Seperti dapat dilihat dari tabel, secara umum siswa menunjukkan relative Penggunaan seimbang bahasa spontan dan membaca di kedua tugas jigsaw. Sementara para pemimpin kelompok cenderung menggunakan bahasa spontan lebih sering(55% menjadi 68,3%) daripada membaca (16,9% sampai 44,9%), anggota lain yang digunakan spontan Bahasa jarang (15% sampai 56,2%) daripada membaca (34,8% sampai 85%).Dalam hal jumlah kata per individu, para pemimpin kelompok dalam setiap kasus memiliki produksi kata yang lebih, mulai 231-887 kata, dari anggota lain, mulai 100-313 kata. Ini berarti mereka berbicara lebih dari anggota lain. Selain itu, Tabel 3 menunjukkan terutama dalam perbedaan kelompok dalam hal dinamika kelompok. Sementara Grup 1 tampaknya memiliki mendominasi pemimpin (M5), yang menghasilkan hampir 50% dari jumlah total kata-kata dalam kelompoknya, Kelompok 2 tampaknya memiliki pemimpin yang demokratis (F2), yang memproduksi sekitar 30% dari total jumlah kata dalam kelompoknya.
As can be seen from the table, in general students show relative use of balanced language of spontaneous and read in the second task of the jigsaw. While group leaders tend to use the language of spontaneous more often (55% to 68.3%) than reading (16.9% to 44,9%), other members used Language rarely spontaneous (56,2% to 15%) than reading (34,8% to 85%). In terms of the number of words per individual, group leaders in every case have more words, production began to 231-887 words, from other members, ranging from 100 to 320 words. This means they talk more than other members. In addition, table 3 shows especially in group differences in terms of group dynamics. While Group 1 seems to have dominated the leader (M5), produces almost 50% of the total number of words in the group, group 2 seems to have a democratic leader (F2), which produces about 30% of the total number of words in his group.
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As can be seen from the table, in general, students showed relatively balanced use of spontaneous language and reading in both tasks jigsaw. While the group leaders tend to use the language spontaneously more often (55% to 68.3%) than the reading (16.9% to 44.9%), other members of the spontaneous language used infrequently (15% to 56.2%) than reading (34.8% to 85%). In terms of the number of words per individual, the group leaders in each case have said that more production, ranging 231-887 words, from the other members, ranging 100-313 words. This means that they are talking more than the other members. In addition, Table 3 shows, especially in group differences in terms of group dynamics. While Group 1 appears to have dominated the leader (M5), which generates nearly 50% of the total number of words in a group, Group 2 seems to have a democratic leader (F2), which produces about 30% of the total number of words in the group.
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