Supra-segmental phonemes and Phonetics
Phonemic particles that we have so far been considering Reviews such as vowels, consonants, diphthongs, etc. are called segmental phonemes. They Contribute to the meaning of a speech segment. Apart from this class of segmental phonemes, there is another class of particles that 'play equally important roles. These are supra-segmental phonemes.
Features of stress, pitch, intonation and juncture comprise this class, and are said to be 'overlaid' on the segmental units. It is difficult, to imagine without Reviews These features of human communication. They invariably accompany our speech and lend the additional dimension and the which is mote Immediately Directly understood. Reviews These features Convey the speaker's identity, attitudes, emotional states and his / her evaluation of how he / she is being received. Often, in the totality of communicational situation, a listener doesnot pay so much attention to the wards as he does to the rise and fall of pitch, volume of voice, stress and pauses, and so on. He understands the meaning by simply responding to extra-linguistic Reviews These indices.
We will now look at Reviews These features phonemes or a little more closely.
physiologically, stress means greater articulatory effort. By putting stress on particular segments we give it greater prominence. Various types of meaning are conveyed by distributing the stress pattern over speech segments in a controlled manner.
Two types of stress can he established
one. Word stress (or accent)
2. Phrasal (or sentence stress)
Word Stress
In words made up of more than one syllable, some syllable stands out from others. In a word like fable it is the first syllable that receives 'stress' or more articulatory energy the which results in its 'sounding louder and longer than the other syllable' the second syllable here. The distribution of stress over the word fable can be shown in this manner - fa-ble.
In monosyllabic words - Reviews These words may contain more than one phoneME, but that doesnot matter-stress falls on the only syllable they Contain:
l / ai / (phoneME single word)
see / si: / (two-phoneME word)
cat / kaet / (three-phoneME word)
flame / FLEIM / (four-phoneME word)
tract / traekt / (five-phoneME word)
In words made of more than one syllable, the stress is distributed over the syllables; one of the syllables is pronounced with greater energy syllabic or prominence. In words like sectors and enabled, the first syllable is prominent in the sector and the second syllable in the enable.
The syllable that is strongly stressed syllable is called a strong and weakly stressed syllable is called weak syllable. In sectors, is strong syllable and sec-tor weak syllable. In enabled, en is weak and no srong syallable Followed a weak syllable -bl. In polysyllabic words the stressed syllable may be more than one, for example Reviews These words - understand, appetizing examination. Syllabic division is shown as follows:
Un-der-stand; ap-pe-ti-zing; e-xa-mi-na-tion.
A polysyllabic word is graded in terms of the release of syllabic energy. It can be seen that from the strongest to the less strong to the weak, we can perceive different parts Easily carrying Reviews These stresses. For example, in a word like consolidation, the strongest stress falls on the fourth syllable / -dei- /, the next prominent syllable is the second one, the other weak syllables carry stresses.
One reason why the fourth syllable is the strongest is that the pitch of the voice changes on this syllable. Therefore, this IS ALSO called primary stress or tonic stress. A strong stress accompanied by a pitch or pitch-change movement is known as the primary stress. Roger Kingdon says that 'the prominence of a syllable IS ALSO affected by its pitch; high-pitched syllables sound more prominent than low-pitched ones. "
Thus Spake Stress features are Divided into the following levels:
1. Primary stress
2. Secondary stress
3. Tertiary stress
4. Weak stress
syllabic The strongest release of energy accompanied by a potential change of pitch direction marks the primary stress. The next strong stress is called secondary stress. Primary stress is represented by the half straight bar ['], and the secondary stress by the bar placed at the bottom before the syllable that is stressed. Thus Spake the apple in the primary stress is on the first syllable 'apple; so with 'father; but in ga'rage it is on the second syllable. Understand the word carries a primary and a secondary stress Indicated as / unders'tand. Tertiary stress is Weaker than the secondary stress and close to the weak or unmarked stress. It is somewhat difficult, to define and describe it. The two identically pronounced words nightrate and nitrate, show that the second example has a tertiary stress while in night rate rate carries the secondary stress. A weak stress is always left unmarked. Here the pitch is low and the lax vowel as in to'bacco.
