In the city of Yogyakarta, diarrheal diseases are still
a health problem. Diarrhea that
came went to the clinic in 2009
ranks second after respiratory infection with
the number of 7769 cases, while in 2008 was
9640 and 2007 was 10,995 cases. So
also cases of diarrhea were treated at the hospital-house
hospital in Yogyakarta in 2009 was
8,835 increase from 2008 and 2007,
respectively 8819 and 2993 kasus.5
Yogyakarta is located right in the middle of the province of
Yogyakarta Special Region. Geographically
located between 1100 24 '19 "- 1100 28' 53" East Longitude
and 070 49 '26 "- 070 15' 24" South latitude with
an area of 32.50 km2
or 1.02% of the area of
Yogyakarta Province , The longest distance
from north to south approximately 7.5 km and from
west to east approximately 5.6 KM.6
Administratively Yogyakarta consists of
14 districts, including the District Umbulharjo
and Kotagede. Both districts are located in
the southern part of Yogyakarta and borders
directly with Bantul.6 District
Subdistrict Umbulharjo-lying
lower than 114 m above sea level, a
sub-district which is the largest of 8.12 km2 and passed three
rivers namely: Gajah Wong River, River Belik
and the Code River. There are seven villages with
a population of 73 243 people, and the density of 9,020
inhabitants /
km2. Existing health facilities is rumahBerita Medical Society, Vol. 27, No. 1, March 2011 z 11
Risk Factors for Acute Diarrhea in Toddlers, Hannif, et al.
Ill 5 units, 2 units of health centers and clinics
maid 3 unit.6
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