Verb 1
Verb 1 is the basic form of the verb in the English language. The verb is used when the first type will write a sentence in the form of simple present (tenses used to describe current activities). Examples of its use is in the following words:
I usually go to school at 6:30 am.
He always sleeps late to finish his job.
Here we can see that there is little difference in the verb form when the subject is third person singular. Here the verb 1 is added s or ice.
In addition verb first used after capital (auxiliary verb). Which includes capital is will (be), can (be), may (be), must (must). Well after using the capital, the verb used is the first form of the verb. Examples of the use of the sentence is:
I must wake up Earlier tomorrow.
She can play the guitar well.
Here, although the subject is third person singular, we do not need to add s or es after the verb.
Verb 2
Verb forms to 2 used to describe an event that have occurred in the past. This verb can not be used in the form of another sentence. So if you are going to write down the events that happened in the past, use the verb form to 2. Examples of the use of the phrase is:
They visited art museum yesterday.
She drank a glass of milk this morning.
Well here any subject, verb used is fixed 2 verb without any additions.
verb 3
verb third form can not stand alone as the previous two verbs. This verb is used in the perfect tense (tenses used to describe an event that has ended) both present perfect tense and the past perfect tense. Examples of its use in a sentence is:
I have finished my project this afternoon.
She has cleaned her room.
Well here should be followed by a verb 3 has or have. Use single party has for the subject as he, she and it.
That's a little explanation of the use of verbs in the English language and their functions. The following will attach some form of the verb in the English language that you should know.
Regular Verb
Verb can be defined as a verb that means irregular verbs have a specific pattern. Pretty easy memorizing verb form because you only need to add ed course. Verbs that includes regular verb is:
Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3
Play Played Played
Watch Watched Watched
Visit Visited Visited
Study Studied Studied
Listen listened listened
Clean Cleaned Cleaned
Wash Washed Washed
Plant Planted Planted
Well that is some verbs that includes regular verb , Not easy to memorize?
Irregular Verb
Verb this could be interpreted as a verb that does not berturan which means this verb has no particular pattern as regular verb. You have to memorize the shape because there is not a specific pattern in these verbs. Here are some examples of verbs that include irregular verbs:
Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3
Eat Ate Eaten
Drink Drank Drunk
Go Went Gone
Buy Studied Studied
Sing Sang Sung
Read Read Read
Write Write Written
Sell Sold Sold
Well that was a bit of an explanation of the verb dalama English. Hopefully this article can help you better understand the principle of a verb in the English language. please follow the following further review of the verb.
Verbs is a core part of English tenses. Verb or Verb in the formulas in this blog tenses, verb or Verb is often my brief V only. So if V + ing the same meaning as Verb + ing, often I also write as "Ving" just so easy.
The verb in the English language there are many forms: V1, V2, V3, Ving.
Verbs form 1 or I briefly V1, ie verb, such as: drink, go, write, read, Participate, learn, study, and so on. There verb to 2, often my brief V2. The verb form of 3 yes V3. Verbs as well as ING or my brief form Ving. How to use the forms of the verb? There is in each lesson tenses English.
Changing Forms Verbs
change form Verbs form 1 (V1) to form a second (V2) and the form to 3 (V2) there are irregular (no formula) and there are also irregular ( no formula). Wah memamg is what makes the English language has become complicated for us as Indonesia, haha.
Verbs Regular (Regular Verb):
That means yes to have regularity in shape, there formula for example, plus a "D" or "ED" such as: live - lived - lived, play, played, played.
Although there are rules but the rules are still some changes. List of irregular verbs is too long. I suggest you have a book of English Grammar although small and simple, usually there. Granted you want menulsinya here one by one ?.
irregular verbs (Irregular Verb):
For example, the verb "drink" in a row to form 1 to 3: drink-drank-drunk. One another example: break-broke-broken
Remember V1, V2, V3 and Ving? Do not forget what it means yes, because it is often used in every English tenses
a verb (verb) is often defined as a word that shows action taken subject or circumstances. The verb is the heart of a sentence - any sentence must have a verb. Recognizing the verb is often the most important step in understanding the meaning of a sentence. Unlike most of the other parts of speech, verb change its shape.
In fact there are various verb, but that is not too long, it will be discussed verb subject. namely:
1. Finitive Verb (verb usual)
2. auxiliary Verb (Verb Help)
3. Linking Verb
4. Transitive Verb
5. Intransitive verb
6. Regular and Irregular Verb
few examples of verbs in English sentences
- Teguh Studies English twice a week. (True to study English twice a week)
- She is a scretary (her secretary)
- Mr. Teguh comes from Indonesia (Mr. Teguh from Indonesia)
- they are happy (they were thrilled)
another article
Verb in English language has a verb definitions. Just like Indonesian, in English even knows the name of a verb or verb. It is definitely in that one sentence has one verb. Because the terms of the sentence or the sentence is a minimum consist of subject and verb. No subject (actor) and there is a verb (a verb or action) performed by the offender / subject.
Verb is divided into several types.
1. Verbs in terms of its function is divided into two:
- Auxilary verbs: auxiliary verb. For example: do, did, have, had
- Ordinary verb: verb original. example: eat, drink, sleep
2. Verbs seen from the shape, divided into 6:
1. Bare infinitive: examples come, eat
two. To infinitive: examples to come, to eat
three. Additional infinitive: sample comes, eats
4. Past Tense: Came example, ate
5. Past participle: examples come, eaten
6. Present participle: coming instance, eating
3. Verb views of the object is divided into two kinds:
1. Transitive Verb, verbs that require object
instance: I bring my book
2. Intransitive verb, verb that does not require object
example: I sleep, I run, I Sit *
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