Pertama, saya menerima undangan untuk seleksi tahap awal oleh Dekan FT terjemahan - Pertama, saya menerima undangan untuk seleksi tahap awal oleh Dekan FT Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pertama, saya menerima undangan unt

Pertama, saya menerima undangan untuk seleksi tahap awal oleh Dekan FT Unmul, Seluruh Dosen FT di persilahkan mengumpulkan persyaratan-persyaratan (riset proposal, TOEFL ITP score, dll) kepada Dekan yang kemudian beliau kirimkan ke FT Unhas untuk seleksi dokumen. Beliau menyarankan saya untuk ikut karena beliau tahu saya berminat melanjutkan ke jenjang berikutnya. Tahun sebelumnya, sudah ada satu orang yang berangkat ke Ehime dari FT Unmul.

Setelah itu 2 orang yang akhirnya dipanggil untuk test wawancara awal dengan perwakilan dari Ehime di Unhas

Saya bertemu Sensei Okamura, kurang lebih 22 orang peserta dari Seluruh Indonesia Timur ikut seleksi dengan membawa dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan, saat itu juga langsung dinyatakan lanjut atau gugur, yang lolos kurang lebih 6 orang.

setelah dinyatakan lanjut ke tahap berikutnya, saya disarankan untuk mengontak calon supervisor yang memang sudah saya pilih sebelumnya.

Jika komunikasi via email, calon supervisor menyatakan bersedia maka saya lanjut ke tahap seleksi wawancara via skype dengan calon supervisor, yang lolos mendapatkan persetujuan calon spv adalah 4 orang.

pada tanggal xxx akhirnya saya dinyatakan lolos untuk tahap berikutnya, kemudian saya mengirim berkas ke Ehime dan membayar biaya test masuk Perguruan Tinggi di Ehime.

Pada tangal xxx, saya bersama 2 orang teman saya lainnya mengikuti test via skype dengan 4 orang sensei di Ehime, salah satunya adalah calon spv saya. setelah tanya jawab terkait dokumen, publikasi dan sebagainya kami di suruh menunggu pengumuman.

tanggal kami diberitahukan via email bahwa berkas dokumen Letter of notification akan dikirimkan

kemudian kami di email LoA oleh pihak xxx
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
First, I received an invitation to the selection of the initial stage by Dean FT. Unmul, all of the survivors gather at FT. Lecturer requirements (research proposal, ITP TOEFL score, etc.) to Dean that he later sent to FT. Unhas for the selection of documents. He suggested me to join because he knows I am interested to continue to the next level. In previous years, there's been one person who went to Ehime Unmul from the FT. After that 2 people who finally called to test the initial interviews with representatives from Ehime at Hasanuddin UniversityI met the Sensei Okamura, approximately 22 participants from across Eastern Indonesia joined the selection with carrying the required documents, while it also directly stated or fall further, which passes less than 6 people.After further stated to the next stage, I was advised to contact prospective supervisors who indeed I choose before.If the communication via email, your prospective supervisor States willing then I advanced to the stage of selection interview via skype with the prospective supervisor, who qualify get the approval of candidates we are 4 people.on xxx I finally declared qualified for the next stage, then I send a file to the Ehime and pay the cost of college entrance test in Ehime.At current date xxx, I along with my other 2 friends test via skype with 2 people sensei in Ehime, one of which is a candidate for my spv. After questioning related documents, publications and so on we have in waiting for the announcement.the date we were told via email that file documents Letter of notification will be sentthen we email the Attraction in xxx
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
First, I received an invitation to the initial stage of selection by the Dean of FT Unmul, whole FT Lecturer at the invite gather requirements (research proposal, ITP TOEFL score, etc.) to the Dean who then send him to the FT Unhas for selection of documents. He advised me to go because he knew I was interested to continue to the next level. The previous year, there is one person who went to Ehime from FT Unmul. After that two people were eventually called in to test the initial interview with a representative of Ehime in Unhas I met Sensei Okamura, approximately 22 participants from the entire Eastern Indonesia for selection by bringing documents needed, when it also implied further or fall, which passes approximately 6 people. after being advanced to the next stage, I was advised to contact a prospective supervisor who had been my chosen beforehand. If the communication via email, prospective supervisor stated willing then I go to the selection phase of the interview via skype with the prospective supervisor, who passed the approval of candidates SPV is 4. on xxx end I passed to the next stage, then I send files to Ehime and pay a fee entrance test Universities in Ehime . on the date xxx, I along with my other two friends follow the test via skype with 4 people sensei in Ehime, one of which is my SPV candidate. after the question and answer related documents, publications and so we were told to wait for the announcement, the date we notified via email that the document file Letters of notification will be sent later in the email LoA by the xxx

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