2) Kabupaten Malinau dengan 12 kecamatan
3) Kabupaten Bulungan 10 kecamatan
4) Kabupaten Tana Tidung dengan 3 kecamatan
5) Kabupaten Nunukan dengan 9 kecamatan
Selama kurun waktu + 1 (satu) tahun sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2013, jumlah kecamatan mengalami pemekaran menjadi 47 kecamatan, yang terdiri dari:
1) Kota Tarakan dengan 4 kecamatan
2) Kabupaten Malinau dengan 15 kecamatan
3) Kabupaten Bulungan 10 kecamatan
4) Kabupaten Tana Tidung dengan 3 kecamatan
5) Kabupaten Nunukan dengan 15 kecamatan
Provinsi Kalimantan Utara memiliki 2 (dua) kabupaten yang berbatasan dengan negara tetangga, sebelah Utara Sabah (Malaysia), sebelah Barat Serawak (Malaysia). Luas wilayah Provinsi Kalimantan Utara pada 2 (dua) kabupaten perbatasan yaitu 56.884,38 km2 terdiri dari Kabupaten Malinau dengan luas wilayah 42.620,70 km2, dan Kabupaten Nunukan dengan luas wilayah 14.263,68 km2. Luas wilayah perbatasan Malinau 26.875,03 km2 atau 63,05 % dari luas Kabupaten Malinau, dan luas wilayah perbatasan Nunukan 10.928,78 km2 atau 76,61 % dari luas wilayah Kabupaten Nunukan.
Profil Kawasan Perbatasan Kabupaten Malinau
Kabupaten Malinau merupakan salah sat udaerah hasil pemekaran dari wilayah Bulungan. Secara astronomis Kabupaten Malinau terletak antara 114º35’22” sampai dengan 116º50’55’’ Bujur Timur dan di antara 1º21’36” sampai dengan 4º10’55’’ Lintang Utara. Kabupaten Malinau terbagi menjadi 15 Kecamatan yaitu, Kecamatan Kayan Hulu, Kayan Selatan, Sungai Boh, Kayan Hilir, Pujungan, Bahau Hulu, Malinau Kota, Malinau Selatan, Malinau Barat, Malinau Selatan Hilir, Malinau Selatan Hulu, Sungai Tabu, Malinau Utara, Kayan Mentarang, dan Mentarang Hulu.
Pembangunan di bidang pertanian memegang peranan penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi, terutama untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup petani sebagai kelompok besar masyarakat selain untuk mendukung pertumbuhan industri.
Pertanian yang meliputi pertanian tanaman pangan, perkebunan, kehutanan, perikanan, dan peternakan selalu diupayakan untuk menunjang pertumbuhan dan stabilitas ekonomi. Berdasarkan BPS Malinau 2012, luas tanam dan produksi tanaman padi dan palawija menurut jenis komoditi dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut :
1) Padi sawah dengan luas panen sebesar 2.479 ha dan menghasilkan produksi 8.932 ton.
2) Padi ladang dengan luas panen sebesar 6.393 ha dan menghasilkan produksi 13.988 ton.
3) Jagung dengan luas panen sebesar 129 ha dan menghasilkan produksi 249 ton.
4) Kedelai dengan luas panen sebesar 10 ha dan menghasilkan produksi 100 ton.
5) Kacang tanah dengan luas panen sebesar 23 ha dan menghasilkan produksi 330 ton.
6) Kacang hijau dengan luas panen sebesar 12 ha dan menghasilkan produksi 120 ton.
7) Ubi kayu dengan luas panen sebesar 189 ha dan menghasilkan produksi 2.505 ton.
8) Ubi jalar dengan luas panen sebesar 48 ha dan menghasilkan produksi 442 ton.
Perkebunan dengan luas panen terbesar terdapat pada komoditi kakao sebesar 4.199,5 Ha dengan hasil produksi 802 ton pada tahun 2012, sedangkan luas panen terkecil terdapat pada komoditi lada sebesar 3 Ha dengan hasil produksi 3 ton. Khusus untuk komoditi karet jumlah produksinya belum dikalkulasi karena pemerintah baru saja menyelenggarakan program pembagian sekaligus penanaman bibit karet kepada masyarakat sehingga bibit karet yang dibagikan memang belum diproduksi. Pada tahun 2012 untuk sektor kehutanan produksi kayu bulat meranti mencapai 306.820,74 m3.
