Menanggapi surat Berita Acara, hari rabu tanggal 27 juli 2016, mengena terjemahan - Menanggapi surat Berita Acara, hari rabu tanggal 27 juli 2016, mengena Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Menanggapi surat Berita Acara, hari

Menanggapi surat Berita Acara, hari rabu tanggal 27 juli 2016, mengenai claim tanaman rumput gajah mini, tanaman kacangan dan tanaman bawangan di area landscape milik PT Kawasan Industri Kendal (KIK) total jumlah claim sebesar Rp. 10.225.000, dengan rincian :
a. Rumput Gajah Mini : Rp. 1.725.000,00
b. Tanaman Kacangan : Rp. 7.500.000,00
c. Tanaman Bawangan : Rp. 1.000.000,00

kami PT KADI INTERNATIONAL akan memberi penjelasan sebagai bahan pertimbangan mengenai permasalahan tersebut, sebagai berikut :
1. Kami, PT KADI INTERNATIONAL melaksanakan pekerjaan berdasarkan lahan yang diberikan oleh pihak owner, dalam hal ini PT Kawasan Industri Kendal (KIK),
2. Kami, PT KADI INTERNATIONAL melaksanakan pekerjaan juga berdasarkan persetujuan dari pihak owner dalam hal ini PT Kawasan Industri Kendal (KIK),
3. Dalam proses perjalanan pelaksanaan pekerjaan ternyata lahan sudah dalam keadaan tertanami beberapa tanaman yang diclaim (tersebut diatas),
4. Kami, PT KADI INTERNATIONAL dengan berat hati menolak atas claim tersebut, karena pada dasarnya kami mendapatkan perintah untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan (terdapat dalam clausul contract infra 1A-2, bulan Mei 2015) dan berdasarkan koordinasi dengan pihak Owner dalam hal ini PT Kawasan Industri Kendal (KIK).

Demikian tanggapan kami atas surat Berita Acara yang dikirimkan kepada kami.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Responding to the news letter shows, Wednesday July 27, 2016, elephant grass plants claim about mini, nuts and plant the plant bawangan landscape area belongs to PT Industrial Kendal (KIK) claim the total amount is Rp. 10,225,000, with details:a. Elephant Grass Mini: Rp. 1,725,000.00b. Plant Nuts: Rp. 7,500,000.00c. Plant Bawangan: IDR 1,000,000.00our PT KADI INTERNATIONAL will shed some light as material considerations regarding these problems, as follows:1. we, PT KADI INTERNATIONAL undertakings based on land given by the owner, in this case PT Industrial Kendal (KIK),2. we, PT KADI INTERNATIONAL undertakings are also based on the consent of the owner in this case PT Industrial Kendal (KIK),3. In the process of implementation of the work trip turns out of land already in a State of tertanami a few diclaim plants (above),4. we, PT KADI INTERNATIONAL reluctantly declined over the claim, because basically we get orders to carry out the job (found in the clausul infrared contract 1A-2, May 2000) and based on coordination with the Owner in this case PT Industrial Kendal (KIK).So our response over mail News Events that are sent to us.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Responding to a letter Minutes, Wednesday 27th of July 2016, the plant claim mini elephant grass, legume cover crops and landscape plants onions in the area belonging to PT Kawasan Industri Kendal (CIC) of the total claim of Rp. 10.225 million, with details:
a. Elephant Grass Mini: Rp. 1,725,000.00
b. Plants Nuts: Rp. 7,500,000.00
c. Plant onions: Rp. 1,000,000.00

Our PT KADI INTERNATIONAL will provide explanations for consideration on these issues, as follows:
1. We, PT KADI INTERNATIONAL execute jobs based on land provided by the owner, in this case PT Kawasan Industri Kendal (KIK),
2. We, PT KADI INTERNATIONAL carrying out the work is also based on the consent of the owner in this case PT Kawasan Industri Kendal (KIK),
3. In the process of implementation of the trip turned out to land a job in a state planted a few plants that diclaim (mentioned above),
4. We, PT KADI INTERNATIONAL reluctantly rejected the above claim, because basically we get the command to carry out the work (contained in clausul contract infra 1A-2, May 2015) and in coordination with the Owner in this case PT Kawasan Industri Kendal ( KIK).

Similarly, our response to the letter Minutes sent to us.
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