Ada banyak keunikan dari tempat wisata di Jawa Timur, di antaranya ada terjemahan - Ada banyak keunikan dari tempat wisata di Jawa Timur, di antaranya ada Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Ada banyak keunikan dari tempat wis

Ada banyak keunikan dari tempat wisata di Jawa Timur, di antaranya adalah pesona wisata alam yang memikat serta panorama laut yang menawan hati. Provinsi dengan jumlah penduduk terbanyak di Indonesia ini memiliki ibukota yang juga merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata di Jawa Timur, Surabaya. Kota metropolitan Surabaya adalah wajah modern Jawa Timur saat ini dengan karakteristik budaya yang masih tetap dipertahankan.

Keunikan wisata Jawa Timur dapat dijumpai dalam sajian wisata kuliner Jatim dengan berbagai olahan makanan laut, kreativitas makanan daging, dan sejumlah makanan kuliner khas Jatim lainnya. Salah satu yang terkenal adalah sate Madura. Atau, Anda dapat pergi ke Mojokerto untuk mencicipi onde-onde yang enak di sana.

Akses menjangkau tempat-tempat wisata di Jawa Timur juga telah didukung dengan beragam moda transportasi serta infrastruktur yang baik. Bandara udara Djuanda adalah salah satu yang terbaik di Indonesia. Di Jawa Timur, Anda dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan bis umum, menaiki angkot, atau menyewa mobil untuk digunakan secara private, hingga taksi. Bahkan, opsi mengelilingi kota dengan becak atau ojek adalah hal yang dapat Anda temukan di sana.
Tempat Wisata di Jawa Timur

Dihimpun dari berbagai sumber, berikut ini adalah sejumlah tempat wisata di Jawa Timur yang paling memikat dan populer di kalangan para penikmat perjalanan.
Gunung Bromo

Gunung Bromo
1. Gunung Bromo di Malang

Pesona keindahan matahari terbit (sunrise) di Gunung Bromo adalah salah satu yang terbaik yang dapat Anda rasakan di puncak Penanjakan. Gunung Bromo tidaklah sebesar gunung api lainnya yang ada di Indonesia, tetapi gunung ini memiliki pemandangan yang spektakuler dan dramatis. Keindahannya yang luar biasa membuat wisatawan yang mengunjunginya akan berdecak kagum.

Gunung Bromo memiliki karakter alam yang menawan, hamparan lautan pasir yang luas, udara segar, dan berhawa dingin. Inilah yang membuat tempat wisata di Jawa Timur ini disukai para wisatawan, sebuah destinasi yang menantang untuk ditaklukkan.

Ketika matahari mulai kembali ke peraduannya, lautan pasir Gunung Bromo ini terlihat menawan dengan rona jingga yang menyelimutinya. Pemandangan indah ini bahkan dapat Anda saksikan dari Cemorolawang, sebuah pintu masuk ke area wisata Gunung Bromo ini.

Berkuda di atas lautan pasir yang hanya dimiliki taman nasional ini merupakan pengalaman yang luar biasa. Lautan pasir ini begitu luas dan terletak pada ketinggian 2.392 meter, sebuah keunikan alam yang hanya dapat Anda temui di bumi Indonesia.

Baca juga: Wisata Gunung Bromo, Sunrise Paling Memikat di Jawa Timur
Kawah Ijen

Kawah Ijen
2. Kawah Ijen di Banyuwangi

Kawah Ijen adalah kawah danau terbesar di pulau Jawa. Pesona tempat wisata di Jawa Timur yang satu ini adalah pada danau belerang yang berwarna tosca dan api biru (blue fire). Anda dapat menyaksikan panorama memikat ini pada saat malam hari hingga menjelang subuh.