Kegiatan penanganan jalan dikategorkan dalam tiga jenis program, yaitu:
a. Program Rehabilitasi dan pemeliharaan jalan dan jembatan
b. Program pembangunan jalan dan jembatan
c. Program peningkatan jalan dan jembatan
Data-data yang digunakan, dikumpulkan langsung dari lapangan baik primer maupun sekunder melalui survei-survei dan observasi. Beberapa aktivitas survei yang dilakukan di lapangan antara lain:
a. Survei Inventarisasi Jaringan Jalan. Dimaksudkan untuk memberikan suatu kerangka kerja bagi pemeliharaan prioritas penanganan dan untuk melaksanakan survei yang lebih sistematis terhadap seluruh jaringan jalan.
b. Kajian Ulang Program. Sebelum melakukan studi yang rinci dan terpusat akan dilakukan pengkajian ulang mengenai program pembangunan dan peningkatan jalan dan jembatan yang telah dilakukan pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya.
c. Pengumpulan Sumber Data. Sebagian besar data sekunder yang bersifat teknik akan diperoleh dari Dinas Pekerjaan Umum, Sub-Dinas Bina Marga setempat. Data tersebut meliputi:
1) Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Provinsi Kalimantan Utara
2) RPJMD Kalimantan Utara
3) Rencana Induk Pengembangan Wilayah Perbatasan Kalimantan Utara
4) Studi Terdahulu
6) Peraturan Pemerintah terkait perbatasan
7) Data inventarisasi jaringan jalan
Data lainnya bersifat sosial ekonomi, kondisi fisik daerah, pertahanan dan keamanan Negara
Malinau Regency 2) with 12 subBulungan Regency, 10 3) Sub4 Tana Tidung Regency) with 3 sub Nunukan Regency 5) with 9 subDuring the period of + 1 (one) year until October 2013, the number of subdistricts are experiencing extraction becomes 47 districts, consisting of:1) Tarakan with the 4 SubMalinau Regency 2) with 15 subBulungan Regency, 10 3) Sub4 Tana Tidung Regency) with 3 sub Nunukan Regency 5) with 15 subThe North Kalimantan province has 2 (two) District bordering neighboring countries, North of Sabah (Malaysia), West of Serawak (Malaysia). The North Kalimantan area on two border districts namely 56.884 .38 Malinau Regency comprises km2 with an area of 42.620 .70 Nunukan Regency km2, and with a land area of 14.263 km2 of .68. The area of the border of the Malinau 26.875, 03 km2 or 63,05% of the Malinau Regency, and the vast area of the border of Nunukan 10.928,78 km2 or 76,61% of the area of Nunukan Regency.Malinau Regency Border Area ProfileMalinau Regency is the sat results of udaerah expansion of the territory of Bulungan. Malinau Regency astronomically lies between 116 ° 35 ' 22 "up to 116 ° 50 ' 55" East longitude and between 1 ° 21 ' 36 "up to 4 ° 10 ' 55 '' Latitude North. Malinau Regency is divided into 15 sub-district, sub-district of Kayan Hulu, South Kayan River Kayan Hilir, Boh, Pujungan, Malinau Hulu, Bahau town, Malinau Malinau Selatan, Malinau Barat, Malinau Selatan, South of lower Upstream, the river is taboo, Malinau Utara, Kayan Mentarang National Park, and Upper Mentarang National Park.Development in the field of Agriculture holds an important role in economic development, especially to improve the standard of living of farmers as a large group of society in addition to supporting the growth of the industry.Agriculture includes agricultural food crops, plantations, forestry, fisheries, and animal husbandry has always strived to support growth and economic stability. Based on BPS Malinau 2012, acreage and production of paddy and crops according to the type of commodities can be explained as follows:1) rice with harvest of 2.479 ha and produce production 8.932 tons.2) Rice fields with vast harvest of 6.393 ha and produce production 13.988 tons.3) Corn with harvest of 129 ha and produce production of 250 tons.4) Soybean Harvest with an area of 10 ha and produce 100 tons of production.5) peanut harvest with an area of 11 ha and produce production of 330 tons.6) green beans with an area of 12 ha and harvesting produce 120 tons of production.7) cassava with extensive harvesting of 189 ha and produce production 2,505 tons.8) sweet potato harvest with an area of 48 ha and produce production of 442 tonnes.The largest harvest of orchards found in cocoa amounting to commodity 4.199 .5 Ha produced 802 tonnes in 2012, while the smallest harvest there is vast commodities pepper of 3 Ha with an output of 3 tons. Specific to commodity production has not yet calculated the amount of rubber because the Government had recently organized a sharing program while planting seeds of rubber to the community so that the rubber seedlings distributed indeed haven't produced. In 2012 to forestry production round wooden meranti reach 306.820 ultra-compact m3.Dikategorkan way of handling events in three types of programs, namely:a. the programme of rehabilitation and maintenance of roads and bridgesb. Programme of building roads and bridgesc. the Program improved roads and bridgesThe data is used, collected directly from primary or secondary well field through surveys-surveys and observations. Some of the activities of the survey conducted in the field include:a. an inventory survey of the road network. Intended to provide a framework for priority handling and maintenance to carry out a systematic survey of the entire road network.b. restart the Program Review. Before doing a detailed study will be conducted and centered redenomination on program development and improvement of roads and bridges that have been done on previous years.c. the collection of the Data source. The majority of secondary data which are techniques will obtained from public works, the Department of community development of the local Clan. Such data include the following:1) Spatial Plan area of the province of North Borneo2) RPJMD North Borneo3) master plan development of the border regions of North BorneoPrevious Studies 4)5) BNPP6) Government regulations related to the border7) road network inventory DataOther data are social, economic, physical condition of the area, defense and State security
