BIOGRAPHYErni inggile or commonly called erni is one of a seller who daily selling in the market liluwo. He was born on March 13, 1973 which is about 43 years ago. The mother of a child into Erni was 4 of 5 brothers and she was a widow, she has split with her husband quite old and has 1 person a boy. Erni's mother is just a graduate of SMK SMK N 1 in INDONESIA where he schools Erni mother daily selling ranging from 7-30 in the morning until 10 00 pm. Erni's mother sells the materials needed by housewives such as rice, cooking oil, sugar, eggs, herbs and more. This business is conducted by him since March 24, 2016 or about 3 months ago and earning mother Erni daily PC less Rp. 500,000
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