Untuk mencapai kawah, Anda harus mendaki setinggi 3 km, ini akan memakan waktu sekitar 1,5 jam. Kemiringan pendakian adalah 25-35 derajat. Rasa lelah mendaki akan terbayar lunas tatkala mendapati pesona indah blue fire di salah satu tempat wisata di Banyuwangi nan memikat ini.
Pantai Plengkung

Pantai Plengkung
3. Pantai Plengkung di Banyuwangi

Reputasi Pantai Plengkung sebagai salah satu tempat wisata di Jawa Timur telah mendunia. Berjuluk “The Seven Giant Waves Wonder”, pantai ini begitu disukai para peselancar mancanegara memiliki tujuh gulungan ombak hingga setinggi 6 meter.

Pantai di Banyuwangi ini adalah pantai yang terkenal sebagai tempat surfing di Jawa Timur. Banyak wisatawan asing dari Bali berkunjung ke pantai Plengkung ini dengan tujuan menaklukkan gelombangnya yang ganas. Pantai ini adalah bagian dari Taman Nasional Alas Purwo di Banyuwangi.

Baca juga: Inilah 10 Wisata Pantai di Jawa Timur Paling Populer
Pantai Pulau Merah

Pantai Pulau Merah
4. Pantai Pulau Merah di Banyuwangi

Tanah yang berwarna merah, bentuknya menyerupai sebuah bukit kecil, terletak tak jauh dari bibir pantai yang memiliki pasir putih sepanjang 3 km, inilah sebab mengapa tempat wisata Jawa Timur yang satu ini dinamakan sebagai Pantai Pulau Merah. Inilah salah satu pesona yang dimiliki pantai di Banyuwangi.

Selain Plengkung, pantai ini juga adalah tempat surfing yang menarik di Banyuwangi. Pantai Pulau Merah memiliki ketinggian gelombang hingga 4-5 meter, sebuah tempat berselancar di Banyuwangi yang menarik bagi para pemula hingga pro. Panorama sunset yang memikat juga dapat Anda rasakan di pantai Jawa Timur yang satu ini.

Baca juga: Ini 7 Tempat Wisata di Banyuwangi Paling Menawan
Pantai Plengkung

Pantai Plengkung
5. Pantai Klayar di Pacitan

Terletak di Kecamatan Donorojo, Pacitan, Pantai Klayar adalah salah satu tempat wisata di Jawa Timur yang ramai dikunjungi wisatawan. Pesona pantai ini ada pada hamparan pasir putih, batu karang yang menyerupai Sphinx, karang bolong, seruling laut, dan air mancur alami setinggi 10 meter.

Objek wisata Pacitan yang satu ini dikenal sebagai salah satu destinasi liburan yang menarik. Pantai Klayar diapit oleh tebing-tebing yang tinggi dan tersedia menara pandang bagi Anda yang ingin menikmati panorama eksotiknya. Anda akan menjumpai banyak karang dan batuan gunung di pantai ini. Anda dapat bermain-main di air laut, namun tidak untuk berenang.
Gua Gong

Gua Gong
6. Gua Gong di Pacitan

Goa Gong terletak di Desa Bomo, sebuah gua yang indah dan cukup dalam diantara gugusan gua-gua yang berada di di sekitarnya. Goa ini adalah salah satu yang terkenal dari sejumlah tempat wisata di Pacitan. Selain keindahan bentuk stalaktit dan stalagmitnya, keunikan Gua Gong juga adalah karena stalaktit dan stalakmit tertentu dapat berbunyi seperti gong ketika dipukul.

Dari sinilah gua ini mendapatkan namanya. Konon, dulu gua ini dianggap angker karena sering terdengar suara gamelan, termasuk bunyi suara gong dari dalam gua. Gua Gong merupakan gua horizontal, artinya bahwa untuk menelusurinya tidak memerlukan peralatan dan keahlian khusus.

Fasilitas yang dibangun memberi kemudahan akses bagi pengunjung untuk mengeksplorasi tempat wisata di Jawa Timur yang satu ini. Gua Gong hanya memiliki satu akses pintu masuk sekaligus pintu keluar. Inilah alasan Goa Gong dijadikan sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata keluarga yang menarik di Pacitan.

