I. Apa itu Aura?Aura adalah merupakan medan energi yang memancarkan ge terjemahan - I. Apa itu Aura?Aura adalah merupakan medan energi yang memancarkan ge Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

I. Apa itu Aura?Aura adalah merupak

I. Apa itu Aura?

Aura adalah merupakan medan energi yang memancarkan gelombang elektomaknetik. Tubuh kita ini dikelilingi oleh aura yang berupa cahaya/warna. Medan energi yang ada di tubuh kita tampak berwarna-warni dan memiliki warna tertentu yang merupakan warna dominan/warna utama.

Aura dapat dianalogikan seperti sidik jari, warna aura itu unik pada setiap orang.
Ukuran dan kecemerlangan pancaran aura itu berkaitan dengan:
– menunjukkan kesehatan jasmaniah,mental,emosional dan spiritual dari orang yang bersangkutan pada saat tertentu
– Aura manusia selalu berubah-ubah sesuai dengan kedewasaan kepribadian seseorang.
– Aura manusia berwarna-warni sesuai dengan kepribadian dan kehidupan seseorang.

Masing-masing warna aura menunjukkan kepribadian yang berbeda.
– Panjang pendeknya aura dapat dideteksi dengan indra peraba kulit atau dengan dowser
– Aura seseorang dapat mempengaruhi maupun dapat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan sehingga bisa cerah atau buram karena faktor lingkungan.

Ada beberapa hal yang dapat dilakukan agar pancaran aura tetap cemerlang, diantaranya :
– Makan makanan yang halal, baik dan tidak berlebihan.
– Olahraga yang cukup dan teratur.
– Memenuhi kebutuhan tubuh akan udara segar.
– Istirahat dengan cukup, mengurangi rokok, alkohol dan obat terlarang.
– Mengurangi gerak hati, gerak pikir dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang buruk.
– Mengurangi sikap hati yang kasar, mudah emosi dan memperbanyak rasa kasih sayang.

II. Melihat Aura (tanpa mantra)

1. Melihat aura dengan jari tangan
Carilah tembok berwarna putih, duduklah dengan tenang pada jarak 1/2 meter dari tembok.Ambil napas sebanyak mungkin dan tahan selama mungkin. Lakukanlah sebanyak 5 kali. Gosokkan kedua telapak tangan hingga terasa hangat. Tempelkan masing2 jari tangan kanan dan kiri saling berpasangan. Letakanlah kedua tangan yang masih berpasangan tadi 30Cm didepan mata dengan latar belakang tembok berwarna putih. Renggangkanlah perlahan2 kedua telapak tangan saling menjauh. Perhatikanlah antara kedua ujung jari tadi akan mengeluarkan garis cahaya putih. Itulah aura yg memancar dari ujung jari kita.

2. Melihat aura dengan telapak tangan
Tarik nafas dan gosok kedua telapak tangan seperti cara No. 1. Tempelkan salah satu telapak tangan pada tembok berwarna putih. Tarik napas, tahan & hembuskan. Lepaskan telapak tangan dari tembok. Amatilah bekas telapak tangan yang tertinggal ditembok. Itulah aura yang memancar dari telapak tangan dan lama kelamaan akan larut dalam aura alam.

3. Melihat Aura diri sendiri
Letakkan cermin besar dihadapan kita, duduk dengan tenang. Usahakanlah latar belakang tembok berwarna putih dan penerangan berupa lampu neon. Tariklah nafas sebanyak mungkin dan tahanlah selama mungkin. Ulangilah sebanyak 5 kali. Tataplah bayangan diri kita yg ada dicermin. Pandangan mata diusahakan tidak melihat tubuh maupun bayangan tubuh, namun lihatlah batas tepian kepala dengan latar belakang tembok. Setelah pandangan mata kita terfokus, maka perlahan2 dari kepala dan bahu akan keluar cahaya aura kita. Sinar yg pertama kali terlihat biasanya berwarna putih yg merupakan warna aura kita yg sesungguhnya. Tataplah terus sampai melihat warna lain yg tidak berubah. Setelah berhasil mulailah mencoba melihat aura orang lain.

