Hemiptera atau yang lebih dikenal dengan bangsa kepik merupakan ordo y terjemahan - Hemiptera atau yang lebih dikenal dengan bangsa kepik merupakan ordo y Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Hemiptera atau yang lebih dikenal d

Hemiptera atau yang lebih dikenal dengan bangsa kepik merupakan ordo yang memiliki sayap depan yang bagian pangkalnya keras seperti kulit, namun bagian belakangnya tipis seperti membran. Untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis yang tergolong dalam keanekaragaman Hemiptera tersebut, salah satu pembelajaran yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis lingkungan. Lingkungan dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu penunjang dalam meningkatkan kreativitas dan hasil belajar peserta didik dalam pembelajaran. Melalui pengembangan pembelajaran berbasis lingkungan di bantu dengan media Ensiklopedia dan LKPD pada pembelajaran IPA Terpadu materi Keanekaragaman Hemiptera mampu meningkatkan kreativitas belajar dan hasil belajar peserta didik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengetahui Keanekaragaman Hemiptera. (2) untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis lingkungan yang dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dan hasil belajar IPA-Biologi pada kajian Keanekaragaman Hemiptera. Rancangan penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahapan yaitu penelitian studi Keanekaragaman Hemiptera dilanjutkan dengan penelitian pengembangan Ensiklopedia dan LKPD Keanekaragaman Hemiptera. Hasil penelitian Keanekaragaman Hemiptera di Kota Metro diketahui persebaran Spesies dari Hemiptera masih melimpah dan produk Ensiklopedia Keanekaragaman Hemiptera mendapat respon positip dari peserta didik, hasil penilaian dari validator dengan persentase > 82% maka dinyatakan sangat baik sesuai dengan kriteria penilaian kelayakan ensiklopedia. Produk LKPD memperoleh penilaian dari validator dengan persentase 80% maka dinyatakan sangat baik dan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Kreativitas belajar peserta didik, nilai signifikan yang menunjukkan 0,030 < 0,05 maka Ho ditolak, artinya ada perbedaan signifikan penggunaan ensiklopedia dan LKPD terhadap kreativitas belajar. Nilai signifikansi pada penghitungan hasil belajar sebesar 0,002 < 0,05 sehingga H0 ditolak, maka sesuai kriteria dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan hasil belajar terhadap penggunaan Ensiklopedia dan LKPD.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Hemiptera or better known with the ladybugs is the order which has a front wing which loudly as the base part of the skin, but the tow thin like a membrane. To know the different kinds of crusts in the diversity of Hemiptera, one of the learning that can be done is to apply-based learning environment. The environment can be used as a support in enhancing creativity and learning results students in learning. Through the development of a learning environment based on the free media and to help with the study of the integrated IPA LKPD material diversity of Hemiptera are able to improve creativity of learning and learning outcomes learner. The purpose of this research is: (1) to know the diversity of Hemiptera. (2) to produce a device-based learning environment that can enhance creativity and results learn IPA-biology in the study of the diversity of Hemiptera. The design of this study consists of two phases, namely the research studies the diversity of Hemiptera continued with research and development Free LKPD the diversity of Hemiptera. Results of the study of the diversity of Hemiptera in Metro City known to spread Species of Hemiptera are still abundant and the free product diversity of Hemiptera got positive response from learners, assessment results from the validator with > 82% percentage then expressed very well in accordance with the criteria of the assessment of the feasibility of the encyclopedia. Products obtained LKPD judgments of the validator with a percentage of 80% then stated was very good and worthy of use in learning. Learners learn creativity, significant value that indicates 0 < 0.05 then Ho is rejected, meaning that there is a significant difference in the use of the encyclopedia and LKPD against creativity study. The value of significance on the counting of the results of the study of < 0.05 0.002 so that H0 is rejected, then the appropriate criteria can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the results of the use of the encyclopedia and learning LKPD.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Hemiptera or better known as ladybugs nation is of the order that has a front wing that the base hard as leather, but the back is thin as the membrane. To find out the types belonging to the Hemiptera diversity, one lesson that can be done is to apply based learning environment. Environment can be used as a support in enhancing creativity and learning outcomes of students in learning. Through the development of an environment-based learning with the help of media and LKPD Encyclopedia on science learning material Integrated Hemiptera diversity can improve creativity in learning and learning outcomes of students. The purpose of this study are: (1) to determine the diversity Hemiptera. (2) to produce devices based learning environment that can enhance the creativity and learning outcomes in the study IPA-Biological Diversity Hemiptera. The design of this study consisted of two phases, namely research studies Diversity Hemiptera continued with research development and LKPD Diversity Encyclopedia Hemiptera. Biodiversity research results in Metro City Hemiptera known distribution of the species is still abundant Hemiptera and Encyclopedia products Diversity Hemiptera got a positive response from the students, the results of the assessment of the validator with the percentage of> 82%, the otherwise excellent fit with the feasibility assessment criteria encyclopedia. Product LKPD obtain an assessment of the validator with a percentage of 80%, the otherwise excellent and worthy of use in learning. The creativity of learners, which shows the significant value of 0.030 <0.05 then Ho is rejected, meaning that there are significant differences in the use of encyclopedias and LKPD to learn creativity. Significant value in calculating the learning outcomes of 0.002 <0,05 so that H0 is rejected, then the corresponding criterion can be concluded that there are significant differences on the use of learning outcomes and LKPD Encyclopedia.
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