The problem of human trafficking is no longer a novelty, but it's already become a national and international problem that dragged on, which to date has yet to be resolved appropriately, either by the Government of each country, as well as by international organizations authorized to handle the human trafficking problem. Human trafficking is closely related to the relationship between countries, since such trade is usually done in the border area of the State and the mode of operation that is done is for delivery to various recipient countries such as Malaysia and Singapore. Weak security and safeguard the border region makes the main factors of human trafficking, so easily someone can do such trade transactions. In Indonesia are familiar with the sale of human beings, including recent cases where hundreds of babies on sale abroad. The Ministry of women's empowerment, Indonesia found that kids get into a trade case. UNICEF and the Ministry of women's empowerment in Bali Indonesia held a workshop for three days. The meeting sought to design the stratehi to fight the growing child trafficking industry. A woman was caught in South Jakarta last year after selling the 880 babies abroad and 25 babies were saved. In another case, also in South Jakarta, one group claims to sell more than 80 babies to foreigners.Increasingly rampant cases of child trafficking occurs in various different countries worldwide give serious attention to mengaruskan to resolve this issue. To address this problem, the UN has established an organization that the authorities address the issue of trafficking in children, the UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund). UNICEF efforts in dealing with cases of child trafficking has been done long ago, but until then it's a case of child trafficking in several countries, thus increasing, for example Indonesia.
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