4. Melihat Aura Orang Lain
Mintalah bantuan seseorang yang akan menjadi objek untuk berdiri didepan tembok yang berwarna putih. Usahakanlah penerangan didalam ruangan dibuat remang-remang atau redup. Berdirilah lebih kurang 3 meter didepan objek. Fokuskanlah pandangan mata pada bagian tepi kepala dan bahu objek. Perlahan-lahan akan keluar sinar aura dari tepi kepala objek. Fokuskanlah pandangan pada seluruh tepian tubuh objek, maka seluruh tubuh objek akan memancarkan warna aura.

III. Arti warna Aura

* Ungu, tingkat pencapaian kerohanian, hubungan Illahi, mistik. Terletak pada kelenjar pituitari atau ubun-ubun.
* Nila, kebijaksanaan mendalam, bersifat seni, penguasaan diri dan selaras dengan alam. Terletak di kelenjar pineal atau jidat.
* Biru, bermental kuat, kecerdasan dan pemikir nalar.
* Biru gelap, merupakan sifat curiga. Terletak di otak.
* Hijau, keseimbangan, harmoni, penyembuhan dan mudah menyesuaikan diri.
* Hijau gelap, penuh tipuan, licik. Terletak di leher.
* Kuning, kasih sayang, baik hati, belas kasihan dan optimis
* Kuning gelap, curiga dan tamak. Terletak di jantung.
* Oranye, energi dan kesehatan tubuh, berhubungan dengan penyakit dan vitalitas fisik yang rendah.
* Oranye gelap, memperlihatkan kecerdasan yang rendah. Terletak di lambung dan limpa.
* Merah, kehidupan jasmaniah, ambisi dan penuh birahi.
* Merah gelap, ganas dan penuh nafsu.
* Merah muda(pink), kasih tanpa pamrih, kelembutan hati, sopan santun. Terletak di bawah pusar.
* Coklat, pelit, mementingkan diri sendiri dan egois.
* Abu-abu, kemurungan, energi rendah dan rasa takut.
* Hitam, jahat, culas dan bermaksud buruk.
* Putih, menunjukan tingkat kerohanian yang tinggi.
* Perak, energi tinggi dan sangat berguna.
* Emas, diri yang luhur dan pencapaian kerohanian yang tinggi.

IV. Tambahan

Aura Pada manusia yang kita lihat itu, terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu,

1. Bagian pertama atau bagian yang paling dekat dengan permukaan tubuh yang seakan menyelimuti dan mengikuti lekuk tubuh secara tepat adalah Aura Kembaran kita.(atau disebut juga Aura kembaran Etheris).Warna Aura ini kebanyakan berwarna gelap atau kadang agak kelabu.

2. Lapisan Kedua terletak diatasnya atau diluarnya adalah Aura bagian dalam yang sedikit banyak mencermin kankeadaan kesehatan si pemilik tubuh tsb.

