Gary Yulk membagi kekuasaan atas dua bagian yaitu kekuasaan posisi dan terjemahan - Gary Yulk membagi kekuasaan atas dua bagian yaitu kekuasaan posisi dan Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Gary Yulk membagi kekuasaan atas du

Gary Yulk membagi kekuasaan atas dua bagian yaitu kekuasaan posisi dan kekuasaan personal. Kekuasaan posisi meliputi kekuasaanm legitimasi, kekuasaan ganjaran, kekuasaan kursif, kekuasaaan informasi, dan kekuasaan ekologik. Kekuasaan personal meliputi kekuasaan referen dan kekuasaan ahli . Selanjutnya Bierstedt mengatakan bahwa penggunaan kekuasaan adalah kemampuan untuk menggunakan kekuatan .
Wrong membatasi penggunaan kekuasaan hanya pada suatu kontrol atas orang lain yang berhasil . Rogers berusaha membuat jelas kekaburan istilah dengan merumuskan penggunaan kekuasaan sebagai suatu potensi untuk mempengaruhi “ dengan demikian kekuasaan adalah suatu sumber yang bisa atau tidak bisa untuk dipergunakan .
John French & Bertram Ravem telah mengembangkan sebuah taksonomi untuk mengklasifikasikan berbagai jenis sumber-sumber kekuasaan adalah kekuasaan ganjaran, kekuasaan kursif, kekuasaan legitimasi, kekusaan ahli dan kekuasaan refrent . Terence R Mitchell & james R larson menyatakan bahwa sumber kekuasaan ada enam kategori yaitu : 1) ganjaran, 2) hukuman 3) Informasi) 4) legitimasi 5) ahli ( refrences) .
Gibson Ivancevich dan Doneely sependapat dengan john french & Bertram Raven di atas dengan membagi kekuasaan atas lima macam yaitu kekuasaan, legitimasi, kekuasaan ganjaran, kekuasaan kursif, kekuasaan ahli dan kekuasaan refren . Tidak berbeda dengan pendapat John French & Bertram Raven di atas
Afsaneh nahavadi meyatakan bahwa sumber penggunaan kekuasaan ada lima yaitu : 1). Reward power orang yang ditargetkan patuh agar dapat memoperoleh imbalan yang diyakini dimiliki pemimpin 2). Coercive Power orang yang di targetkan patuh aturan agar dapat menghindari hukuman yang diyakini dimiliki pemimpin. 3). Legitimate Power orang yang di targetkan patuh karena ia percaya bahwa pemimpin tersebut mempunyai hak untuk meminta dan orang yang di targetkan mempunyai kewajiban untuk mematuhinya. 4). Expert Power : orang yang di targetkan patuh karena ia percaya bahwa pemimpin mempunyai pengetahun dan keterampilan mengenai cara cara terbaik untuk melakukan sesuatu. 5).Refrent Power orang yang di targetkan patuh karena ia mengaggumi atau mengidentifikasi kan dirinya dengan pemimpin tersebut dan ingin memperoleh penerimaan dari pemimpinya .
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Gary Yulk divide power over two parts namely the power of position and personal power. The powers of the position include kekuasaanm legitimacy, power, reward power cursive, this information, and power ekologik. Personal power includes the referring authority and power experts. Bierstedt said that further use of power is the ability to use force. Wrong power only on limiting the use of a control over other people's works. Rogers sought to make clear the fuzziness of the term with formulating the use of power as a potential to affect "as such is a power source that can or can't be used for. John French & Bertram Ravem has developed a taxonomy for classifying different types of sources of power is power, reward power, the power of legitimacy, a cursive kekusaan experts and power refrent. Terence R Mitchell & james R larson stated that the source of power there are six categories, namely: 1) rewards, 2) sentence 3) information) 4) 5) legitimacy experts (refrences). Gibson, Ivancevich and Doneely agreed with john french & Bertram Raven above by dividing power over five kinds, namely power, legitimacy, power, reward power, expert power cursive and power refren. Not unlike the opinions of John French & Bertram Raven on top Afsaneh nahavadi meyatakan use of power sources that there are five, namely: 1). Reward power targeted people dutifully in order to memoperoleh the rewards are believed to be owned by the leader of the 2). Coercive Power in targeting rules in order to avoid the wayward sentence is believed to be owned by the leaders. 3) Legitimate Power on the target of people who obeyed because he believed that the leader has the right to ask for and the person on the target has an obligation to obey. 4.) Expert Power: those who are in target wayward because he believed that the leader has the knowledge and skills about how to the best way to do things. 5). Refrent those who are in Power are targeting dutifully as he mengaggumi or identify herself with the leader and wants to gain acceptance from at its head.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Gary Yulk share power of two parts, namely a position of power and personal power. Power position includes kekuasaanm legitimacy, power rewards, cursive powers, the powers of information and ecologic power. Personal power includes the power referent and expert power. Furthermore Bierstedt said that the use of power is the ability to use force.
Wrong limit the use of power only at a control over other people succeed. Rogers tried to make clear haziness terms to formulate the use of power as a potential to affect "thus power is a source that may or may not be able to be used.
John French and Bertram Ravem has developed a taxonomy to classify different types of power sources are power rewards , cursive power, legitimate power, and power refrent kekusaan experts. Terence R Mitchell & James R Larson stated that the source of power there are six categories, namely: 1) discipline, 2) sentence 3) Information) 4) legitimacy 5) expert (refrences).
Gibson Ivancevich and Doneely agree with John French and Bertram Raven on top by dividing the power of five kinds of power, legitimacy, power rewards, cursive power, expert power and power chorus. No different with the opinion of John French and Bertram Raven over
Afsaneh nahavadi meyatakan that there are five sources of power use, namely: 1). Reward power of people targeted to be obedient believed memoperoleh rewards have leaders 2). Power coercive people in the target obedient rules in order to avoid a penalty that is believed to have leaders. 3). Legitimate Power abiding people in the target because he believed that the leader has the right to request and the person in the target have an obligation to comply. 4). Expert Power: people in the target obedient because he believes that leaders have the knowledge and skills on how the best way to do things. 5) Power .Refrent people in targeted obedient because he admires or identifies himself with such leaders and to gain acceptance of its leader.
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