1) Usia 17 tahun atau telah / sudah pernah menikah; 2) Surat pengantar RT / RW; 3) Foto kopi : Kartu Keluarga (KK) , kutipan akta nikah bagi penduduk yang belum berusia 17 tahun; 4) Formulir permohonan KTP
1) Age 17 years or has/have already married;2) cover letter RT/RW;3) Photos of coffee: family card (KK), deed for quotations that are not yet 17 years old;4) ID CARD request form
1) age 17 years or have / had been married; 2) The introduction of RT / RW; 3) Photocopies: Family Card (KK), marriage certificate citations for residents who do not yet 17 years old; 4) ID card application form