Setelah posisi kabel yang ada sudah terlihat, kemudian mulai menggali di kedua ujung posisi pipa yang akan diletakkan. Proses penggalian menggunakan excavator.Kabel Eksiting yang sudah terlihat didukung oleh perancah agar tidak jatuh ke tanah dan untuk menghindari agar tidak putus oleh kegiatan penggalian, jangan lupa untuk memberikan baricade sekitar perancah.After the position of the cable there is already visible, then begin digging at both ends of the pipe will be laid position. The process of excavation using excavators.Cable Eksiting already seen supported by scaffolding in order not to fall to the ground and to avoid so as not to break up by the excavation activities, don't forget to give the baricade around scaffolding.After the cables that already seen, then began digging at both ends of the pipe to be laid position. The process of excavation using excavators.Existing Cable that already seen supported by scaffolding to keep from falling to the ground and to avoid being break up by the excavation activities, do not forget to give baricade around the scaffolding.
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