Stress pattern in English has to be learned; there is nothing in a syllable itself the which indicates that it may receive stress or not. In some disyllabic words the first syllable is stressed, for example 'a writer,' bellows, 'coral,' glimmer, 'ginger, while of disyllabic words have the second syllable sressed: re'cord, be'low, con'sort (vb ), di'sable. Compared to the unstressed syllable, the vowel in a stressed syllable is longer. Similarly, a long vowel Becomes reduced in length when it Occurs in an unaccented syllable.
Stress Shift
It has been observed that the stress shifts in derivative words. The following table shows how different derivative words take the stress on different syllables.
syllable 1st 2nd 3rd syllable syllable
'fraternise fra'ternity
'fragility fra'gile
'fragment frag'ment fragmen'tation
Or'thographer ortho'graphic
'syllable sy'llabify syllabifi'cation
'product pro'duce produc'tivity
'excavate exca'vation
'excellence ex'cel
'photograph pho'tographer photo'graphic
Shift of Primary Stress in syllables
In words derived Also there is no predictability about the placement of stress. However, an interesting aspect of the stress distribution is that for noun / adjective, the stress is on the first syllable and for the verb it is on the second syllable.
Noun / Adjective Verb
'produce pro'duce
'import imp'ort
'subject sub' ject
'perfect per'fect
'record re'cord
'contract con'tract
Compound Word Stress
Compound word Consists of two words, the which are written as one word. Mostly the nuclear, tonic or primary stress falls on the first syllable of the first word as in 'Postman,' batsman, 'chairman, etc. Distribution of stress varies greatly According to the syllabic composition of the compound words.
The primary stress on the first syllable
'Honeymoon,' honey suckle, 'market day,' main spring, 'long shore,' live stock, 'liveryman.
Primary stress on the first, secondary on the third syllable
'borderline, firebrigade, copyright
stress on the first Primary, secondary on the fourth syllable
National issues, labor exchange, cabinet maker
stress on the third Primary, secondary on the first syllable
Secondhand, country farm, easygoing , seargent major
Phrasal Stress
Although words have more or less fixed stress in connected speech, the intonational and contextual imperatives guide a speaker's choice of stress. Longer utterances, clauses and segments can show changes in the stress pattern. This is accompanied by the rise and fall in the pitch level. For example in a sentence like
Bring chairs closer Reviews those
different words can be stressed in the manner shown below:
Reviews those chairs bring closer
bring closer Reviews those chairs
bring closer Reviews those chairs
bring Reviews those chairs closer
Each of the above examples conveys a different meaning. Normally, the content words receive the primary stress, grammatical words donot As T. Balasubramanian says, 'The choice of the syllable receiving primary accent depends on the meaning the speaker wants to Convey'.
Speech Rhythm
In connected speech on certain words and receive the primary stress other words are unstressed. A pattern of alternations between the stressed and unstressed words is formed. If we Consider the sentence, see the paint on the roof we will find that the second, the fourth and the fifth are unstressed syllable; the third and the sixth words are stressed. It is the tendency Among the English speakers to crowd together the unstressed syllables between the two stressed syllables. The effect is a rhythm roomates makes English a stress-timed language.
There is another process that produces the characteristic English rhythm, that of weakening of the accent on on certain words. In connected speech stress tends to be re-arranged due to elision and assimilation. Syllables in isolated expressions that may be unstressed stressed Appear in Reviews such instances. Form-words, like Articles, prepositions, auxiliary verbs, conjunctions and other elements may show this, where consonant and vowel quality of the weak form is affected. Let us look at Reviews These sentences.
a. I shall let you have it transcribed as
/ ai ol let ju: haev it /; the verb shall has Become weak and is represented as / OI / instead of / òæl /.
b. Lend me the book, I'd read it transcribed as
/ lend me drunk, aid ri: d it /; Becomes would simply / d / here.
a. There was a book on the table transcribed a
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