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2) Malinau District with 12 districts
3) Bulungan 10 districts
4) Tana Tidung with 3 districts
5) Nunukan with 9 districts
During the period + 1 (one) year up to the month of October 2013, the number of districts was divided into 47 districts , consisting of:
1) Kota Tarakan with 4 sub-district
2) Districts of Malinau with 15 districts
3) Bulungan 10 districts
4) Tana Tidung with 3 districts
5) Nunukan with 15 sub
province of North Kalimantan has two (2) districts borders with neighboring countries, the North Sabah (Malaysia), the west Sarawak (Malaysia). The total area of the North Kalimantan province on 2 (two) border districts namely 56884.38 km2 consisting of Malinau District with an area of 42620.70 km2, and Nunukan district with an area of 14263.68 km2. The total area of the border Malinau 26875.03 km2 or 63.05% of the district of Malinau and Nunukan border area of 10928.78 km2 or 76.61% of the area of Nunukan. Profile Border Regions Malinau District Malinau District is one sat udaerah results the expansion of the territory of Bulungan. Astronomically Malinau District is located between 114º35'22 "to 116º50'55 '' east longitude and between 1º21'36" to 4º10'55 '' North latitude. Malinau District is divided into 15 sub-district, namely, District Kayan Hulu, Kayan South, Sungai Boh, Kayan Hilir, Pujungan, Bahau Hulu, Malinau Town, South Malinau, Malinau West, South Malinau Downstream, South Malinau Upstream, the river Tabu, Malinau North, Kayan Mentarang, and Mentarang Hulu. Development in the field of agriculture plays an important role in economic development, especially to improve the living standard of farmers as large groups of people in addition to supporting the growth of the industry. Agriculture which include food crops, plantations, forestry, fisheries, and livestock has always strived to support economic growth and stability. Based on BPS Malinau 2012, acreage and yield of rice and pulses according to the type of commodity can be explained as follows: 1) Rice paddies harvested area of 2,479 ha and generate production 8932 tons. 2) Rice fields with harvested area of 6393 ha and generate production 13 988 tons. 3) Corn harvested area of 129 ha and produce production 249 tons. 4) Soy with harvested area of 10 ha and resulted in the production of 100 tons. 5) Peanuts with a harvested area of 23 ha and resulted in the production of 330 tons. 6 ) The green beans with a harvested area of 12 ha and resulted in the production of 120 tons. 7) cassava with a harvested area of 189 ha and produce production 2,505 tons. 8) The sweet potato with a harvested area of 48 hectares and produce production 442 tons. Plantation with area The harvest contained in cocoa amounted to 4199.5 hectares with a production of 802 tons in 2012, while the smallest harvested area contained in the pepper commodity by 3 hectares with production of 3 tons. Especially for rubber commodity production amount has not been calculated because the government has just set up a program at the same time the division of planting rubber seedlings to the community so that the rubber seedlings were distributed has not been produced. In 2012 for the forestry sector roundwood production reached 306,820.74 m3 meranti. Event handling dikategorkan road in three types of programs: a. Rehabilitation and maintenance of roads and bridges b. Road and bridge construction program c. The program to improve roads and bridges data are used, collected directly from both primary and secondary field through surveys and observation. Some of the activities in the field survey conducted among others: a. Inventory Survey of Road Network. Is intended to provide a framework for priority handling and maintenance to implement a more systematic survey of the entire road network. B. Repeat Assessment Program. Before conducting a detailed study to be carried out centrally and the review of the program of development and improvement of roads and bridges that have been done in previous years. C. Collecting Data Source. Most of the secondary data is a technique to be obtained from the Department of Public Works, Sub-Department of Highways local. Such data include: 1) Spatial Plan province of North Borneo 2) RPJMD North Borneo 3) Development Master Plan Border Region North Borneo 4) Study PREVIOUS 5) BNPP 6) government regulation related to border 7) Data inventory of the road network data more social nature economic, physical conditions of the area, the defense and security of the State
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