Pekalongan, February 4, 2014
Mr. / Mrs. Teacher Guardian Class XII IPA 1
SMAN 4 Pekalongan Olina Wr.Wb. Dear Sirs, I hereby parent / guardian of the student: Name: Akmal Setiawan Students: Class XII IPA 1 SMAN 4 Pekalongan Address: Jalan Kembangan 1 Pekalongan Specifies that my son mentioned above can not follow the lessons as usual on this day, Friday, February 4, 2014 due to illness. Therefore, in case Mr / Ms Master Guardian Class XII Science 1 to deign to grant permission to the time specified by the physician in the attachment. So permit me to make, for his approval and discretion Mr. / Mrs. Teacher Guardian Class I say many thanks. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb Yours sincerely, (Aphids Zakaria)
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