Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya atau disingkat Unika Atma Jaya terjemahan - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya atau disingkat Unika Atma Jaya Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma

Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya atau disingkat Unika Atma Jaya adalah sebuah perguruan tinggi swasta di Jakarta yang didirikan oleh Yayasan Atma Jaya pada tanggal 1 Juni 1960. Kampus utama Unika Atma Jaya terletak di daerah Semanggi, Jakarta Selatan dan kampus lainnya terletak di daerah Pluit, Jakarta Utara.

Unika Atma Jaya dipandang sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan tinggi swasta yang tertua dan bergengsi di Indonesia. Menurut survei terbaru dari Majalah Globe Asia Unika Atma Jaya mendapat ranking 3 di antara seluruh universitas swasta di Indonesia. Survei itu juga didukung oleh survei yang dilakukan Pusat Data dan Analisis Tempo (PDAT) terbaru (2010)yang di tingkat nasional berada di urutan keempat sebagai universitas swasta terbaik menurut persepsi calon mahasiswa dan orang tua. Dalam survey terbaru PDAT di 2011, Unika Atma Jaya masuk dalam 5 besar universitas swasta terbaik di Indonesia menurut persepsi para pengguna lulusan/kalangan dunia kerja.. Sedangkan survey Majalah Tempo sejak tahun 2005 hingga 2007 menempatkan Unika Atma Jaya dalam Top 10 universitas-universitas terbaik di Indonesia. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi mengkategorikan Unika Atma Jaya dalam 50 Promising Indonesian Universities yang memiliki kredibilitas Nasional dan mempunyai keinginan untuk dapat bekerja sama secara International dari 2.864 institusi perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.

Selama tahun 2008 hingga sekarang Unika Atma Jaya melakukan reformasi di bidang akademik dan non akademik, antara lain dengan usaha untuk meningkatkan jumlah program sarjana dan pascasarjana, pembangunan kampus baru di daerah Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang Selatan, dan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas SDM Unika Atma Jaya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Indonesia Atma Jaya Catholic University or abbreviated Unika Atma Jaya is a private college in Jakarta which was founded by Atma Jaya Foundation on 1 June 1960. Unika Atma Jaya main campus is located in South Jakarta, Clover and other campus is located in Pluit, North Jakarta.

Unika Atma Jaya was seen as one of the private institution of higher education that the oldest and prestigious in Indonesia. According to the latest survey of Globe Asia Magazine Unika Atma Jaya got rank 3 amongst all private universities in Indonesia. The survey was also supported by Survey Data and Analysis Center of Tempo (PDAT) the latest (2010) that at the national level is in the fourth as the best private University according to perceptions of prospective students and parents. In the latest survey PDAT in 2011, Unika Atma Jaya in 5 of the best private universities in Indonesia according to the users ' perceptions of graduate/professional world class. .. While surveys of Tempo magazine since 2005 to 2007 placing Unika Atma Jaya in Top 10 best universities in Indonesia. Directorate General of higher education categorize Unika Atma Jaya in 50 Promising Indonesian Universities that have National credibility and have a desire to be able to work together in International higher education institution of 2.864 in Indonesia.

during 2008 to the present Unika Atma Jaya reform in academic and non academic field, among others, the effort to increase the number of undergraduate and graduate programs, the construction of a new campus in the Bumi Serpong Damai, South Tangerang, and policies to improve the quality of human resources Unika Atma Jaya.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia or abbreviated Atma Jaya Catholic University is a private university in Jakarta, established by Atma Jaya Foundation on June 1, 1960, Atma Jaya Catholic University's main campus is located in the area of Clover, South Jakarta and other campuses located in Pluit, Jakarta North. Atma Jaya is seen as one of the private higher education institutions of the oldest and prestigious in Indonesia. According to a recent survey of Globe Asia Magazine Atma Jaya to rank third among all private universities in Indonesia. The survey was also supported by a survey conducted by the Data and Analysis Center Tempo (PDAT) latest (2010) that at the national level was fourth as the best private universities as perceived by prospective students and parents. In a recent survey PDAT in 2011, Atma Jaya Catholic University into the top 5 of the best private universities in Indonesia according to the user's perception of graduates / the working world .. While a survey of Tempo magazine from 2005 to 2007 put the Atma Jaya Catholic University in the Top 10 best universities in Indonesia. Directorate General of Higher Education categorizes Atma Jaya Catholic University in 50 Promising Indonesian National Universities who have credibility and have a desire to be able to work together in the International of 2,864 higher education institutions in Indonesia. During the years 2008 to the present Atma Jaya to reform the academic and non-academic , among others, the effort to increase the number of undergraduate and graduate programs, the construction of a new campus in the Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang Selatan, and policies to improve the quality of human resources Atma Jaya Catholic University.

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