3. Lapisan ketiga adalah lapisan diatasnya lagi atau dibagian luarnya lagi yang kita sebut Aura bagian luar ,yang sangat banyak terpengaruh oleh keadaan mental atau kebatinan orang .
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
I. What is a Aura?Aura is a field of energy that emit waves of elektomaknetik. Our body is surrounded by an aura of light/color. Energy field that exists in our body looks colorful and have a particular color which is the dominant color/colors.Aura can be analogized as fingerprints, the color of the aura that is unique to every person.The size and brilliance of radiate an aura that deals with:– shows the physical health, mental, emotional and spiritual of the person concerned at any given moment– The Human Aura is always changing in accordance with the maturity of someone's personality.– The Human Aura a colourful suit personality and one's life.Each color of the aura shows a different personality.– The length of the shorter aura can be detected by the senses sensing the skin or with the dowser– A person's Aura can influence or can be influenced by the environment so that it can be bright or opaque because of environmental factors.There are several things that can be done in order to keep aura glow brilliantly, including:– Eat foods that are Kosher, well and not overdone.– Sports and regular.– Meeting the needs of the body will be fresh air.– A break with enough, reducing smoking, alcohol and illegal drugs.– Reduce the motion of the heart, the motion of thought and activities.– Reduce the rude attitude, easy emotions and reproduce a sense of compassion.II. see Aura (no spell)1. see auras with fingersLook for a white wall, sit quietly at a distance of 1/2 meter from the wall. Take a breath and hold it for as much as possible. Do as many as 5 times. Rub both palms to feel warm. Paste masing2 fingers left and right pairs. Letakanlah second hand that still pair last 30 cm in front of the eyes with a white wall background. Renggangkanlah perlahan2 both hands of each other away. Look between the fingertips of yesteryear will issue a line of white light. That's the yg aura radiating from the tip of our fingers.2. See the aura with the Palm of the handPull the breath and rub both Palms like the way no. 1. Attach one of the hands on the walls are white. Inhale, hold & hembuskan. Remove your hands from the wall. Amatilah former Palm remains walled. That's the aura that emanates from the Palm of the hand and gradually dissolves in the aura of nature.3. See the Auras themselvesLetakkan cermin besar dihadapan kita, duduk dengan tenang. Usahakanlah latar belakang tembok berwarna putih dan penerangan berupa lampu neon. Tariklah nafas sebanyak mungkin dan tahanlah selama mungkin. Ulangilah sebanyak 5 kali. Tataplah bayangan diri kita yg ada dicermin. Pandangan mata diusahakan tidak melihat tubuh maupun bayangan tubuh, namun lihatlah batas tepian kepala dengan latar belakang tembok. Setelah pandangan mata kita terfokus, maka perlahan2 dari kepala dan bahu akan keluar cahaya aura kita. Sinar yg pertama kali terlihat biasanya berwarna putih yg merupakan warna aura kita yg sesungguhnya. Tataplah terus sampai melihat warna lain yg tidak berubah. Setelah berhasil mulailah mencoba melihat aura orang lain.4. Melihat Aura Orang LainMintalah bantuan seseorang yang akan menjadi objek untuk berdiri didepan tembok yang berwarna putih. Usahakanlah penerangan didalam ruangan dibuat remang-remang atau redup. Berdirilah lebih kurang 3 meter didepan objek. Fokuskanlah pandangan mata pada bagian tepi kepala dan bahu objek. Perlahan-lahan akan keluar sinar aura dari tepi kepala objek. Fokuskanlah pandangan pada seluruh tepian tubuh objek, maka seluruh tubuh objek akan memancarkan warna aura.III. Arti warna Aura* Ungu, tingkat pencapaian kerohanian, hubungan Illahi, mistik. Terletak pada kelenjar pituitari atau ubun-ubun.* Nila, kebijaksanaan mendalam, bersifat seni, penguasaan diri dan selaras dengan alam. Terletak di kelenjar pineal atau jidat.* Blue, strong minded individuals, intelligence and reasoning thinker.* Dark blue, it is the nature of the suspect. It is located in the brain.* Green, balance, harmony, healing and easy to adjust.* Dark green, delusive, devious. It is located in the neck.* Yellow, affectionate, kind, compassionate and optimistic* Dark yellow, suspicious and avaricious. Located in the heart.* Orange, energy and body health, related diseases and physical vitality.* Dark Orange, shows low intelligence. Located in the stomach and spleen.* Red, physical life, full of lust and ambition.* Red dark, violent and full of lust.* Pink (pink), selfless love, warm-heartedness, manners. Located below the navel.* Chocolate, stingy, selfish and self-centered.* Gray, moodiness, low energy and fear.* Black, evil, mean and bad culas.* White, showed a high level of spirituality.* Silver, high energy and very useful.* Gold, a sublime and high spiritual attainment.Iv. AdditionalHuman aura that we see it, consists of three parts, namely,1. The first part or the part that is closest to the surface of the body that seems to envelop and follow the curve of the body exactly is our Sister Aura. (or also called the Aura of a twin Etheris). The color of the Aura is mostly dark or sometimes rather grayish.2. Second layer situated above or outside the Aura is a section in which more or less mencermin health kankeadaan the owner of the body they will be.3. The third layer is a layer on top of it again or the outside again we call the outer Aura, which is very much affected by the mental state or mistreatments of people.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
