Business paper
Chapter I INTRODUCTION ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1.1 Background ... ... ... .... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
1.2 formulation of the problem ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
1.3 Interest ................................... ..
Chapter II DISCUSSION ...........................
2.1 Introduction to business ... ... ... .... .. ... ... ... ...
2.1.1 Understanding the business ........................
2.1.2 business objectives. ...........................
2.1.3 business functions .................. .........
2.1.3 business functions ...........................
2.1.4 element in business systems .. . ....
REFERENCES ..........................
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
Each company has the challenge to keep their business mempertahnkan between things another how to maintain its business, among others, how to maintain the quality of service in order to compete with other replacement products that are now emerging.
one of the factors that must be considered in maintaining the quality of services that provide satisfactory service, in line with or exceeding customer expectations. So it is very important to know the services expected by customers.
1.2 The formulation of the problem
in providing services often occurs a difference between the quality of a company that is expected by customers. The magnitude of the difference that quality depends on how big the company is able to meet customer needs and expectations as well as depending on the behavior of the customers in buying, using and evaluating services provided.
1.3 Purpose
The writing of this paper is to meet Ul Medium-term replacement, and in general to introductory material about business and management.
2.1 Introduction to Business
2.1.1 Business Understanding
Business is an organization that sells goods or services to consumers or other businesses, to earn the highest profit. Historically, the business comes from business are derived from the busy which means "busy". In a sense, the busy activity and jobs that bring profits. Kapatalis in economics, most businesses are owned by private parties, business set to profit and increase the prosperity of their owners.
Etymologically, the business is a country where a person or group of people are busy doing work that produces a profit. In general, business is an activity undertaken by an individual or group of people (organizations) that create value through the creation of goods and services to meet the needs of society and the maximum profit through the transaction. There are several definitions of business of several characters including:
a. According to Hughes and Kapoor: "Business is business organized individual to produce and sell to provit, the goods and services that meet the needs of the terms of general business refer to all of these efforts in the community or in an industry.", Which means the business is an activity organized efforts of individuals to produce and sell goods and services to gain an advantage in meeting the needs of society and exists in the industry.
b. According to Musselman and Jackson: business is an activity that meets the needs and wishes of the economical and the company is organized to engage in such activities.
C. According to Griffin and Ebert: "Business is an organization that provides goods or services toearn provit in order", which means the business is an organization that provides goods and services and aims to make a profit (profit). (1996)
d. According to Allan Afuah: is a series of business activities conducted to develop a more robust way to create and change a variety of resources into goods or services that consumers want. (2004).
2.1.2 business objectives
In doing business or entrepreneurship course we have a goal, we must seek before processing the material to make products needed by consumers, in the form of goods and services. In fact, the company's goal is to get maximum profit, which is a gift from the company of providing a product for consumers.
2.1.3 business functions
The Business Dr. function:
1. Getting Raw Materials (obtaining raw materials)
In making bread flour we need to make, making wooden cabinets we also need to make, and in making our notebooks require the branch to make.
2. Manufacturing Raw Materials into products
Once we have obtained the raw material will be processed into a product. For example: in making bread, flour transformed into bread with a variety of flavors.
3. Products for Consumers Distributing
products produced and then distributed to consumers.
2.1.4 elements in the business system
elements in a business system consisting of four, namely:
1. Capital (Capital)
A sum of money that is used to run a business activity that is transa
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