makalah bisnisDAFTAR ISIBab I PENDAHULUAN ... ... ... ... ... ... ...  terjemahan - makalah bisnisDAFTAR ISIBab I PENDAHULUAN ... ... ... ... ... ... ...  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

makalah bisnisDAFTAR ISIBab I PENDA

makalah bisnis

Bab I PENDAHULUAN ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1.1 Latar Belakang ... ... ... .... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
1,2 rumusan masalah ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
1.3 Tujuan ................................... ..
Bab II PEMBAHASAN ...........................
2.1 Pengantar bisnis ... ... ... .... .. ... ... ... ...
2.1.1 Memahami bisnis ........................
2.1.2 tujuan bisnis. ...........................
2.1.3 fungsi bisnis .................. .........
2.1.3 fungsi bisnis ...........................
2.1.4 elemen dalam sistem bisnis ... ....

PUSTAKA ..........................
Bab 1
1.1 Latar Belakang
Setiap perusahaan memiliki tantangan untuk tetap mempertahnkan usahanya antara hal-hal lain bagaimana mempertahankan usahanya antara lain bagaimana menjaga kualitas layanan agar dapat bersaing dengan produk pengganti yg lain sekarang muncul.
Salah satu faktor yang harus diperhatikan dalam menjaga kualitas layanan yang memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan, di sesuai dengan atau melebihi harapan pelanggan. Jadi rasanya sangat penting untuk mengetahui layanan yang diharapkan oleh pelanggan.
1.2 rumusan masalah
Dalam memberikan pelayanan sering terjadi perbedaan antara kualitas suatu perusahaan yang diharapkan oleh pelanggan. Besarnya perbedaan yang kualitas tergantung pada seberapa besar perusahaan mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan harapan pelanggan serta tergantung pada perilaku pelanggan dalam membeli, menggunakan dan mengevaluasi layanan yang disediakan.

1.3 Maksud
Adapun penulisan makalah ini yang khusus untuk memenuhi Ul Jangka Menengah pengganti, dan secara umum untuk bahan pengantar tentang bisnis dan manajemen.
2.1 Pengantar Bisnis
2.1.1 Memahami bisnis
Bisnis adalah suatu organisasi yang menjual barang atau jasa kepada konsumen atau bisnis lainnya , untuk mendapatkan keuntungan tertinggi. Secara historis, bisnis berasal dari bisnis yang berasal dari dasar sibuk yang berarti "sibuk". Dalam arti, sibuk mengerjakan aktivitas dan pekerjaan yang mendatangkan keuntungan. Kapatalis di bidang ekonomi, kebanyakan bisnis dimiliki oleh pihak swasta, bisnis dibentuk untuk keuntungan dan meningkatkan kemakmuran pemiliknya.
Secara etimologis, bisnis adalah Negara dimana seseorang atau sekelompok orang sibuk melakukan pekerjaan yang menghasilkan keuntungan. Secara umum, bisnis adalah suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh individu atau sekelompok orang (organisasi) yang menciptakan nilai melalui penciptaan barang dan jasa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dan keuntungan maksimum melalui transakasi. Ada beberapa definisi bisnis dari beberapa karakter termasuk:
a. Menurut Hughes dan Kapoor: "Bisnis adalah usaha yang terorganisir individu untuk memproduksi dan menjual untuk provit, maka barang dan jasa yang memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat Istilah bisnis umum merujuk kepada semua upaya tersebut dalam masyarakat atau dalam suatu industri.", Yang berarti bisnis adalah sebuah kegiatan yang diselenggarakan upaya individu untuk memproduksi dan menjual barang dan jasa guna mendapatkan keuntungan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dan ada dalam industri.
b. Menurut Musselman dan Jackson: bisnis merupakan kegiatan yang memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan masyarakat ekonomis dan perusahaan diorganisasikan untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan tersebut.
C. Menurut Griffin dan Ebert: "Bisnis adalah sebuah organisasi yang menyediakan barang atau jasa toearn provit dalam rangka", yang berarti bisnis adalah suatu organisasi yang menyediakan barang dan jasa dan bertujuan untuk menghasilkan keuntungan (profit). (1996)
d. Menurut Allan Afuah: adalah serangkaian kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan untuk mengembangkan cara yang lebih kuat untuk menciptakan dan mengubah berbagai sumber daya menjadi barang atau jasa yang diinginkan konsumen. (2004).