I. What is the Aura? Aura is an energy field that emit elektomaknetik. Our body is surrounded by an aura in the form of light / color. Energy field in our body looks colorful and have a specific color that is the dominant color / main colors. Aura is analogous to a fingerprint, the color aura that is unique to each person. The size and brilliance of radiant aura is related to: - indicate health physical, mental, emotional and spiritual of the person concerned at a given moment - Aura man always changing according to the maturity of one's personality. - Aura humans colorful suits the personality and life of a person. Each aura color indicates a different personality. - The length of the aura can be detected by sense of touch the skin or the dowser - Aura person can influence or be influenced by the environment so it can be clear or opaque due to environmental factors. There are several things that can be done so radiant aura remains bright, such as: - Eating lawful, good and not overdone. - Sports adequate and regular. - Meeting the body's need for fresh air. - Rest enough, reduce smoking, alcohol and drugs. - Reducing the impulse, the movement of thought and activities that bad. - reduce heart attitude rugged, easy to reproduce the emotions and affection. II. See Aura (without spells) 1. See auras with your fingers Look for a white wall, sit quietly at a distance of 1/2 meters of tembok.Ambil breath as much as possible and hold it as long as possible. Do as much as 5 times. Rub your palms together to warm. Paste masing2 finger left and right hands of two. Letakanlah hands are still paired earlier 30Cm front of the eyes with a white wall background. Renggangkanlah perlahan2 both hands away from each other. Consider the two fingertips will be issued before the white light lines. That aura that emanated from our fingertips. 2. See auras with palms Inhale and rub palms together like the way No. 1. Attach one hand on a white wall. Inhale, hold and exhale. Remove the palm of the wall. Observe scars left hand walled. That aura that emanates from the palm of the hand and over time will dissolve in the natural aura. 3. Aura saw myself Put a large mirror in front of us, sitting quietly. Seek background white walls and lighting such as fluorescent lights. Breathe as much as possible and hold it as long as possible. Repeat 5 times. Stare at the shadow of ourselves imaginable dicermin. Eye view sought did not see the body as well as the shadow of the body, but look at the boundary edges of the head with the background wall. After our eyes focused, then perlahan2 of the head and the shoulder will be out of our aura of light. Ray which was first seen usually white which is the actual color of our aura. Stare continue to see another color that does not change. After a successful start to try to see the aura of others. 4. Seeing Other People Aura Enlist the help of someone who will be the object of standing in front of white wall. Seek lighting in the room is made ​​dim or dim. Stand approximately 3 meters in front of the object. Focus eyes on the edge of the head and shoulder object. Slowly going out rays of the aura of the object head edge. Focus view of the entire body edge of the object, then the object would radiate the whole body aura colors. III. Meaning color Aura * Purple, the level of spiritual attainment, relationship divine, mystical. Located on the pituitary gland or crown. * Nila, profound wisdom, nature art, self-control and harmony with nature. Located in the pineal gland or forehead. * Blue, strong mentality, intelligence and logical thinker. * The dark blue, a suspicious nature. Located in the brain. * Green, balance, harmony, healing and easy to adjust. * Dark green, deceptive, devious. Located in the neck. * Yellow, compassion, kindness, compassion and optimism * Yellow dark, suspicious and greedy. Situated in the heart. * Orange, energy and health, and diseases associated with low physical vitality. * Orange dark, showing low intelligence. Located in the stomach and spleen. * Red, physical life, full of ambition and lust. * Red dark, violent and lustful. * Pink (pink), unconditional love, gentleness, courtesy. Located below the navel. * Brown, stingy, selfish and self-centered. * Grey, moodiness, low energy and fear. * Black, evil, deceitful and bad intentions. * White, shows great spiritual intensity. * Silver , high energy and very useful. * Gold, self noble and high spiritual attainment. IV. Additional Aura In humans we see it, is composed of three parts, namely, 1. The first part or portion closest to the surface of the body that seemed to envelop and precisely follow the curve of the body is Aura Kembaran us. (Also called Aura twin Etheris) .Warna Aura is mostly dark or sometimes a little gray. 2. The second layer is located above or outside it is a little Aura part in many health kankeadaan mencermin owner TSB body. 3. The third layer is a layer on top of another or the outer section again we call Aura outer part, which is very much influenced by a person's mental state or psychotherapy.

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