Heath forest on East Belitung is thought to have a diversity of plant species that can be used for medications. However, the information about it has not been revealed yet. Therefore, research about the composition of vegetation and potential medicinal plants in the heath forest is Necessary. This research was conducted in the primay heath forest (Jungle), secondary forest heath (woven fiber) and particular heath forest (Padang) at East Belitung on July to August 2011. The data is collected includes species of plants (local name and scientific name), medicine used species of plants and parts of plants that is used for medicine. Methods that is used to collect the data is is the analysis of vegetation and interview method. Vegetation analysis was done by using combination of line and compartment method. The number of lines in each forest type are 10 with each line size is 10 m × 100 m and the distance between the lines is 50 m. The research results 224 species of plants in the heath forest Obtained from different habitus and growth rates. Species with the highest value of importance on seedling, bush / shrub, herbaceous, liana, rattan and pandan is the tannic (Syzygium lepidocarpa) amounted to 20.2% in the primary heath forest, asleep (Guioa pleuropteris) amounted to 12:57% in the secondary heath forest and meadow chives (Fimbristylis sp.) amounted to 51.14% in the particular heath forest. Species with the highest value of important on sapling is betor bones (Calophyllum lanigerum) amounted to 17:27% in the primary heath forest, Kiras (Garcinia hombroniana) amounted to 21:50% in the secondary heath forest and sekuncong (Leptospermum flavescens) amounted to 88.46% in the particular heath forest. Species with the highest value of important on tree is intriguing (Schima wallichii) amounted to 53.36% in the primary heath forest, exclamation (Schima wallichii) amounted to 103% in secondary heath forest and sekuncong (Leptospermum flavescens) amounted to 180.2% in the particular heath forest. The number of medicinal plant species are identified based on knowledge of local communities as much as 101 species. Plant family roomates were most Widely utilized is Myrtaceae. Tree is the most common habitus of medicinal plant to be used. The part of the which is Widely used plants is root and the most numerous group of diseases cured with medicinal plant is diseases of body resilience system (fever). Composition of vegetation in forest heath is potential as a germ plasm reserve of medicinal plants in Indonesia. Heath forest resources conservation of species can support sustainability and benefits to the community around the forest.
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