Baca juga: Inilah 7 Tempat Wisata di Pacitan Paling Menarik
Pulau Sempu

Pulau Sempu
7. Pulau Sempu di Malang

Pulau Sempu di Malang ini memiliki daya tarik utama nan memikat, yakni Laguna Segara Anakan, sebuah pantai di dalam pulau dengan hamparan pasir putih dan memiliki luas 4 ha. Air di laguna ini adalah air laut yang dipisahkan oleh bebatuan karang.

Salah satu objek wisata di Jawa Timur ini sesungguhnya adalah kawasan konservasi, bukan sebuah destinasi wisata. Inilah sebab mengapa Anda harus mendapatkan izin terlebih dahulu dari instansi yang berwenang untuk dapat tiba di Pulau Sempu ini. Melakukan trekking penjelajahan di kawasan Pulau Sempu adalah sebuah hal yang sangat menyenangkan, selain itu Anda dapat berkemah di sana dengan suguhan suasana private nan intim di tengah-tengah alam.

Baca juga: Wisata Pulau Sempu di Malang Yang Memikat Hati
Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru

Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru
8. Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru di Malang

Inilah kawasan gunung berapi terbesar di Jawa Timur, mencakup area seluas 800 km persegi. Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru adalah kawasan konversi, memiliki keunikan berupa lautan pasir seluas 5.250 hektar, berada pada ketinggian ± 2.100 meter dari permukaan laut.

Banyak hal memikat yang dapat Anda peroleh dari kawasan tempat wisata di Jawa Timur yang terkenal ini. Di antaranya, pergi ke Cemorolawang untuk melihat dari kejauhan hamparan lautan pasir dan kawah Bromo serta tempat berkemah. Atau, mengarungi laut pasir Tengger dengan berkuda, bisa juga menyewa jeep untuk menjelajahi lautan pasir.

Di Pananjakan, Anda akan disuguhi panorama alam gunung Bromo, gunung Batok, dan gunung Semeru yang sungguh memikat hati, di Pananjakan ini pula panorama sunset dan sunrise paling memikat dapat Anda temui.