2.1.2 tujuan bisnis
Dalam melakukan bisnis atau kewirausahaan tentu saja kita memiliki tujuan, kita harus mencari sebelum memproses bahan untuk membuat produk yang dibutuhkan oleh konsumen, yaitu dalam bentuk barang dan jasa. Padahal, tujuan perusahaan adalah mendapatkan keuntungan yang maksimal, yaitu hadiah yang diperoleh perusahaan dari penyediaan suatu produk bagi konsumen.
2.1.3 fungsi bisnis
Adapun Bisnis yang Dr. fungsi:
1. Mendapatkan Bahan Baku (memperoleh bahan baku)
Dalam membuat roti kita perlu tepung untuk membuatnya, membuat lemari kita juga perlu kayu untuk membuatnya, dan dalam membuat notebook kami memerlukan cabang untuk membuatnya.
2. Manufaktur Bahan Baku menjadi produk
Setelah bahan baku kami telah memperoleh akan diolah menjadi sebuah produk. Sebagai contoh: dalam membuat roti, tepung terigu diubah menjadi roti dengan berbagai rasa.
3. Mendistribusikan Produk untuk Konsumen
produk yang dihasilkan kemudian didistribusikan ke konsumen.

2.1.4 elemen dalam sistem bisnis
Elemen dalam sistem bisnis terdiri dari empat, yaitu:
1. Modal (Capital)
Sejumlah uang yang digunakan untuk menjalankan kegiatan usaha yaitu transa
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Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
business papersTABLE OF CONTENTSChapter I INTRODUCTION ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...1.1 Background ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....1.2 the formulation problem ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....1.3 Tujuan ................................... ..Chapter II The DISCUSSION...........................2.1 Introduction to business ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...2.1.1 understanding the business........................2.1.2 business purposes. ...........................2.1.3 business functions...........................2.1.3 business functions...........................2.1.4 elements in the business system .... ...Library ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....Chapter 1INTRODUCTION1.1 BackgroundEvery company has a challenge to keep mempertahnkan her efforts among other things how to maintain its business among other things how to maintain quality of the service to be able to compete with other yg replacement products now appear.One of the factors that must be considered in maintaining the quality of services provide satisfying service, in accordance with or exceed customer expectations. So it feels very important to know the service expected by customers.1.2 outline of the problemIn providing services often occurs a difference between the quality of a company's expected by the customer. The magnitude of the difference that quality depends on how big the company is able to meet the needs and expectations of customers and depending on the behavior of customers in buying, using and evaluating the services provided.1.3 the intentionsAs for writing this paper specifically to meet Ul medium term replacement, and in General to the introductory material about business and management.CHAPTER IIDISCUSSION2.1 Introduction to Business2.1.1 understanding the businessBusiness is an organization that sells goods or services to consumers or other businesses, to earn the highest profit. Historically, the business comes from businesses that derive from the base busy which means "busy". In a sense, been busy working on the activity and jobs that bring in profits. Kapatalis in the field of Economics, most businesses owned by private parties, business was formed for profit and increase the prosperity of its owner.Etymologically, the business was the country in which a person or group of people busy doing work that is making a profit. In General, business is an activity conducted by individuals or groups of people (organizations) that creates value through the creation of goods and services to meet the needs of the community and the maximum profit through transakasi. There are several definitions of the business of some of the characters include:a. According to Hughes and Kapoor: "the business of business is an organized individual to manufacture and sell to provit, then goods and services that meet the needs of the community's general business terms refer to all such efforts in the community or in an industry.", which means a business is an activity organized individual efforts to produce and sell goods and services in order to obtain an advantage in meeting the needs of the community and there is in the industry.b. According to Musselman and Jackson: a business is an activity that meets the needs and desires of the community economically and the company organized to engage in such activities.C. According to Griffin and Ebert: "business is an organization that provides goods or services toearn provit in order", which means business is an organization that provides goods and services and aims to turn a profit (profit). (1996)d. According to Allan Afuah: is a set of business activities conducted to develop a more powerful way to create and modify a wide variety of resources into the desired goods or services to consumers. (2004).2.1.2 business goalsIn doing business or entrepreneurship of course we have a goal, we should be looking for before processing the material to make products needed by consumers, i.e. in the form of goods and services. Whereas, the purpose of the company is to get the maximum profit, IE the rewards that accrue to the company from providing a product for consumers.2.1.3 business functionsAs for Dr. business function:1. Get the raw material (obtain raw materials)In making the bread we need flour to make it, make the closet we also need wood to make it, and in making our notebooks require the branch to make it.2. Manufacturing the raw materials into productsAfter the raw material we have acquired will be processed into a product. For example: in making bread, wheat flour is converted into bread with a variety of flavors.3. Distribute the product to the consumerthe resulting products are then distributed to consumers.2.1.4 elements in the business systemElements in the business system consists of four, namely:1. Capital (Capital)An amount of money that is used to run business activities namely transa
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Business paper

