Internet is not familiar to today's global society. Internet is at the level that is almost parallel with the staple food for most people the era of globalization. Once the importance of the Internet for the public. But the appearance of the Internet certainly had a significant impact on global society. Incalculable how many negative impacts on the internet because of the presence in public life. One example in the form of negative content can easily affect the mindset of society as a whole.
In addition to the negative impact, the Internet also brings a myriad of positive dampang. Internet allows us to engage in activities that once seemed difficult. One example is the correspondence. If the first activities of correspondence takes days or even up to a matter of weeks. With the advent of internet, now these activities can be done in just a few minutes without even getting out of any house we can already exchanged letters.
Now the Internet also brings major changes in university life, especially for students and lecturers. Internet is fresh air for students today. Can be said that internet is the life for the students. How not, the students will feel confused when their connection is not connected in some time. They rely heavily on the internet signal in conducting their activities. One example task. As we all know, the function of the print media in the learning has been much altered by the presence of the internet. Students now can be said is no longer read the textbooks and they prefer to find material via the internet in because of the ease of access that is provided, as well as students. The students prefer to find reference material through the internet rather than print books. And they can conduct group discussion through online media which must only be done when connected to the Internet. Most lecturers are also very memanafaatkan internet presence. Some of them prefer to accept the result of the assignment students through online media that we call by email.
Speaking of the Internet, there is one thing that is integral to her that signal. We could get a signal in various ways. One of them through packet data quota has been provided by almost all the service operators at this time. With the quota, we can access the internet anywhere and anytime. In this case the quota becomes very in dewakan by internet users. There is even a watchword among students is 'eating reluctant important meal quota'.
Be thoughtful in using the internet. Because the Internet is like a double-edged knife. On the one hand, highly profitable internet users, but at the same time the Internet can also endanger the user.
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