Zaman sekarang seluruh dunia memiliki ketergantungan yang sangat besar terjemahan - Zaman sekarang seluruh dunia memiliki ketergantungan yang sangat besar Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Zaman sekarang seluruh dunia memili

Zaman sekarang seluruh dunia memiliki ketergantungan yang sangat besar terhadap AS dan sekutunya. Beginilah nasib dunia Islam di akhir zaman yang diprediksikan Rasulullah saw. Mereka akan mengikuti apa saja yang datang dari Yahudi dan Nashrani, kecuali sedikit diantara mereka yang sadar. Dan prediksi tersebut sekarang benar-benar sedang menimpa sebagian besar umat Islam dan dunia Islam.

Problematika umat islam masa kini berpangkal pada problematika intelektual dan moral. Faktor problematika umat islam masa kini karena terjangkit penyakit wahn, cinta dunia dan takut mati. Mereka tidak peduli akan ayat-ayat yang telah melarang yang buruk, mereka berani melakukan sesuatu yang keji. Umat islam yang terlalu cinta dengan dunia sehingga selalu tertindas dalam kemodernan, sesunguhnya inilah yang telah diprediksi oleh Rasulullah SAW bahwa di zaman yang akan datang manusia akan ada dalam keadaan umat islam yang merosot jauh dari nilai-nilai Al quran dan Hadits sebagai tanda semakin dekatnya hari kiamat.

Manusia, kholifah yang dituntut untuk menegakan jalan lurus kepada umat Islam, menyikapi problematika yang telah memperbudak umat islam dan mencari solusi yang tepat agar bisa keluar dari jebakan para Yahudi dan Nasrani yang menyesatkan. Mengkreasikan kehidupan modern saat ini dengan desain Al quran dan Hadits untuk mengokohkan umat dari kemerosotan akidah yang saat ini sedang terjadi.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Now the whole world has a very large dependent against the US and its allies. Thus the fate of the Islamic world in the end times the predicted Prophet. They will follow whatever comes from Jews and Christians do, except a little conscious of them. And that prediction is now actually being beset most of the Muslims and the Muslim world. Based on the present Muslims based on the intellectual and moral problems. Factors problem Muslims today due to contract the disease wahn, love the world and the fear of death. They don't care about the verses that have banned the bad, they dare to do something nasty. Muslims are too in love with the world so that it is always the underdog in modernity, ' this is what has been predicted by the Prophet Muhammad that in the coming period there will be a human being in a State of Muslims who slumped away from the values of the Qur'an and the Hadith as a sign of closer the day of judgement.Man, the Caliph is required to uphold the road straight to Muslims, addressing problems that have enslaved the Muslims and find the right solution to get out of the trap of the Jews and Christians are misleading. Mengkreasikan modern life this time with the design of Al quran and Hadith to establish the congregation from degeneration of belief which is currently the case.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Today all over the world have a heavy reliance on the US and its allies. Thus the fate of the Islamic world in the end times predicted Prophet. They will follow whatever comes from the Jews and Christians, but few of them are aware of. And these predictions are now really are befalling most Muslims and the Islamic world.

Problems of Muslims today stem from the problems of the intellectual and moral. Factors problematics of Muslims today because wahn disease, love the world and fear of death. They do not care about the verses that have banned the bad, they dared to do something vile. Muslims who are in love with the world that is always oppressed in modernity, this actually means that have been predicted by the Prophet Muhammad that in the days to come there will be a human being in a state of Muslims who slipped away from the values ​​of Al-Quran and Hadith as a sign of the approaching doomsday.

Humans, kholifah are required to uphold the straight path to the Muslims, to address the problems that had enslaved Muslims and find the right solution to get out of the snare of the Jews and Christians are misleading. The creation of today's modern life with the design of Al-Quran and Hadith to strengthen the people of deterioration creed is currently happening. kholifah are required to uphold the straight path to the Muslims, to address the problems that had enslaved Muslims and find the right solution to get out of the snare of the Jews and Christians are misleading. The creation of today's modern life with the design of Al-Quran and Hadith to strengthen the people of deterioration creed is currently happening. kholifah are required to uphold the straight path to the Muslims, to address the problems that had enslaved Muslims and find the right solution to get out of the snare of the Jews and Christians are misleading. The creation of today's modern life with the design of Al-Quran and Hadith to strengthen the people of deterioration creed is currently happening.
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