Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.Sebelumnya marilah kita pan terjemahan - Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.Sebelumnya marilah kita pan Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Waba

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Sebelumnya marilah kita panjat-kan puji syukur kehadirat Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, karena atas limpahan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya, pada hari ini kita semua masih diberi kesempatan untuk dapat hadir ditempat ini.

Sekali lagi saya ucapkan terima kasih karena telah diberikan kesempatan untuk menyampaikan pidato yang bertemakan "kebudayaan": ini.

Teman-teman yang saya cintai.
Sebagai warga yang mencintai tanah kelahirannya dan sebagai warga dari negara yang kita cintai ini. Sepatutnya kita dapat menjaga apa yang telah menjadi warisan para leluhur kita yaitu "kebudayaan". Amatlah salah jika kita sebagai pribumi mencemooh apa yang telah leluhur kita wariskan kepada kita. Dan amat teramat aneh, tidak sedikit generasi sekarang ini malah bangga dengan kebudayaan luar dan membiarkan kebudayaan kita hilang dicuri orang.
Mungkin masih melekat diingatan kita disaat salah satu kesenian yang sudah jelas-jelas merupakan warisan budaya negara kita dicatut oleh negara lain? Apa reaksi kita? Apa peduli kita? Mungkin sebagian dari saudara-saudara hanya diam dan memperhatikannya lewat berita tanpa bisa berbuat apa-apa...Untung masih ada sebagian orang yang masih peduli akan semua itu.
Alangkah Banyaknya kesenian dan kebudayaan yang kita punyai, dapat kita bayangkan, betapa luasnya negara kita dengan diisi berbagai suku dan hampir setiap suku mempunyai kebudayaan dan kesenian yang berbeda.

Marilah kita jaga semua warisan leluhur kita itu sebelum kita menyesal karena telah mengabaikannya, jangan sampai kita hanya jadi penonton dari budaya sendiri, tapi, marilah kita ikut berperan dalam menjaga dan melestarikannya. Dengan partisipasi semua pihak dan ditunjang dengan pandangan – pandangan pada  vision dan kedewasaan dalam berpikir yang lebih mengutamakan kepentingan masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Hadirin yang saya hormati, Demikian sambutan yang dapat saya sampaikan, semoga Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa selalu memberikan bimbingan dan petunjuk-Nya kepada Kita sekalian.

Sekian dan Terima kasih
Wassallamu’alaikum wr. wb.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.Before let us climb-kan praise thanks the presence of Allaah, because of the overflow of his guidance and grace, on this day we all still are given the opportunity to be present at this place.Once again I thank you for having given the opportunity to deliver a speech themed "culture": this.Friends that I love.As a citizen who loves his homeland and as citizens of this country that we love. Should we be able to maintain what has become a legacy of our ancestors that "culture". Is it wrong if we as natives deride what have our ancestors inherit is to us. And very very strange, not least the current generation is even proud of the culture outside and let our culture lost stolen people.May still be attached to our diingatan when one of the arts which was already clearly is the cultural heritage of our country dicatut by other countries? What is our reaction? What care we? Maybe some of the brothers are just silent and concerned by the news without being able to do anything about the ...Fortunately, there are still some people who still care about all that.How Many arts and culture that we have, can we imagine the vastness of our country is filled with various tribes and nearly every tribe has a distinct culture and the arts.Let us take care of all of our ancestral heritage before we regret because it has ignored it, do not let us just so the audience of the own culture, but, let us take a role in maintaining and preserve it. With the participation of all parties and supported by views – views on the vision and maturity in thinking that favor the interests of the community, the nation and the State. The audience who I respect, So I can tell them welcome, may Allah, God Almighty always give guidance and his hints to us all.All this and thanksWassallamu'alaikum wr. WB.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Previous let us rock-kan praise to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, because over abundance of grace and His guidance, on this day we are all still given the opportunity to be present in this place. Once again I thank you for have been given the opportunity to deliver a speech with the theme "culture": this. Friends who I love. As a citizen who loves his homeland and as citizens of this country that we love. Fitting for us to be able to maintain what has been the legacy of our ancestors that "culture". It is very wrong if we as indigenous scoffed at what our ancestors have bequeathed to us. And very very strange, not least the current generation is even proud of the culture outside and let our culture lost stolen. Probably still attached diingatan us when one of the arts that was clearly a cultural heritage of our country dicatut by other countries? What is our reaction? What do we care? Maybe some of the brothers just shut up and pay attention in the news without being able to do anything about it ... Fortunately, there are some people who still care about all that. What a number of arts and culture that we have, we can imagine, the vastness of our country filled with various tribes and almost every tribe has a different culture and art. Let us keep all of our cultural heritage that before we regret having ignored it, do not let us just be a spectator of his own culture, but, let us play a role in maintaining and preserving . With the participation of all parties and supported by the view - a view on the vision and maturity in thinking that more priority to the interests of the community, the nation and the state. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome So that I can say, may Allah, the Almighty God always gives His guidance and instructions to Us all. all and thanks Wassallamu'alaikum wr. wb.

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