sangat kurang informasi penggunaan pestisida yang baik dan benar oleh  terjemahan - sangat kurang informasi penggunaan pestisida yang baik dan benar oleh  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

sangat kurang informasi penggunaan

sangat kurang informasi penggunaan pestisida yang baik dan benar oleh pemerintah.(Pascale
R Salamah, 2003)
Secara tidak sengaja, pestisida dapat meracuni manusia atau hewan ternak melalui mulut,
kulit, dan pernafasan. Sering tanpa disadari bahan kimia beracun tersebut masuk ke dalam
tubuh seseorang tanpa menimbulkan rasa sakit yang mendadak dan mengakibatkan keracunan
kronis. Seseorang yang menderita keracunan kronis, ketahuan setelah selang waktu yang
lama, setelah berbulan atau bertahun. Keracunan kronis akibat pestisida saat ini paling ditakuti,
karena efek racun dapat bersifat karsiogenic (pembentukan jaringan kanker pada tubuh),
mutagenic (kerusakan genetik untuk generasi yang akan datang), dan teratogenic (kelahiran
anak cacad dari ibu yang keracunan).
Dampak pada Lingkungan
Residu pestisida telah diketemukan di dalam tanah, ada di air minum, air sungai, air sumur,
maupun di udara. Dan yang paling berbahaya racun pestisida kemungkinan terdapat di dalam
makanan yang kita konsumsi sehari-hari, seperti sayuran dan buah-buahan.
Aplikasi pestisida dari udara jauh memperbesar resiko pencemaran, dengan adanya
hembusan angin. Pencemaran pestisida di udara tidak terhindarkan pada setiap aplikasi
pestisida. Sebab hamparan yang disemprot sangat luas. Sudah pasti, sebagian besar pestisida
yang disemprotkan akan terbawa oleh hembusan angin ke tempat lain yang bukan target
aplikasi, dan mencemari tanah, air dan biota bukan sasaran.
Pencemaran pestisida yang diaplikasikan di sawah beririgasi sebahagian besar menyebar
di dalam air pengairan, dan terus ke sungai dan akhirnya ke laut. Memang di dalam air terjadi
pengenceran, sebahagian ada yang terurai dan sebahagian lagi tetap persisten. Meskipun
konsentrasi residu mengecil, tetapi masih tetap mengandung resiko mencemarkan lingkungan.
Sebagian besar pestisida yang jatuh ke tanah yang dituju akan terbawa oleh aliran air irigasi.
Di dalam air, partikel pestisida tersebut akan diserap oleh mikroplankton-mikroplankton.
Oleh karena pestisida itu persisten, maka konsentrasinya di dalam tubuh mikroplankton akan
meningkat sampai puluhan kali dibanding dengan pestisida yang mengambang di dalam air.
Mikroplankton-mikroplankton tersebut kelak akan dimakan zooplankton. Dengan demikian
pestisida tadi ikut termakan. Karena sifat persistensi yang dimiliki pestisida, menyebabkan
konsentrasi di dalam tubuh zooplankton meningkat lagi hingga puluhan mungkin ratusan kali
dibanding dengan yang ada di dalam air. Bila zooplankton zooplankton tersebut dimakan oleh
ikan-ikan kecil, konsentarsi pestisida di dalam tubuh ikan-ikan tersebut lebih meningkat lagi.
Demikian pula konsentrasi pestisida di dalam tubuh ikan besar yang memakan ikan kecil
tersebut. Rantai konsumen yang terakhir yaitu manusia yang mengkonsumsi ikan besar, akan
menerima konsentrasi tertinggi dari pestisida tersebut.
Dari hasil penelitian terdapat bahwa endosulfan terdeteksi pada semua titik (1,2 - 12,9 ppb).
