Bagian 1Pendahuluan1.1 Latar BelakangDalam menghadapi era globalisasi, terjemahan - Bagian 1Pendahuluan1.1 Latar BelakangDalam menghadapi era globalisasi, Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Bagian 1Pendahuluan1.1 Latar Belaka

Bagian 1


1.1 Latar Belakang

Dalam menghadapi era globalisasi, maka perkembangan teknologi bangunan lepas pantai menjadi suatu kebutuhan untuk bisa mendukung berbagai aktifitas secara efektif dan efisien di industri minyak dan gas. Tentunya perkembangan teknologi ini harus terus dilakukan secara terus menerus dan berkesinambungan. Kini penerapan teknologi bangunan lepas pantai bisa diterapkan secara majemuk diberbagai aspek perminyakan, termasuk di dalam bidang oil and gas. Penerapan teknologi ini mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda untuk setiap sumur minyak atau gas, oleh karena itu perlu dasar pemahaman yang kuat agar teknologi bangunan lepas pantai bisa diterapkan secara tepat guna di berbagai aspek industri minyak dan gas.

Untuk mendukung kemajuan ini, maka institusi pendidikan merupakan salah satu stakeholder yang harus mampu menciptakan sumberdaya manusia yang bisa mengisi pos- pos di bidang teknologi bangunan lepas pantai. Selain itu institusi pendidikan harus mampu memahami permintaan yang tinggi dari pihak industri. Kerjasama antara pemerintah, institusi pendidikan dan industri harus menjadi perhatian utama agar mampu terciptanya sumber daya manusia yang handal. Institusi akademik harus bisa menyiapkan mahasiswanya untuk mampu memahami kehidupan nyata di dunia kerja.

Meskipun demikian, dalam kenyataannya masih ada jarak antara pemahaman yang didapatkan selama mengikuti kegiatan perkuliahan di kelas, dengan keadaan nyata di dunia kerja. Ini terbukti dari banyaknya fakta yang menyebutkan bahwa mahasiswa yang baru lulus tidak siap untuk bekerja di industri. Hal ini didasari oleh satu hal : kurangnya pengalaman kerja yang didapatkan selama mengikuti kegiatan perkuliahan dikelas.

Untuk bisa mengantisipasi keadaan ini, Universitas Hasanuddin selaku institusi pendidikan memfasilitasi mahasiswa untuk bisa memahami secara langsung dunia kerja, dengan memberian satu mata kuliah khusus, yaitu kerja praktek (dengan kode 472D324). Dengan adanya kerja praktek, diharapkan mahasiswa bisa mengetahui secara nyata bagaimana kondisi di dunia kerja. Harapan lainnya, mahasiswa bisa melakukan analisis terhadap sistem yang berjalan di industri agar bisa memberikan sebuah solusi sehingga berdampak positif bagi industri. Kerja praktek merupakan satu langkah yang bisa meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa untuk bisa beradaptasi dengan baik terhadap dunia kerja nantinya.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Part 1Introduction1.1 BackgroundIn the face of globalization era, then the technological development of offshore building became a necessity in order to support the various activities effectively and efficiently in the oil and gas industry. Surely this technological development must continue to be done continuously and sustainability. Now the application of the technology of building offshore can be applied in various aspects of petroleum compounds, including in the field of oil and gas. The application of this technology has different characteristics for each oil well or gas, therefore need a strong understanding of the basics so that offshore building technology can be applied in appropriate in various aspects of the oil and gas industry.To support the advancement of this educational institution is one of the stakeholders who need to be able to create human resources who could fill posts in the field of building technology offshore. In addition to that educational institution should be able to understand the high demand of the industry. Cooperation between Governments, educational institutions and industry should be the main attention to the creation of human resources. Academic institutions should be able to prepare the student to be able to understand the real life in the world of work.However, in reality there is still distance between understanding that are obtained during the following activities lectures in the classroom, with the State of the real world of work. This is evidenced by the fact that mention that students who graduate are not ready to work in the industry. It is based on one thing: a lack of work experience obtained during lecture activity processed.To be able to anticipate this situation, Hasanuddin University as educational institutions to facilitate students to understand firsthand the world of work, with special courses provides one, namely work practices (code 472D324). With the practicum, students are expected to know for real how conditions in the world of work. Hope other students can do an analysis of the system running on industry in order to provide a solution so that the impact is positive for the industry. Job training is one step that could increase the ability of the student to be able to adapt well to the world of work.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Background In the era of globalization, the development of offshore building technology becomes a necessity to be able to support a wide range of activities effectively and efficiently in the oil and gas industry. Obviously the development of these technologies should be done continuously and sustainably. Now the application of offshore building technology can be applied in various aspects of petroleum compound, including in the field of oil and gas. Application of this technology has different characteristics for each oil or gas well, and therefore need a basic understanding of the strong order building technologies offshore can be applied appropriately in order in the various aspects of the oil and gas industry. To support this progress, the educational institution is one the stakeholders must be able to create human resources that can fill the post- post in the field of building technology offshore. Besides educational institutions should be able to understand the high demand of the industry. Cooperation between the government, educational institutions and industry should be a major concern to be able to create human resources that are reliable. Academic institutions should be able to prepare its students to be able to understand the real life in the world of work. However, in reality there is no gap between the understanding gained during the lectures in the classroom, with the real situation in the world of work. This is evident from the many facts mentioned that new graduates are not ready to work in the industry. This is based on one thing: lack of work experience gained during the lectures in class. To be able to anticipate this situation, Hasanuddin University as educational institutions to facilitate students to understand directly the world of work, with memberian one specific subject, namely the practical work ( with code 472D324). With the practical work, students are expected to know how the conditions in the real world of work. Other expectations, students can conduct an analysis of the systems that run on industry in order to provide a solution that positively impact the industry. Practical work is a step that can improve students' ability to adapt well to the world of work later on.

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