Hunting touristMorning before Hunting tourist Junior 1 Klaten remain in school as usual. 20 September 2014 held Hunting tourist in Prambanan and the grade 9 language including structured assignee Indonesia, cultural arts, SOCIAL SCIENCE, and English. English recount text, that task is the task of all groups but especially English is individual work because it's personal experience.Demonstrating that time is 11.00 PM the Bell reads a sign home school, all students in grade 9 and return home at 13: 00 GMT because of the Chair 13.00 less. I immediately rushed home, rested awhile, eating, bathing at the time I was unable to again. I took off at 12: 30 PM EST, until there's been a lot coming. Turns out pemberangkatannya a little terundur probably because all passengers are yet to come completely and his bus is also yet to come. Istiqomah one of me came a bit late. Istiqomah is a friend of me the most hyper active and is a clever guy in the class. Depart at 13.30 WIB, I sat next to Maya, Maya is also friend me. He is a friend who is cool but like children might be the effects of the sound, he's the dude not easily upset that his excellence. Next to it was Katy Perry she is also Maya my best friend she's man – riveting maluin shame but often even though I also sometimes like that. Katy Perry her friends are a little weird with tingkahnya which is a bit crazy but fun. And because they are all so I catch strange and vagaries, alay like a child. Trip went smoothly until the goal since before leaving we all pray to God Almighty in advance in order to be granted the smooth. First, our task in Prambanan temple to hunt foreigners "Foreigners" was used for the English language. At that time I, Istiqomah, Maya, Katy Perry, Clarin and my man – other men with my classmates. We hunt together – just the first one we spoke to James that we ask a lot of questions, one of which is her native English, she likes food with meatballs and loves beauty in Prambanan in addition much more to ask. We asked some of the foreigners, one from Ireland and also China. Foreigners from China Indonesia but people actually moved and settled in China, his name is amay funny man is already a bit old strangely she could speak English and sharing a bit of the Java language is unfortunately less speak English even use mandarin we all don't understand what he is saying we confer with our many ask Indonesian and Mr. amay also replied at length and many mengeritik country indonesia. But it's all just a mere thought. Then after that went to a nearby mosque, continued looking for interviewees traders. And we then look for and then we select one of the accessories of the traders there. Then after that we headed to the bus and went on a trip and we got to the place to see our ramayana before entering the packed first and recently viewed ramayana we see ramayana carefully and once finished we went home.COMPLETED
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