Jenis organoklorin lain yang terdeteksi yaitu aldrin dan heptaklor di 12 titik, dieldrin di 9 titik, dan
DDT di 10 titik. Endosulfan juga merupakan organoklorin dengan konsentrasi rata-rata tertinggi
(4,246 ppb). Pada musim hujan, jenis organoklorin yang paling banyak ditemukan pada sampel
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
very ill-informed use of pesticides that are good and right by the Government.(PascaleR Salamah, 2003)Inadvertently, the pesticide can poison humans or animals through the mouth,skin, and respiratory tract. Often unwitting of these toxic chemicals intoa person's body without causing a sudden pain and cause intoxicationchronic. A person who suffers from chronic poisoning, caught after a time lapselong, after months or years. Chronic poisoning due to pesticides currently most feared,due to the effects of toxins can be karsiogenic (the formation of cancerous tissue in the body),mutagenic (genetic damage for generations to come), and teratogenic (birthchildren of mothers who deform poisoning).The impact on the environmentPesticide residues have been found in the soil, in drinking water, river water, well water,as well as in the air. The most dangerous toxins and pesticides probably found infoods that we consume on a daily basis, such as vegetables and fruits.The application of pesticides from the air pollution risk, enlarging considerably by the presence ofwind gusts. Pesticide pollution in the air is not inevitable on every applicationpesticides. For a stretch of sprayed widely. Surely, most pesticidesthe sprayed will be carried away by wind gusts to other places that are not the targetapplications, and pollute the soil, water and biota is not a target.Leaching of pesticides applied in paddy field irrigated part of spreadin the water irrigation, and on to the river and finally into the sea. Certainly in the water goesdilution, there are some that are broken down and partly remain persistent. Althoughresidue concentrations decreased, but it still contains the risk of contaminating the environment.Most of the pesticides which fall to the ground which is intended to be carried away by the flow of irrigation water.In the water, the pesticide particles are absorbed by the mikroplankton-mikroplankton.Because of the persistent pesticides, then its concentration in the body will mikroplanktonincreased up to tens of times compared to pesticides that are floating in the water.Mikroplankton-the mikroplankton will eat zooplankton. Thuspesticides that were eaten. Due to the nature of persistence that pesticides, causingthe body's concentration of zooplankton increased again to tens of perhaps hundreds of timescompared with those on the water. When the zooplankton eaten by zooplanktonsmall fish, only pesticides in the body of the fish is rising again.Similarly, the concentration of pesticides in the body a big fish eat small fishThese. The last of the consumer chain of humans who consume fish larger, willreceive the highest concentration of the pesticide.From the results of the research there were that endosulfan was detected on all points (1.2-12.9 ppb).Other types of organoklorin were detected that aldrin and heptaklor in 12 point, dieldrin on 9 points, andDDT in point 10. Endosulfan is also organoklorin with the highest average concentrations(4,246 ppb). In the rainy season, the most organoklorin types found in the sample
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
very uninformed use of pesticides is good and right by the government. (Pascale
R Salama, 2003)
Inadvertently, pesticides are toxic to humans or animals through the mouth,
skin, and respiratory. Often unwittingly toxic chemicals into the
body of a person without causing sudden pain and lead poisoning
chronic. A person suffering from chronic poisoning, caught after a lapse
of time, after months or years. Chronic poisoning by pesticides is now the most feared,
because the toxic effects can be karsiogenic (formation of cancerous tissue in the body),
mutagenic (genetic damage to future generations), and teratogenic (birth
defect children of mothers who poisoning).
Impact on the Environment
Residues pesticides have been found in the soil, in the drinking water, river water, well water,
and in the air. The most dangerous and toxic pesticides may exist in the
food we consume daily, such as vegetables and fruits.
The application of pesticides from the air much increase the risk of contamination, with the
gusts of wind. Pesticide pollution in the air is unavoidable in any application
of pesticides. For very wide expanse sprayed. Certainly, most of the pesticides
that are sprayed will be carried by wind gusts to sites other than the target
application, and pollute the soil, water and non-target organisms.
Pollution of pesticides applied in irrigated largely spread
in the irrigation water, and continue to the river and finally to the sea. Indeed, in the case of water
dilution, sebahagian there are decomposed and sebahagian longer remain persistent. Although the
residual concentration decreases, but still contains risks pollute the environment.
Most of the pesticides that fall to the ground intended to be carried away by the flow of irrigation water.
In the water, the pesticide particles will be absorbed by mikroplankton-mikroplankton.
Therefore it is a persistent pesticide, then concentration in the body mikroplankton will
increase to tens of times compared with pesticide floating in the water.
Mikroplankton-mikroplankton will eventually eat the zooplankton. Thus
pesticide was ingested. Because of the persistence properties owned pesticides, lead
concentrations in zooplankton body increases again up to tens maybe hundreds of times
compared with that is in the water. When the zooplankton zooplankton eaten by
small fish, the concentration of pesticides in the body of the fish increase even more.
Similarly, the concentration of pesticides in the body of a big fish eat small fish
such. Final consumer chain that humans who consume large fish, will
receive the highest concentration of the pesticide.
The results of the study are that endosulfan was detected in all points (1.2 to 12.9 ppb).
Type other organochlorines detected that aldrin and heptaklor in 12 points, dieldrin in 9 points, and
DDT in 10 points. Endosulfan is also a concentration of organochlorines with the highest average
(4.246 ppb). In the rainy season, the type of organochlorine most commonly found in samples
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