Jika suka, Anda dapat pergi menjumpai danau-danau yang sangat dingin dan selalu berkabut, danau ini sering digunakan sebagai tempat transit pendaki Gunung Semeru. Selain itu, masih ada Ranu Darungan, sebuah tempat berkemah serta kegiatan pengamatan satwa/tumbuhan dan panorama alam yang menawan.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
There are many attractions in the uniqueness of East Java, including the enchanting natural charm as well as a panoramic view of the sea that captivates. The province with the largest population in Indonesia has a capital which is one of the tourist destinations in East Java, Surabaya. Metropolitan cities of Surabaya in East Java, is the modern face of current with cultural characteristics which are still retained.The uniqueness of the East Java tourism can be found in the culinary delights of the East Java with a variety of processed seafood, meat, food creativity and a number of other culinary food typical of East Java. One of the famous sate Madura. Or, you can go to the Mojokerto to sample the tasty onde-onde in there.Access reach the tourist attractions in East Java have also been supported by a variety of transportation modes as well as good infrastructure. Djuanda Kartawidjaja airport is one of the best in Indonesia. In East Java, you can easily get a public bus, catch minibus, or rent a car for private use, up to the cab. In fact, option surround the city with a rickshaw or taxi are the things you can find there.Tourist attractions in East JavaCompiled from various sources, here are a number of tourist attractions in East Java's most alluring and popular among lovers of travel.Mount BromoMount Bromo1. Mount Bromo in MalangThe charm of the beautiful Sunrise (sunrise) at Mount Bromo is one of the best that you can feel on top of the Penanjakan. Mount Bromo is not as big as other volcanoes in Indonesia, but this mountain has a spectacular and dramatic scenery. An exceptional beauty make tourists who visit it will be berdecak AWE.Mount Bromo has charming natural character, an extensive stretch of sand sea, fresh air, and with the cold. This is what makes places in East Java this favored the tourists, a challenging destination for arenas.When the Sun begins to return to its resting place, Ocean sand Mountain Bromo looks attractive with an orange hue that covered him. This beautiful scenery you can expect even from Cemorolawang, an entrance to the tourist area of Mount Bromo is.Horse riding over the ocean of sand just owned this National Park is an extraordinary experience. The ocean is so vast and sand lies at an altitude of 2.392 meters, a unique nature that only you can meet on Earth Indonesia.Read also: Bromo volcano tours, the most Enchanting Sunrise in East JavaIjen CraterIjen Crater2. the Ijen crater in BanyuwangiIjen crater is the largest crater lake in the island of Java. The charm of tourist spots in East Java this one was on sulfur-colored Lake, tosca and the fire blue (blue fire). You can see the panorama alluring at night until the eve of the dawn.To reach the crater, you must climb as high as 3 km, it will take about 1.5 hours. Climbing the slope is 25-35 degrees. Feeling tired climb will be paid off in full when the beautiful blue fire charm found at one of the tourist attractions in this enthralling Banyuwangi nan.Plengkung BeachPlengkung Beach3. beaches of Plengkung in BanyuwangiPlengkung Beach's reputation as one of the tourist attractions in East Java has been worldwide. Nicknamed "The Seven Giant Waves Wonder", the beach is so beloved foreign surfers have seven rolls of waves up to 6 meters tall.Beaches in Banyuwangi is famous as the site of Beach Surf in East Java. Many foreign tourists from Bali to visit the beach of this with the purpose of conquering Plengkung its fierce. This beach is part of Alas Purwo National Park in Banyuwangi.Read also: these 10 Beaches most popular in East JavaRed Island BeachRed Island Beach4. Red Island Beach in BanyuwangiSoil that is red in color, its shape resembles that of a small hill, located just off shore that has white sand along the 3 km, this is