Hi, Guys. Lets me to intrude. My names trians aprilianto. Regular called Trians. Now, 2016, I was a freshman, University of indonesia. The Department of physics is where I study. According to ku, physics is the science that is very interesting to study because in physics, logic and the desire to want to know I will be missed. In semester 1, we, the students of physics, would be faced by a variety of lesson one is EnglishThis time I get a job to share experiences, issues and motivation as well as criticism and suggestions. Well, allow me to convey it one by oneThere is one interesting experience when I learned English. When the age of 7 years, i.e. when the primary school, my friends and I got a task to read the English text that is there in front of us. The atmosphere turned into quiet. We began to read out in turns. At that time, our ability is not much different, just that there is a right person clever in pronunciation because she is homeschooling. OK, forget about it. Makin pounding heartbeat when the distance is getting closer. Shall I read the book. From the early to the Middle, I smoothly recited the book. However, when in the closing section, I made a mistake because the over confident. I say, one becomes one. The atmosphere of being funny. And I join the laugh. The next experience was courtesy of my friend. Exactly when the test tofl. When the tests took place, we have prepared the equipment needed. The test continued. There was one moment that was very funny. I sat in behind and beside me my familiar friend, willi. One of the questions examined on tofl is listening. The test continued. When a matter of entering the number 17, but wili is already working on the question of the number 23. And he laughed in embarrassment witnessed it.During his study English, I may be a few problems. And those problems hindered me in understand English completely. The problem lies in the Foundation of the English language. First, the lack of vocabulary. It did have an impact on the difficulty in understanding the context. In such a case, if I find one word that I didn't know the meaning, I guess the method often used is quite helpful. But the further away from it, to be honest I want to understand what the actual meaning of the word.Next up is the Grammar. Wow, in my grammer arguably stupid because I am still far from what was expected. The cause of that is I rarely learn about grammar. Yes, that was my mistake. Third, speaking.
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