ricky adalah salah satu pelajar yang di terima sebagai mahasiswa baru  terjemahan - ricky adalah salah satu pelajar yang di terima sebagai mahasiswa baru  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

ricky adalah salah satu pelajar yan

ricky adalah salah satu pelajar yang di terima sebagai mahasiswa baru di politehnik malang. ricky hanyalah seorang anak petani biasa. tak disangka anak seorang petani ini di terima sebagai mahasiswa baru di polinema pada tahun 2014 di program studi d3-elektronika. kesuksesan ini tak datang begitu saja. berkat kerja keras dan ketekunannya serta dukungan doa dari kedua orang tuanya dia terpilih menjadi mahasiswa polinema. pada tahun 2014 ia di nobatkan sebagai siswa dari sekolah menengah keatas negeri 1 wates yang lulus ujian nasional. mulai saat itu kepercayaan diri untuk mendapatkan unifersitas yang faforit tumbuh dalam diri ricky.

ricky adalah putra sulung dari zaenal abidin. ia bersama lima saudaranya di besarkan di keluaga sederhana. setiap kali pulang sekolah ia membantu ayahnya di sawah. sembari membantu ayahnya di sawah, ia sering melantunkan sholawat. sholawat yang sering ia lantunkan pada saat itu ialah sholawat nabi. pria yang lahir di kediri 12 juli 1995 kini berusia 19 tahun ini. memiliki nama asli ricky ulil azmi abdillah. dari namanya saja kita bisa menyimpulkan bahwa ia adalah seorang muslim. sejak kecil ricky sudah mengenal islam .terbukti ia pada tahun 2002 ia lulus di rudhotul islam nasiatul mubtadiin. setelah itu ia meneruskan di sekolah dasar nasiatul mubtadiin dan tahun 2008 ia meneruskan di madrasah tsanawiah negeri 1 kediri . serta pada tahun 2011 ia melanjutkan di madrasah aliah negeri 3 kediri meski selama 2 tahun di sana dan ia di pindahkan oleh orang tuanya di sma negeri 1 wates kediri.

sebenarnya ricky bercita-cita ingin menjadi dokter. namun cita-cita itu tak terwujud lantaran ia tidak direstui oleh orang tuanya. tak putus asa ricky lantaran cita-cita itu gagal ia memilih polinema sebagai tujuan keduanya. pada saat itu ricky tes lewat jalur sb-umpn. gedung graha lah yang menjadi tempatnya. brangkat dari rumah jam 4 pagi dan sampai di malang jam 6 pagi.bersama teman baiknya jayadi yang setia mengantar ricky ke polinema. 100 soal terdiri dari 5 mata pelajaran yaitu matematik,fisika,kimia,bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris . beberapa soal yang dianggap mudah ia jawap dan sisanya ia serahkan ketuhan yang maha esa. ricky pun sedikit putus asa karena banyaknya soal yang ia tidak bisa jawap. sambil menunggu hasil tes ricky selalu berdoa agar ia lulus ujian. seminggu kemudian tepatnya hari jumat ricky membuka di situs www.admisi-polinema.com untuk melihat hasil ujian. berkat tuhan yang maha esa ricky dinyatakan lulus ujian dan diterima menjadi mahasiswa polinema di program studi d3-elektronika. syukur ia panjatkan kepada tuhan yang maha esa dan keluarga pun merasa bangga mengetahui ricky diterima.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
ricky is one of the students who are received as a freshman at politehnik malang. ricky is just a normal farmer's son. unexpectedly the son of a farmer in receipt as a freshman at polinema in 2014 in the study program d3-electronics. This success does not come with it. Thanks to the hard work and prayer as well as support its perseverance from his parents he was elected student of polinema. in 2014 it in nobatkan as a student of secondary schools over the country 1 wates who pass the national exam. from then on the confidence to get the unifersitas faforit grows inside ricky.

ricky is the eldest son of zaenal abidin. He and his five siblings in the outlines in simple keluaga. whenever came home from school he helped his father in the fields. while helping his father in the fields, he would often chant sholawat. He often lantunkan font at the moment it is the font of the Prophet. the man who was born in kediri, July 12, 1995 this 19-year old now. named ricky ulil azmi ' Abd. from the name alone, we can conclude that he is a muslim. Since little ricky has already proven he knows islam. in 2002 he graduated in Islamic rudhotul nasiatul mubtadiin. After that he continued at primary school nasiatul mubtadiin and in 2008 he assumed in madrasah tsanawiah kediri 1 country. and in 2011 he continued at the madrasa in Madinah negeri 3 kediri though for 2 years there and he was on the move by his parents in sma negeri 1 wates, kediri.

ricky actually aspires to become a doctor. but that goal was not realized, because he had not condoned by parents. do not despair because of ricky's ideals failed he chose polinema as the destination of the two. at the time ricky tests by sb-umpn. building graha who became the place to be. brangkat from home 4 hours in the morning and got poor at 6 a.m. with a loyal friend jayadi takes ricky to polinema. 100 reserved consists of 5 subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, English language and English. some of the questions considered easy it jawap and the rest he gave ketuhan the one true God. ricky was a little desperate because of the many questions he could not jawap. While waiting for the results of tests on ricky is always praying that he passed the exam. exactly a week later Friday opening at the site www.admisi-polinema.com ricky to see the results of the test. Thanks to God Almighty ricky declared pass the exam and were accepted into the student's program of study polinema d3-electronics. gratitude he panjatkan to God Almighty and the family also feel proud knowing ricky admitted.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Ricky is one of the students who are accepted as a new student at politehnik unfortunate. ricky is just an ordinary farm boy. unexpected was the son of a farmer accepted as a new student in Polinema in 2014 in d3-electronics courses. This success does not come just like that. thanks to the hard work and perseverance and prayer support from both parents he was elected student Polinema. in 2014 he was crowned as the middle and upper school students from state 1 Wates who pass the national exam. from that moment the confidence to get the faforit unifersitas grow in ricky. ricky is the eldest son of zaenal abidin. he was raised with five siblings in a simple keluaga. each time after school he helped his father in the fields. while helping his father in the fields, he often sang sholawat. sholawat which he often recited at the time is sholawat prophet. man who was born in Kediri 12 July 1995 19-year-old. ricky real name ulil abdillah azmi. from the name alone we can conclude that he is a Muslim. ricky've known since childhood he .terbukti Islam in 2002 he graduated in Islamic rudhotul nasiatul Mubtadiin. after which he continued in elementary school nasiatul Mubtadiin and in 2008 he continued in madrassas tsanawiah 1 kediri country. and in 2011 he continued in the country 3 kediri religious high school for 2 years despite there and he was on the move by his parents in the country sma 1 Wates kediri. actually ricky aspires to become a doctor. but the ideals were not realized because it was not sanctioned by their parents. ricky do not despair because it failed ideals he chose Polinema as both goals. ricky tests at the time via the sb-UMPN. housekeeping building that was the place. brangkat of the house at 4 am and up at 6 o'clock pagi.bersama unfortunate jayadi loyal best friend to usher ricky Polinema. 100 questions consisting of 5 subjects namely mathematics, physics, chemistry, Indonesian and English. some questions that are considered easy it jawap and the rest he handed Deity supreme one. ricky was a bit desperate because of the many questions that he could not jawap. while awaiting the results of tests ricky always pray that he passed the exam. exactly a week later on Friday ricky open-polinema.com www.admisi site to see the results of the exam. thanks god almighty esa ricky passed the exam and received a student in a course Polinema d3-electronics. thanks god he prayed to the almighty one and the family felt proud knowing ricky accepted.

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