Poverty is one of the problems of development in each country. The decline in the poverty rate is one indicator of the success of each country in improving welfare. Various policies and poverty alleviation programs have been implemented by the Government of Indonesia to help reduce poverty. In line with the policy, from 2008 to 2014, poverty rate in Indonesia decreased by an average annual decline in the poverty rate by 0.8 (CBS, 2014). Poverty reduction strategy that is integrated between central and local governments have been applied mainly to enhance social protection programs, increasing the poor's access to basic services, community development and inclusive development (Nuraini, 2014). Poverty is an integrated concept which has dimensions of powerlessness, vulnerability deal with emergency situations, dependency and alienation geographically and sociologically and is characterized by the absence of six capital, namely: (1) human capital (health, education, nutrition), (2) Venture capital, ( 3) infrastructure (roads, electricity, clean water, sanitation), (4) capital nature, (5) Administration managed public good, (6) the capital of knowledge, most of them live in families whose ability consumption is below a certain line, as shown below $ 1 or $ 2 per day, or below levels determined by each country, for reasons of natural, cultural and structural leads to the properties of the materialist (Prastyo 2010; Santoso, 2011; Nugroho & Dahuri, 2012).
the measurement of poverty in Indonesia do by the Central Statistics Agency, known as the poverty index P0 (head count index), index P1 depth of poverty (poverty gap index), and the severity of poverty index P2 (distributionally sensitive index). Poverty index (P0) is a calculation of the percentage of the population living in families with per capita consumption expenditure below the poverty line. The index of poverty depth (P1) is a calculation of the average percentage of each expenditure gap of the poor to the poverty line. Poverty severity index (P2) describe the distribution of expenditures among the poor (CBS, 2014).
Poverty is one factor that plays a role in the decline in human capital. Human capital or human capital is one of the factors that can improve people's welfare. Development in the field of human capital is one of the factors accelerating poverty reduction. Human capital is an indicator of health, education and other human capacities to increase productivity so that the suppression of human development need to be more focused on investment in human capital (Todaro, 2006). The success of the poverty reduction strategy either by improving the quality of human development. One measure of the quality of human development using the index of human development (human development index) which is an index of the composite includes three components of human development that are considered fundamental, namely health, education and decent living standards.
Measurement of the index of human development include age of life measured by life expectancy at birth on the basis of the average child born alive or average number of children who are still alive. Knowledge, as measured by the average length of time the school and the literacy rate of the population age 15 and older with a combination of primary, secondary. Standard decent living measured by GDP per capita gross domestic product / GDP in parity purchasing power purchasing power parity in US Dollars or the average real spending adjusted (Harahap, 2010; Harttgen & Klassen, 2011; Nuraini, 2014).
In accordance with the aim of development wants poverty levels and the high quality of human development, in 2013 the index of the highest poverty which means that the areas with the percentage of poor people in the index of human development is the lowest Papua province, while the region with the index of the lowest poverty and figures index of human development is the highest Jakarta Province. East Java as one of the provinces in Indonesia which has a high poverty index figure of 12.7 but has a human development index figures the provincial average in Indonesia amounted to 73.54. Besides East Java, another province that has a high human development index but has a high poverty rate is the Yogyakarta province, South Sumatra, Central Java.
Table 1.1 Poverty Index and Human Development Index Indonesia in 2013
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