Tika is a daughter who's really plain. He made a lot of trouble at school. He makes trouble with teachers, her friends and her school principal. Tika's father and grandmother went to school to resolve the problem.The buggersone day there was a family pack of solar and Mother Ana who has one son, named, Tika Tika is a girl who is really plain, and when you see her, she looks like a dumb girl. But really he's just a slow thinker. In this House there is also Mrs. Sekar, her grandmother Tika.One morning parents Tika Tika and grandmother told about him.Solar Pack: my wife, where our son?Ana's mother: she is showering.Solar Pack: I'm really confused thinking about him.Ana's mom: why?Solar Pack: hhh ... ehh. There is something wrong in his mind, you get it? When he thought, she's really slow ...Ana's mother: I got it and I always think about it especially how to heal his mind (while giving the coffee).Sekar: hey mom ... I think it's normal, sometimes it can happen ...Solar Pack: ooh, thanks to my wife for your coffee, hmm, it looks good ... mom ... I think it is not normal, he always thought is slow and it doesn't happen every girl. How is Dr. gloomy, he seemed a success?Ana's mother: I don't think that he is successful to heal our children.Solar Pack: hmm, yes I think so, hmmm, ... the coffee is really good ... (the smell and then drink), hueeek ... You give sugar or what?Ana's mother: Yes, why, it's not sweet?Solar Pack: so spicy, I know, this is the chili powder! huh .. Hah ... huh .. Hah ...Sekar mother: oh my god, I can believe it. He. .. He. .. He. ..Mother Ana: ow, sory ... sory ... I didn't know it. ..Solar Pack: hu uh ... huh ... Hah ... huh .. Hah ... Why are You so talkactive.. Let's take the water.. !!Sekar's mother: he ... He. .. He. .. You see the crazy, it's really crazy ...Mother Ana: ok ... OK. .. I'll take it.Solar Pack: give it to me.Mother Ana: ok, (while to serve drinks to the solar Pack).Tika: mother ... the mother ...Sekar: hey mom ... your child calls you ...Ana's mother: Yes ... what happened? (speaking loudly while to serve drinks).Solar Pack: hey ... Hey ... hueek, hueek ... You will make me die?Mother Ana: ow sory ... sory ...Tika: mother ... the mother ...Ana's mother: Yes ... I will come (speak loudly).Solar Pack: hey ... What about me ... huh ... Hah ... huh .. Hah ...Mother Sekar: quiet ... You see the crazy, he ... He. .. He. ..Tika is a student in junior high school, had a friend named tika Chika and Bandung. They are best friends, and also Tika, Tika liked the Blessing, he was an intelligent student in the class.One day in class, instead of creating the problem..Ms. Rika: morning all ....Students: good morning Miss. ..Ms. Rika: Okay, how are you today ...Students: good ...Ms. Rika: ok ... I'm alright, ok now we like to learn science and let's take a look at the page.. (while looking for the exact page).Restu: 58, pasal 5 tentang tubuh manusia.Nona Rika: wow, bagaimana Anda tahu Restu, ow, Anda seorang mahasiswa benar-benar pintar. Oke terima kasih. Anda Restu, dan semua orang mari kita lihat halaman 58.Siswa: ok rindu ..Nona Rika: sekarang kita belajar tentang tubuh manusia dan yang berguna, seseorang dapat menjelaskan apa bagian tubuh kita? dan mengangkat tangan Anda.Restu: ya saya bisa.Nona Rika: ok Restu, menjelaskan ini.Restu: ya miss, bagian dari tubuh kita yang ... (jeda).Tika: (mengetuk, mengetuk, mengetuk) maafkan saya lewatkan, maaf saya terlambat karena ada kemacetan lalu lintas di sana.Nona Rika: ok. Oke. Jangan terlambat lagi.Tika: maaf ..Nona Rika: jangan terlambat lagi !!Tika: ok, terima kasih lewatkan. (Tika meninggalkan tas di depan kelas).Nona Rika: Hei, tas Anda !!Tika: apa .. ow maaf, maaf miss, saya melupakannya. (setiap siswa tertawa).Nona Rika: oh my god .. cepat, cepat .. ok siswa kami terus saja kami dan Restu akan menjelaskan bagian tubuh kita. Ok Restu silakan datang ke sini.Restu: terima kasih lewatkan (sementara datang ke depan kelas), teman-teman saya, saya akan menjelaskan bagian dari tubuh kita. pertama, saya akan menjelaskan bagian dari kepala kita, ada otak yang dibagi menjadi dua bagian dan kemudian ...
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