the reason why sights of East Java this one named Red Island Beach. This is one of the charms of owned Beach in Banyuwangi.In addition, the beaches of Plengkung is also home to an exciting surfing in Banyuwangi. Red Island Beach has waves up to heights of 4-5 metres, a place to surf in Banyuwangi of interest to the beginner to pro. The enchanting sunset panorama also you can feel on the coast of East Java on this one.Read also: these 7 attractions in Banyuwangi most endearingPlengkung BeachPlengkung Beach5. Do in Pacitan CoastLocated in Kecamatan Donorojo, Pacitan, Klayar beach is one of the tourist attractions in East Java which is crowded by tourists. The charm of this beach is on the white sand, the coral reef which resemble coral Holey, Sphinx, flutes, and natural fountains as high as 10 meters.Objects to see which one is known as one of the attractive holiday destinations. Do not Beach flanked by high cliffs and towers of view available for those of you who want to enjoy a panorama of eksotiknya. You will find a lot of coral and Rocky Mountains on this beach. You can play around in the water, but not for swimming.Gong CaveGong Cave6. Gong cave in PacitanGoa Gong is located in the village of Bomo, a beautiful caves and deep enough among a cluster of caves in the surroundings. Goa is one of a number of famous attractions in Pacitan. In addition to the beauty of the shape of stalactites and stalagmitnya, the uniqueness of the Gong cave also is due to particular stalactite and stalagmite can read like a gong when struck.From this cave gets its name. It is said, used to be the cave is considered to be haunted because of the frequent sound of gamelan, includes the sound of a gong sound from inside the cave. Gong cave is a cave is horizontal, meaning that in order to trace them requires no special equipment and expertise.The facility was built to give ease of access for visitors to explore the attractions in East Java this one. Gong cave has only one access to the entrance and the exit. This is the reason Goa Gong as one of the tourist destinations interesting family in Pacitan.Read also: here's the 7 attractions in Pacitan most interestingRouleurRouleur7. the island Sempu in MalangThe island Sempu in Malang has a main attraction luring, i.e. Laguna nan Segara Saplings, a beach in the island with white sand and has an area of 4 ha. The water in the lagoon is separated by sea water rocks reef.One of the attractions in East Java this is conservation area, not a tourist destination. This is the reason why you must get prior permission from the authorized agencies to be able to arrive at this Island Sempu. Do the trekking trail in the area of Rouleur is a very pleasant, in addition you can camp there with a wonderful atmosphere of private intimate comfort in the midst of nature.Read also: Tour the island Sempu in Malang StorylinesBromo Tengger Semeru National ParkBromo Tengger Semeru National Park8. the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in MalangThis is the largest volcano in East Java, covered an area of 800 sq km. Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is the conversion, unique form of sea sand covering an area of 5,250 acres, located at an altitude of approximately 2,100 metres above sea level.Many things entice you can earn from the tourist attractions in East Java this famous. Of these, go to Cemorolawang to see from a distance the ocean expanses of sand and Bromo crater as well as camping. Or, wading through a sea of sand Crater with horse riding, could also hire a jeep to explore the sea of sand.In Pananjakan, you'll be treated to a panorama of Mount Bromo volcano, natural Shells, and mount Semeru who captivated the hearts, in this panorama sunset Pananjakan and sunrise's most alluring you can meet.If you prefer, you can go find the Lakes is very cool and it is always foggy, the Lake is often used as a transit point mountaineers Semeru. In addition, there are still Darungan Ranu, a camping and Wildlife observation activities/plants and charming natural landscapes.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