Chapter I INTRODUCTION ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1.1 Background ... ... ... .... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
1.2 formulation of the problem ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....
1.3 Interest ................................... ..
Chapter II DISCUSSION ...........................
2.1 Introduction to business ... ... ... .... .. ... ... ... ...
2.1.1 Understanding the business ........................
2.1.2 business objectives. ...........................
2.1.3 business functions .................. .........
2.1.3 business functions ...........................
2.1.4 element in business systems .. . ....

REFERENCES ..........................
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
Each company has the challenge to keep their business mempertahnkan between things another how to maintain its business, among others, how to maintain the quality of service in order to compete with other replacement products that are now emerging.
one of the factors that must be considered in maintaining the quality of services that provide satisfactory service, in line with or exceeding customer expectations. So it is very important to know the services expected by customers.
1.2 The formulation of the problem
in providing services often occurs a difference between the quality of a company that is expected by customers. The magnitude of the difference that quality depends on how big the company is able to meet customer needs and expectations as well as depending on the behavior of the customers in buying, using and evaluating services provided.

1.3 Purpose
The writing of this paper is to meet Ul Medium-term replacement, and in general to introductory material about business and management.
2.1 Introduction to Business
2.1.1 Business Understanding
Business is an organization that sells goods or services to consumers or other businesses, to earn the highest profit. Historically, the business comes from business are derived from the busy which means "busy". In a sense, the busy activity and jobs that bring profits. Kapatalis in economics, most businesses are owned by private parties, business set to profit and increase the prosperity of their owners.
Etymologically, the business is a country where a person or group of people are busy doing work that produces a profit. In general, business is an activity undertaken by an individual or group of people (organizations) that create value through the creation of goods and services to meet the needs of society and the maximum profit through the transaction. There are several definitions of business of several characters including:
a. According to Hughes and Kapoor: "Business is business organized individual to produce and sell to provit, the goods and services that meet the needs of the terms of general business refer to all of these efforts in the community or in an industry.", Which means the business is an activity organized efforts of individuals to produce and sell goods and services to gain an advantage in meeting the needs of society and exists in the industry.
b. According to Musselman and Jackson: business is an activity that meets the needs and wishes of the economical and the company is organized to engage in such activities.
C. According to Griffin and Ebert: "Business is an organization that provides goods or services toearn provit in order", which means the business is an organization that provides goods and services and aims to make a profit (profit). (1996)
d. According to Allan Afuah: is a series of business activities conducted to develop a more robust way to create and change a variety of resources into goods or services that consumers want. (2004).

2.1.2 business objectives
In doing business or entrepreneurship course we have a goal, we must seek before processing the material to make products needed by consumers, in the form of goods and services. In fact, the company's goal is to get maximum profit, which is a gift from the company of providing a product for consumers.
2.1.3 business functions
The Business Dr. function:
1. Getting Raw Materials (obtaining raw materials)
In making bread flour we need to make, making wooden cabinets we also need to make, and in making our notebooks require the branch to make.
2. Manufacturing Raw Materials into products
Once we have obtained the raw material will be processed into a product. For example: in making bread, flour transformed into bread with a variety of flavors.
3. Products for Consumers Distributing
products produced and then distributed to consumers.

2.1.4 elements in the business system
elements in a business system consisting of four, namely:
1. Capital (Capital)
A sum of money that is used to run a business activity that is transa
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