard, escort and patrol the activities according to the needs of society and government, fostering community to improve parcipaon, legal awareness and adherence to legal residents and regulations, maintain order and ensure public safety, coordination, supervision and technical guidance of the special police, investigators civil servants, and other forms of private security, protect the safety of body and soul, property, community, and environment of disturbances and / or disasters including providing assistance and help to uphold human rights. as well as serving the interests of the community for a while before it is handled by the agency and / or the authorities and carry out other duties in accordance with the legislation, which in practice will be further regulated by Regulation Pemerintah.wewenang of the police such as receiving reports and complaints, oversee flow which may lead to a split or threaten national unity, carry out special inspections as part of the police action in the framework of prevention, issuing of licenses and / or certificates that are required in order to service the community, providing security assistance in the trial and execution of court decisions, activities other agencies, as well as activities msyarakat, receive and menyimpa artifacts for a while. That's my goal next 10 years. I hope to come true.
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