There are a lot of uniqueness of the tourist attractions in East Java, among them the charm of natural attractions that lure and enchanting panoramic sea. The province with the largest population in Indonesia has the capital which is also one of the tourist destinations in East Java, Surabaya. Metropolitan city of Surabaya in East Java is the modern face today with cultural characteristics are preserved. The uniqueness of East Java tour can be found in Java culinary offerings with a variety of processed seafood, meat food creativity, and a number of other Java typical culinary food. The famous one is the sate of Madura. Or, you can go to Mojokerto to taste delicious dumplings there. Access reach tourist attractions in East Java has also been supported by a variety of modes of transport and good infrastructure. Juanda air service is one of the best in Indonesia. In East Java, you can easily get a public bus, ride public transportation, or rent a car for private use, by taxi. In fact, the options around the city by rickshaw or motorcycle are the things you can find there. Places of Interest in East Java is compiled from various sources, the following are a number of tourist attractions in East Java, the most exciting and popular among the audience of the trip. Mount Bromo Mount Bromo 1. Mount Bromo in Malang charm of the beautiful sunrise (sunrise) at Mount Bromo is one of the best that you can feel in peak Penanjakan. Mount Bromo is not as big as other volcanoes in Indonesia, but the mountain has spectacular scenery and dramatic. Exceptional beauty make tourists who visit will be amazed. Mount Bromo has a charming natural character, vast expanse of ocean sand, fresh air, and cold air. This is what makes the tourist attractions in East Java is popular among tourists, a destination that is challenging to conquer. When the sun started to come back into the dusk, Mount Bromo sand ocean looks charming with its overwhelming orange hue. This beautiful scenery you can even see from Cemorolawang, an entrance to the tourist area of Mount Bromo. Riding on a sea of sand which only national park is an incredible experience. Sand ocean is so vast and lies at an altitude of 2,392 meters, a unique nature that can only meet in the land of Indonesia. See also: Tourism Mount Bromo, Sunrise Most Enchanting in East Java Ijen crater 2. Banyuwangi Ijen crater is the largest crater lake on the island of Java. Charm of the tourist attractions in East Java, this one is on Tosca colored sulfur lakes and blue flame (blue fire). You can see the panorama of this lure at night until dawn. To reach the crater, you have to climb as high as 3 miles, this will take about 1.5 hours. The slope of the climb is 25-35 degrees. Fatigue climb will pay off when finds beautiful charm blue fire in one of the tourist attractions in Banyuwangi nan this lure. Plengkung Beach Plengkung Beach 3. Plengkung beach in Banyuwangi Reputation Plengkung Beach as one of the tourist attractions in East Java has worldwide. Nicknamed "The Seven Giant Waves of Wonder", this beach is so popular among foreign surfers have seven waves roll up as high as 6 meters. The beach in Banyuwangi is famous beach as a place to surf in East Java. Many foreign tourists visiting the coast of Bali this Plengkung with the goal of conquering the waves were malignant. This beach is part of the National Park Alas Purwo in Banyuwangi. See also: Top 10 Beaches in East Java Tourism Most Popular Red Island Beach Island Beach Red 4. Red Island beach in Banyuwangi Land red, resembles a small hill, located not far from the beach which has 3 miles of white sand, this is the reason why the tourist attractions in East Java which one is named as Red Island Beach. This is one of the charms owned beach in Banyuwangi. Besides Plengkung, this beach is an interesting surf spots in Banyuwangi. Red Island beaches have wave heights of up to 4-5 meters, a surf spot in Banyuwangi which appeal to the beginner to pro. Enchanting sunset panorama you can also feel in East Java coast this one. Read also: This 7 Places in Banyuwangi Most Charming Beach Plengkung Plengkung Beach 5. Klayar beach in Pacitan Located in District Donorojo, Pacitan, Klayar Beach is one of the tourist attractions in East Java visited by tourists. The charm of this beach is on a stretch of white sand, rocks that resemble the Sphinx, perforated coral, sea flute and natural fountain height of 10 meters. Attractions Pacitan this one is known as one of the attractive vacation destinations. Klayar beach flanked by high cliffs and is available for viewing tower you who want to enjoy the panoramic view of the exotic. You will find a lot of coral and rocks mountain in this beach. You can play around in the sea, but not to swim. Gua Gong Gong Cave 6. Gong Cave in Pacitan Goa Gong is located in the village of Bomo, a beautiful cave and sufficient in clusters among the caves that are in the vicinity. This cave is one of the well-known of a number of tourist attractions in Pacitan. Besides the beauty of stalactites and stalagmites form, uniqueness Cave Gong is because certain stalactite and stalagmite can sound like a gong when struck. From this cave gets its name. That said, once this cave is considered haunted because often the sound of the gamelan, including the sound of a gong sound from inside the cave. Gong Cave is a horizontal cave, meaning that in order to track it does not require special equipment and expertise. The facilities were built to give easy access for visitors to explore the tourist attractions in East Java this one. Gong Cave has only one access entrance at the same exit. This is the reason Goa Gong is used as one of the attractive tourist destinations in Pacitan family. Read also: This is the seventh place in Pacitan Most Interesting Travel Sempu Island Sempu Island 7. Sempu Island in Malang Malang Sempu Island has a major attraction nan lure, the Segara Chicks, a beach on the island with white sand and has an area of 4 ha. The water in the sea water lagoon is separated by rocks. One of the attractions in East Java is actually a conservation area, not a tourist destination. This is why you must obtain permission from the competent authority to be able to arrive at this Sempu Island. Doing trekking exploration in the region Sempu Island is a very pleasant thing, besides you can camp there with treats nan intimate private atmosphere in the midst of nature. See also: Travel Sempu Island in Malang The Enchanting Heart of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Wildlife Bromo Tengger Semeru National 8. Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in Malang This is the area of the largest volcano in East Java, covering an area of 800 square kilometers. Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is the conversion of the region, has a unique form of sea sand area of 5250 hectares, located at an altitude of ± 2,100 meters above sea level. There are many things that can lure you get from the area tourist attractions in East Java, this famous. Among them, go to Cemorolawang to see from a distance the ocean expanse of sand and Bromo crater and camping spots. Or, wading through the sea of sand Tengger with riding, can also rent a jeep to explore the sea of sand. In Pananjakan, you will be treated to natural scenery of Mount Bromo, Mount Batok and Mount Semeru, which really captured the heart, in this Pananjakan panoramic sunset and sunrise is also the most alluring can you meet. If you prefer, you can go see the lakes were very cold and always foggy, this lake is often used as a transit point for climbers of Mount Semeru. In addition, there Ranu Darungan, a camping site and activities animal / plant observation and captivating scenery.

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